1.What would you say is the most difficult task when it comes to spring cleaning? Have you completed that task this year? Any plans to get it done?
I don't normally have a plan for Spring cleaning. Never have. Right now my only goal is to get the house cleaned while I work on decluttering. I have finally made a little bit of progress which I have put off for way too many years.
2. Your favorite pastel color? Favorite thing you own in a pastel shade?
My favorite color is yellow so I will just go with that. However, I think all the pastel colors are pretty. I'm sure I own something in pastel yellow but nothing is coming to mind.
3. Do you like ham? Do you fix ham year round or is it mostly just a 'holiday food'? Baked ham-ham and eggs-ham and cheese sandwich-scalloped potatoes and ham-Hawaiian pizza....what's your pleasure?
Ham is okay but it is not a favorite of mine. No I do not fix ham. The only ham you will find in the house from time to time is Mark's ham for lunch meat.
4. Do you celebrate Easter? What did Easter look like when you were a kid? What are your plans for Easter this year?
Yes we celebrate Easter but I have not been to an Easter church service in years. As a kid we were definitely at church and we would hunt for Easter eggs and have a wonderful dinner.
We also colored Easter eggs and I did that with my children too. Of course I always did Easter baskets for Adam and Amber. I think we had dinner with family and then when Adam and Amber were 7 and 9 we moved to California with Mark. My Aunt Blanche would always make Easter dinner.
We will be going to Adam and Gabby's house. I will be bringing deviled eggs. I am also working on putting James' Easter basket together. It should be a wonderful day.
5. Something that makes you feel hopeful amidst all the chaos and confusion this world brings?
That's a good question. Loving my family is what gets me through each day. I would also say spending time with family and of course seeing James. I look forward to visiting Amber and Dylan in June and then they will be coming here in October for James' birthday.
As far as the world goes I'm not seeing anything that brings me hope at this time but I am putting my faith in God.....HE HAS RISEN INDEED!
6. Insert your own random thought here.
no spring cleaning here but i sure need too. love ham but not cooking it. just eating it. Happy Easter, looking forward to seeing photos of James at Easter
Since I am moving and it is spring I guess I am spring cleaning. LOL
Can't say I am a big ham eater either.
Yellow is your favorite color - Andy's too.
I know you will have a wonderful Easter with your family.
Oooh, I could go for some deviled eggs right now. I just hate making them for one.
Crazy coincidences -- yellow is my favorite color, too, and the only ham served here is what Tom buys for his sandwiches.
Wishing you and the family a wonderful Easter celebration!
Now you have me craving deviled eggs, LOL! Hope you'll enjoy your Easter.
Hello Debby,
I enjoyed your #5. Family and loyal friends have helped me as well. With the latest bombing at our base in Syria, my fear gave in, I needed to be reeled back in. Thank goodness for a base of prayer warrior family and friends. You are right, I too am putting my faith in God, He has risen indeed.
Love, Carla
I've never been good at having a good plan for spring cleaning - just needing to do it, which I tend to procrastinate! True that there's not much in the world to inspire hope, but how glad I am that Christ is risen and death is defeated! Have a great week!
Well, my blog post this morning is about "Cleaning" funny coincidence..
Love Yellow and lavender the best of all.
Bought my ham for Easter, its usually a tradition for our family time together.
Always go to church and when the boys were young they had Easter baskets with a trail of jelly beans from their bedrooms out to the baskets in the living room. Fun times.
I agree with some of the posters above...now I want deviled eggs too. lol We are having ham steaks for dinner tonight and deviled eggs would be good with that. We'll see. Happy Easter
Deviled eggs are a favorite of mine and I have worked to perfect them over the past year. People even request them now!
I don't really do spring cleaning and these days I seem to only clean when I have ambition and energy.
I can't say I really have a favorite pastel color but if I had to choose I would say blue.
I do like ham and pretty much only have it for Easter.
I do celebrate Easter but haven't been to church in a very long time. Growing up we always got the fancy new complete Easter outfit and off to church we went. Then it was home to hunt for our baskets.
Your plan to clean while decluttering sounds like a good one. I've never had a spring cleaning plan either and won't again this year although there are a few things that need to be addressed at some point. Happy Easter to you and your family.
Have a wonderful time with your family. ❤️
I enjoyed your answers Debby. I'm the same way with cleaning. I don't specifically "spring clean" our Easter plans sound great.
Hope you had a wonderful Easter day with your family Debby! Holidays are extra special with little ones in the house.
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