Wednesday, May 17, 2023


 Thank you Joyce.
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1. What surprises you the most about people? 

Right now it would be in a political way so that's all I'm going to say. 

2. Would you rather have a chauffeur, nanny, gardener, maid, personal shopper or cook? Tell us why that one? 

Right now I would go with a maid. There is so much I can't do anymore and Mark will do it but doesn't want to. We need to downsize and he won't budge. 

3. May 18th is National Notebook Day. No idea what that means but let's run with it anyway. What's something you currently keep in a notebook? Have you seen the movie The Notebook? On a scale of 1-5 how does it rate? (5=a favorite, can watch and re-watch and re-watch again) 

I currently have things I need to accomplish or want to do in a notebook. This is by the request of my therapist. Yes I've seen The Notebook. I will give it a 4. 

4. Do you like mushrooms? Last dish you made or ate that had mushrooms on the ingredient list? Your favorite dish that calls for mushrooms? 

I love them. We do a lot of sauteed mushrooms. Don't have a favorite dish but I did make Chicken Marsala once and loved it.  Otherwise I like them just the way to they come to dip into something like hummus.  

One thing about mushrooms is that I collect them in nick nacks and have been doing that since my 20's. I don't have all of them anymore but I still buy things with mushrooms on them. 

5. What would you say is the most annoying thing people do in public? 

No doubt there are several things but I'm going with leaving trash on the ground. I hate that! 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

So my random may be a little long.....

We had a lovely Mother's Day with Adam, Gabby, James and Isa who is Gabby's mom. We went to Macaroni Grill and had a lovely meal. They also had the Italian acaplella man singing at tables. This was one of the best we have come across over the years. He was a character for sure. We had him over to sing a few times and James was thrilled. 

The when we got home Gabby and James were dancing in the kitchen. It was so cute. I got flowers and some See's Nuts & Chews. Mark got me the See's Dark Chocolate Hearts with peanut butter inside. I also got a Macy's gift card from Amber and Dylan. (I buy my PJ's from Macy's)


So let me tell you about Monday. Mark went out for his morning walk. About a half hour later he called me and said he fell and he was about seven houses down from our house. Obviously I got dressed and went to him. There was a neighbor who saw him and was trying to help him. Mark couldn't get up at all. So he called an ambulance for Mark. First the Fire Truck came and then he was taken to the hospital by an ambulance.

Now the reason he fell was because he saw a coke can in the street and went to kick it to the curb. The rubber on his shoe caught the pavement and he twisted and fell. (He kicked the can!) So he totally tore the quad tendon from the knee cap. He was sent home with a full leg brace and crutches. This is really bad. No pressure on the leg for 3 weeks. Should be a 3 to 6 month recovery. Thankfully he didn't hit his head on the curb because he was very close to it. I am so thankful for God's protection over him. 

This of course means more work for me. Things I can no longer do in the house he does but won't be able to. He has a trip to Canada in three weeks which will not happen. We are praying we can make our trip to Amber and Dylan's at the end of June. If not driving we could fly! 

Surgery was on Tuesday at 5 pm. I'm typing this on Tuesday morning so I don't have any information to share at this time. 


Dylan's mother passed away last week. She was never close to us. She didn't like us for some reason. She was not a person who saw doctor's or took medication. So her health wasn't that good and had more breathing issues after having Covid a few years ago. She was having trouble breathing and was taken to the hospital. As it turned out, she had cancer in both lungs and her bones. They gave her 3 weeks to live. Dylan's Aunt Debbie flew her two son's to CA and one son lives here, for Mother's Day weekend. When Dylan arrived she had then seen all three of her sons. Asked the doctor's to pull the plugs and died at 3:50 the next morning. Dylan is having trouble dealing with this as we would expect. My heart hurts for him. 


As you know, I have been having a hard time reading blog posts. Lately, because of my anxiety, I find I get extreme anxiety in my shoulders and back after reading for an hour or so. I'm trying my best. Now with Mark needing me more I'm afraid I won't be around much at all. However, I am still grateful for God's protection over us. One day at a time for me.......

