3. Empty nest, nest egg, proud as a peacock, free as a bird, birds of a feather flock together, or the early bird catches the worm...choose one and tell us how it currently applies to your life.
I'm not sure, I could probably have and answer for all of them. 💁 Okay I will say nest egg because I am buying an 18 month CD with a 4.50% interest rate.
4. Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, chia seeds, sesame seeds, poppy seeds...your favorite seed and a favorite food or dish made with that seed or topped with that seed? Have you tried all the seeds on the list? Any you don't care for?
I'm going with poppy seeds. We both grew up with them in bakery from our grandmothers. I haven't made it but Mark makes some breads with poppy seed and we like poppy seed bagels. I believe I have tasted most of the seeds but I'm not sure about flax seeds.
I finally found a pair of white swim shorts, that go down past your thigh, that I can wear with my swimsuit which has a flowing longer top that keeps blowing up in the wind. Hopefully I will go in Adam's pool this summer.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
Busy week here. Mark had his first eye done Monday for cataract surgery. He is doing great. We went to his check up on Tuesday. This first eye was done for distance and the next one will be done for reading. Doesn't take that long but it seems to take the whole day getting ready, driving there and then coming home to eat something. His next eye will be on the 8th of May.
I'm not sure if I mentioned this or not but I also have cataracts but don't need surgery at this time because I have 20/20 vision which surprised me. I was totally shocked. The funny thing is back 5 years ago they suggested I get glasses for distance along with sunglasses and reading glasses. I always use reading glasses, have done that for years.
I got glasses but could never get used to them. Then Mark started using the distance glasses for watching the TV. I can still read the small print on the TV. How did my eyes get better?
My wife and I have two parakeets at home, a dog, and a cat.
Yesterday I was extremely happy and still am, to the point I just want to jump up with joy! Thanks to God and my Savior Jesus Christ!
Years ago, I remember eating chia seeds which I recall gave me energy.
I recently got new prescription eyewear lenses for an older frame I had, but the eye doctor said I have some cataracts, and that I will need to go for surgery in about two years from now.
God's Grace to you!
that is great news your eyes got better, mine are getting worse and worse. I took to the computer like a duck to water the first week they put windows 95 on our computers at work and I was off to loving it.
I like poppy seeds and sesame seeds on anything but now can't eat seeds. i can eat a little flax in some things.
I love roosters and have one that used to belong to my mother on the kitchen window sill.
That is so cool, Mark getting 'mono vision'! (At least, that's what my optometrist called it when I wore contact lens.) Wish my surgeon had offered that as an alternative. (*sigh*)
When you get a chance, please tell me where you found those swim shorts. I need something that covers up the scars and veins on my thighs.
The poppy seed bread looks delicious! I used to make a lemon poppyseed bread that was yummy. I haven't made it in 20 years or more.
I have no bird feeder now. In our other home we had one until the rats discovered it..then the bees took over the hummingbird feeder and Boo that was the end of those fun things.
I do have a little bird sculpture that's dressed in winter attire but I just can't put it away. He's too cute so it will be on my shelf through the summer too.
2. I think I took to serving and helping people like a duck to water.
3. I guess nest egg..we have absolutely NO nest egg due to a financial difficulty we have been going through..but you know, God does supply our needs..maybe not our wants but I am thankful for His care for us.
4. I really like sunflower seeds
5. Happy to have received some good news in the mail.
6. Dave has had cataract surgery and is very happy with the outcome. Probably in the next 2 years it will be my turn. Thankful for my glasses and just keep plugging along.
So glad to hear that Mark's eye surgery went so well, Debby! And something I truly love is watching the birds coming to our feeders. Living in the woods certainly has its benefits.
No bird feeder but many pretty birds around here, and no empty nest as my girls come and go all the time. I like most seeds use to add them to fried rice
I never had a bird but I had a friend who did when I was a kid. I hated going over there when they were letting it fly around the house.
Glad to hear that Mark did well with his surgery. That's pretty amazing that your eyes got better. Wish mine were.
The more I think about it, I do have more birds sprinkled around my decor that I forgot about. Oh well.
Enjoyed your answers - Your husband will see great improvement with those cataracts gone. I had the procedure 2 years ago.
A kiwi Bird! That's exciting. Thanks so much for leaving me a comment. Made my day. Happy Hodgepodge!!
Glad things are going well with your husbands cataract surgery. So many drops required for a time. Kiwi is a fun name. Hope the rest of your week goes well.
Lucky you that your eyes improved. Mine seem to get weaker by the minute. I have a hummingbird feeder on my kitchen window where I can watch them while I'm at the sink. At first they were skittish if I was nearby but now they just sit and drink and they're fascinating to watch. Enjoy your week! I'm glad you found some swim shorts...you can have some pool fun with James!
I'm glad Mark's cataract operations are going well, even if they take a lot of time. And that you don't need one in the near future.
Seeds--I love pumpkin seeds and sometimes chia seeds.
I LOVE POPPYSEED!!! Sadly, the bakeries around here are not big on making anything but Lemon Poppyseed muffins. In my hometown of Phillips, has a large amount of Czechoslovakian, Bohemian and Polish tradition. Poppyseed was very popular at the bakery, making all kinds of poppyseed treats.
We tried bird feeders for a while but the rodents found them and decided to make our home their home. They built a nest in my car's engine... no thank you! Sunflowers seeds are my favorite. I like to eat them plain, plus sprinkle them on salads!
Your little bird is so cute. You were probably perfect at helping people find what they needed. I enjoyed the rest of your answers too. I always avoid white because it would never stay clean. Lol.
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