Wednesday, March 29, 2023


Thank you Joyce.
To join in the fun click HERE

1.Why do you blog? Have your reasons changed over time? 

When I started I wasn't really sure why. I do know that I was going through a tough time in my life and it was an awesome way to meet people. I love the friends I have made. I also wanted, at the time, a place where a grandchild could get to know me. That was well before I knew I would ever have one. 

2. What's a typical Friday night look like at your house?

Unless we head over to Adam on Gabby's sometimes on a Friday night a normal Friday night has always been pizza and a movie on TV. 

3. Do you like donuts? Your favorite kind? How often do you treat yourself to a donut? Have you ever made homemade donuts? 

Yes, I like donuts. I like a glazed donut. I hardly ever treat myself to a donut but I can tell you that James loves donuts and they often have some at their house. No, I don't believe I have ever made a donut. 

4. How do you feel about shopping?Are you an online shopper? Catalog shopper? Brick and mortar shopper? Do you order groceries online or prefer to select items with your own two hands? 

I am definitely an online shopper. Years ago I would go shopping more. I do order things from Amazon and I do buy clothes online. I do go to Target often and then I stop at a few grocery stores. I did order groceries online from Sprouts during the pandemic. They did a wonderful job on picking items out for me. 

5. Next week's Hodgepodge finds us somehow in the month of April, which just so happens to be National Poetry Month. Sum up (or tell us something about) your month of March in the form of a limerick. You can do it!! 

Doctor's appointments never seemed to end
Bowling was fun to spend time with my friend
Being with James was definitely the best part
Spending Sunday with him just warmed up my heart
We went to the a park and road the train 
Then over to the zoo where he feed a goat with some grain

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

More to come with with our time with James on Sunday while his parents went to spend the night at a winery. 

He loves building train tracks. New designs all the time!


MadSnapper said...

wild clapping for the poem! great job on it, you know I love rhyming a lot. I do a lot of shopping on line except for clothing. those need to be tried on. as for why I blog, right now I don't even know. when i started in 2009 it was because I loved photography, and needed and outlet for that and also a way to be in contact with people since I had retired. now I am not sure why I keep doing it

Chatty Crone said...

I love your limerick - you are a poet!
I am glad we met on blogger - it has been great to have you as a friend.
You don't eat donuts anymore? I call that will power. Shocking.
I relax on Fridays too.
Plus I am a BIG online shopper too.
Love, sandie

ellen b. said...

Fun poem. Donuts are a once in a while treat for sure. James is a great train track builder. Glad you had a good time together. Happy end of March!

Mevely317 said...

Great job on the limerick, Debby. (That was a deal breaker for me, lol.)
I LOVE online shopping! That's good to know about Sprouts' quality, but there's none nearby. Hopefully tomorrow when we visit Birmingham I can stop by Trader Joe's. At least twice month I fill an online Wal-Mart cart with dairy and non-perishables -- but reserve choosing produce and protein for in-person visits to Publix.
Have a great day!

Lisa said...

I enjoyed your answers today! I often wonder if my kids or grandkids will read my blog someday!!

Cathy said...

Love the train cool is that!

photowannabe said...

Why do I blog? At the beginning it was at my cousin's direction to share photography. I joined a group called "ABC Wednesday" for photos of each letter of the alphabet once a week. That opened up a whole new world of people across the USA and the world. Met 2 friends that have become like sisters to me. We have been in each other's homes even though we live so far apart. I still blog because it's therapy and I love seeing how people live their lives.

Our Friday nights have changed beginning last week. Dave and I no longer volunteer at Celebrate Recovery serving etc. the desserts after their meeting. After close to 12 years, we felt it was time to hang up our aprons..seems strange but it's the right decision.

Love donuts!!! Every Wednesday we head over to a local donut shop where a lovely Cambodian Family makes the most delicious, heavenly caloric pastries in the world. Our favorites are the fresh daily Apple Fritters..yum..we are just about ready to go and have our treat right now.

I really don't like to shop but do almost all of it in person. A few things on Amazon.

My brain is mush

It's very tough

To come up with brilliance

At your insistence...

That's about all I have

I know it's not a limerick

But what the heck...

I tried...


Joyce said...

Sounds like you had a nice time with your grandson. We are watching our James next week while his parents travel. I hope we're up to the task. I feel like I need to gulp down some vitamins before we get to his house lol.

Carla from The River said...

Hi Debby,
Well done with your Limerick.
Thank you for sharing James with us, I enjoy it.
Love, Carla

Ann said...

When I first started my blog it was supposed to be about digital scrapbooking and photo editing. Over time I realized that I didn't enjoy sticking to just one subject. And now my blog is whatever pops into my head.
Do I like donuts? Donuts are part of what pays my bills so I LOVE

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so glad you get to see James as often as you do. ❤️

Kirstin said...

Yes, I hope that someday my kids and grandkids will look at it and know me even more. I've thought of printing my blog but haven't figured out the best or most cost effective way of doing so.
Enjoyed the rest of your answers too.

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