Love you guys. Thanks for listening. 


MadSnapper n Beau said...

you know my thoughts on the blog thing, so no comment, you can read that in your head.
the answer to what i want is not in the list. I want a housekeeper, that shops, cleans and cooks... really, I do or would like to live in a hotel.
I love the cup on the left with the tall mushroom. it looks like it might be metal. Prayers for marks knee to heal quicker than they say it will. Is he home from the surgery? i am wondering if the brace is before the surery. hang in there, it will be a long rehab for both of you

Joyce said...

Oh goodness I am so sorry about your hub's fall. Sounds painful and I know will be a new challenge for you both. I will pray his recovery is swift and without incident. I'm so glad he didn't have a head injury as well. Stay strong! Sending you a big hug.

Mevely317 said...

Oh my gosh, Debbie -- what a boat-load of challenges! I'm aghast about Mark's fall and long recovery. But like you said, it could have been so much worse. Poor Dylan; particularly him being a health-care worker, unable to do anything to ease his mother's suffering. I HATE cancer.
Please don't worry about blogging right now. We love you and will be here, even if you just need to vent.

Cathy said...

Debby, I'm so sorry for these new challenges in your life. Praying for you and Mark. I've added a post-it to my office wall to remind me to pray for you all.

Sandi said...

Oh no! His leg looks terrible. Praying for a quick healing. Also praying for Dylan.

Chatty Crone said...

You don't need to worry about blogging. We love you and will be there for you.
I am surprised by the evilness that is in the world - I don't get it.
I would like a cook myself.

I am so glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day,

Gosh I am so sorry about Mark and so thankful he didn't hit his head on concrete - but his knee looks so bad. I understand about the work he does is now on you. Sorry. Maybe look for a handyman. I hope he is okay.

And so sorry about Dylan's mom - did they know she was dying - did she? To be riddled with cancer like that she had to be in pain.

Prayers all around.

photowannabe said...

Oh Debby, I am so sorry for all the new challenges confronting you.
Thank the Lord Mark didn't hit his head . Prayers for a complete recovery and strength for you as you face each new day.
Don't worry about the blog..stop by when you need a break but we will be there when you return.

Tammy said...

I am so sorry for all of these new challenges you will be/are faced with. So thankful Mark did not hit his head. Praying for quick recovery and healing and praying for you with all you have to do now.

ellen b. said...

Oh dear Debby, I am so sorry to read about all you and your extended family are going through. Your poor hubby. That knee looks so painful. Praying for you both as things changed up in a moment. Glad you got some nice treats and a fun meal on Mother's day!

Ann said...

Oh wow. So sorry to hear about Mark's fall. Thankfully he didn't hit his head when he went down. That sure does look painful.
Don't worry about blogs, those are the least of your worries now. Take care of yourself and Mark.

My Shasta Home said...

Hi Debby - I am so sorry to hear of your husband's freak accident. I can understand you feeling the way you do - I'm also so sorry about your anxiety - I've had that on and off throughout my life as well.

You take care and don't concern yourself about reading or answering the big picture of everything, it is not that important.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Poor Mark!!! Praying for a swift healing and recovery, Debby, and thank goodness he didn't hit his head! Can you get someone to come into the home and do some cleaning and laundry for you while Mark is laid up? It might relieve some of the anxiety you're experiencing.
And don't worry about the blogs. Just know we love you!

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Some people are very rude and I don't like it
I don't like yard work so a garner would be nice
I don't use notebooks but I do have a notepads to jot stuff down
I don't like mushrooms
Drunk people are annoying

Kym said...

Oh I'm so sorry about your husband's fall and I'm praying the recovery goes quickly and he's better sooner than expected!

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so sorry you all are going through this. Please try to take are of yourself as well as Mark, and don't worry about commenting. Thank you for keeping us informed. Hugs and much love. ❤️

Kirstin said...

I enjoyed your answers. What a fun collection to have (mushrooms). Oh my goodness....I'm so sorry for everything that has gone on and praying your hubby makes a full and amazing recovery.

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