Saturday, April 22, 2023



I have made so many wonderful friends. I love you guys. I know that you understand what I'm about to say and I appreciate your kind words each time I have mentioned this. 

I am struggling to read all the blogs I follow.  Some of it is depression and some of it is because I have to start working on this house. I've truly put off things for way too many years. The house has become over whelming to me. Overwhelming means I hide in my office and watch something or I'm on the computer. 

I am working with a therapist who has given me great direction but I'm not finding the time to do that. That of course is definitely my own laziness. I got into the habit of watching a Hallmark movie each morning with my coffee. I'm finding it difficult to stop that routine which started with the pandemic. 

Now I know that all I have to do is one project a day, even if it is just a drawer. I also need to exercise and I find myself not being done with reading blogs until 1 or 2 pm in the afternoon. I come on my computer and I usually have about 70 blog posts to read. Of course I have a ton of emails too. 

So if I don't visit please know that I care about you and will try to read when I can. My best bet is to maybe not read blogs for a day or two and then just read one blog from each person. Honestly I would find that hard to do for some of my closets friends. 

I'm just in a place now where I'm trying to move forward but I can't seem to do that. Please be patient with me. I don't need you to comment on this post. I know you all care and understand like I said earlier. My goal is that if I could get the house in order than I would have all the time in the world to read everyone's posts. 

God Bless Each and Every One of You......



Ann said...

I totally get how you're feeling. I get the same way. I am the master of procrastination. There are so many things that I want to do around my house but I am completely overwhelmed by the list. When I'm overwhelmed I do nothing.
As for blog reading, the solution for me was to cut back on how much I comment. As a rule I leave comments on the blogs that leave comments on mine. There are some blogs that I enjoy reading but they don't comment on mine. On those, I read but do not leave a comment. Then there are some that I have just quit reading altogether because I honestly just wasn't enjoying them all that much.

Sandi said...

Just do the next thing.

Wise words I heard once and have never forgotten.

Anne in the kitchen said...

You have to do what works for you.
I wish you every success in your journey to regain time.

Mevely317 said...

I don't have near 70, but ya. I get how some days can feel overwhelming. I've taken to breaking it up into bits -- i.e., I'll sit down and read/respond to 3. Then get up and spend 5-10 minutes doing a necessary something-or-another. Pour a cup of coffee and come back to do 3 more. Overly elementary, perhaps, but that's what works for me.

Debi said...

It is so easy to get sucked in. Reading blogs is infinitely more interesting and entertaining than doing house projects. You do whatever you need to do for you... we'll still be here when you are done. ((hugs))

Martha Jane Orlando said...

I most certainly hear you, Debby. Sometimes, I look at blogs as both blessing and curse. I don't like to ignore anyone who has actually taken the time to write and post, but when the kids were here, I simply took a break and didn't try to go back and catch up with anyone. Sometimes, we just need to step away from the thing that is sucking up all our time.
Hang in there!

Susan said...

Keeping you in prayer Debby. I can totally relate to you. Big hugs!♥

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I also love reading blogs but not as many as I use to do while reading blogs I have an audio book playing

Pamela M. Steiner said...

We all do the best we can, and sometimes that means taking a break altogether. I do understand what you are saying. I hate to get behind in what people are sharing, but sometimes I just can't keep up and still live my own life here and be engaged with family and house, etc. We need balance in every aspect of our lives, and when something begins to take over it no longer is enjoyable and becomes a chore. So I think it is healthy to take little breaks from blogging and then come back fresh. We are still going to be here. Some more often than others, but life goes on and we need to remember that our immediate family and our relationship with God needs to come first. But I do love all of our blogging friends and look forward to hearing from you all. Please take care of yourself, Debby. You are a dear person.

Cindy said...

I can relate. I actually set the timer on the stove tonight for one hour. When it goes off, I'll stop reading/commenting on blogs, close down the computer and be done for a few days. I use the timer on the stove so I HAVE to leave the computer to turn it off. :) Please do what you need to do to be healthy and sane. We'll be here. Praying for you...

CheerfulMonk said...

Please take care of yourself and remember that we love you. ❤️

Michelle said...

Debby, I am right there with you. One thing I do like about WordPress is I don't have to take the time to comment on every blog I visit. I can like the post and that lets to owner know I visited. I have also had to back off. You take care of yourself. We love you.💕

Carla from The River said...

Take care of you... and we will be here. Love You!

R's Rue said...

Thinking of you. Love you too.

photowannabe said...

Thanks for your transparency. Love your blog and enjoy coming here but we'll still be here whenever you post. First things first...take care of yourself. That's the # one thing.

Anonymous said...

Debby, it's so nice to meet you!

God's Grace to you!

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