Thank you Joyce.
1. April 13th is National Scrabble Day...are you a fan? Do you enjoy word games in general? What's an eight letter word that tells us something about your life currently?
Yes I am a fan but haven't played in years. Actually I've been bugging Mark to play. I think it would be a good game for our brains. I enjoy Circle A Word.
I'm going with "Unstable." This is because it seems like most days lately have been crazy. Too many appointments and I'm still having some lung issues. Also my car is currently in the shop at Mini Cooper. Had to stop in there last Wednesday after bowling since my check engine like came on.
We are looking at about $4,700 in engine repairs. I know that sounds like a lot but my car is almost 15 years old and we haven't put a lot of money in it over the years. I have 54,000 miles on it.
2. Do you have a junk drawer?'s Is it full? Do you know what's in it? What's in it?
I'm going with yes but I admit there is more than one. Yes I do know what is in them....junk! LOL Actually I cleaned one out last week. Lots of papers to be recycled and seriously about 50 pens. The other one has our tape dispenser, scissors, a few tools and then a bunch of junk that needs to be tossed.
3. When does time pass quickly for you? When does it pass slowly?
I know that time passes slowly when I'm waiting for our next visit with James. Too quickly would probably be when we go and visit Amber and Dylan. The visit just goes by too fast.
4. These eight vegetables are in season during spring-asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, celery, collard greens, garlic, herbs. What's your favorite? Any on the list you refuse to eat? Last one on the list you ate?
Cabbage is my favorite. I don't eat collard greens, however I'm not sure I've ever had them at all. Asparagus is the last one we ate.
5. What's the oldest thing you own? Tell us about it.
I'm not sure. It is either Mark's grandmother's dining room set. She was born in 1900 and I assume she had it by her 30's. Next up would be my grandfathers Singer Sewing Machine. He was a tailor. I also have my grandmother's wooden ironing board which I believe my grandfather probably used.
6. Insert your own random thought here. We had a lovely Easter day over at Adam and Gabby's. James wasn't feeling great. He wasn't in the mood to take pictures. These train sheets were part of his Easter gift besides his basket that had some candy and two train t-shirts for him to wear.

They had us over around 11:00 am along with several members of Gabby's family. We had some snacks to begin with and then we had a delicious brunch meal.
Before the pandemic we would join Gabby's family at a German pancake house not too far away from where they live. It was delicious. Then we would go to Adam and Gabby's for the Easter Egg hunt and sometimes order pizza later in the day. That place ended up having to close down.
Adam and Gabby made a French Toast casserole and a delicious egg casserole. Then we all brought things to share for the meal. I brought onion dip and chips and also Deviled Eggs. It was a lovely warm day and the kids had fun looking for Easter eggs.
James really needed a nap so I went and laid down with him on his bed and rubbed his back. Just when I thought he might be asleep he opened his eyes. I got up to go to the bathroom and he said "make sure you wash your hands!" Anyway, I laid with him for a while longer but he heard his cousins and wanted to get up. He said "would you ask my mom if I can get up?" It was too cute!
stressed is my 8 letter word.anxiety is only 7.
love your dining room set, its beautiful. my grandmother and my mother had the same ironing board, I hate ironing on it for sure.. back then we ironed sheets and pillocases and hankies, I always had dozens of hankerchiefs to iron and fold. James just could not go to sleep with everyone else out there having fun.. did you wash you hands? LOL LOL
Your Easter Sunday sounds delightful! I love that James asked for permission to get up; what manners!
Like Sandra, I love that dining room set. What stories it could tell of conversations held there. My mother had an old Singer like this; I think my DIL took it, but gosh only knows whatever became of it. I love how you accessorize it and the ironing board.
I'm glad you had a nice Easter with James. Cute stories!
My Dad has my great grandmother's wooden ironing board. They don't make them like that now!
Praying for you today!
Scrabble isn't my favorite game either.
So cabbage is your favorite veggie? I like it too. And greens are good - you would probably like them.
Mark's grandmother's pieces are gorgeous.
James was too excited for sleep. Hope you don't catch his cold!
He is so cute.
Hey, I will be off internet services for about a week because of the move. I will be back! ☺
Looking at his picture, James is growing up so quickly.
I understand too well about time passing slowly between times seeing your grandchild!
What a fun Easter you had, Debby! And that little James is a hoot, isn't he? A joy every minute!
I enjoyed your story about James. It made me smile.
I love all your old treasures. I like how you have the wooden ironing board displayed.
Oh my your things are so lovely. The dining room table is gorgeous and are the other pieces.
Stressed is my 8 letter word right now too.
Our engine light just came on in our only car 1999. Cannot afford to have any work credit cards no savings. All is going to pay our late property taxes..who would have ever thought we would get into the bind we are in now..
Had asparagus for Easter good.
Time drags when I am paying bills and doing chores...goes too fast when the family comes to visit.
Definitely have junk drawers. Believe it or not I pretty much know what's in them too.
Love the pictures of that cutie James. He sure has nice manners.
What a wonderful dining room set. And I understand your word and engine repair. Have a great week.
I play Words with Friends daily. It is like scrabble. I like most veggies. We had asparagus for Easter. I like cabbage and broccoli too.
I hope James feels better soon!
Seems most people from anywhere in the North don't even know about collard greens. I mean, not the bloggers here but people I run into.
Sounds like you had a lovely Easter with your family. James is so cute! It is hard when we have to leave our grands after a visit, isn't it? Enjoy the rest of your week!
"Make sure you wash your hands!" LOL, too funny. Glad you had such a nice Easter gathering. The food sounded delicious. Hope James is all better by now. Happy day to you.
You have some beautiful old stuff - that dining set is gorgeous. Love the ironing board too and the way you have it displayed. I enjoyed your hodgepodge answers
It's been a very long time since I've played scrabble.
Those are some beautiful antiques. My grandfather was born in 1900.
I have played scrabble but not that good at it, my junk drawer is pretty full as junk drawers usually are, my oldest toy is a red rocking horse I got at the age of 2
Gorgeous dining room set and sewing machine! I'm loving all the antique treasures everyone is sharing about. Happy Hodgepodge!
I'm sorry James wasn't feeling well, but he is so sweet and well-mannered! You have a wonderful family.
(Little Penpen) make sure you wash your hands! I love it! Your antique furniture is absolutely gorgeous. What a treasure!
So glad you had a nice day with family. My hubs had to get a new transmission this year-ugh! Many $$$ but now it's like a brand new car so it was worth it. Have a great day!
HI Debby - My email is - I thought I had fixed that no-reply thing. Argh!!!
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