Wednesday, June 7, 2023


Thank you Joyce.
To play along click HERE

1. Tell me something you remember (or if you're not there yet, something you look forward to) about being 35.

I remember having two young children, being divorced from Mark and getting a full time job so I could get health insurance. I bought a new car and a townhouse. I think as hard as it was I was proud of myself. It was the first time I was on my own in my life. 

2. Last time you 'burned the candle at both ends'? 

Obviously that is right now with Mark's injury. The hour drive each way to the hospital/doctor has happened 6 times in the last 8 days. A post to come with lots of interesting details when I have the time. 

3. Are you someone with the 'gift of gab'? Elaborate (which shouldn't be a problem if you answered yes teehee).  

Yes, I can have the gift to gab. Right now I'm exhausted and have nothing to say. However I do talk to strangers all the time. Drives Mark crazy. 

4. Do you request a special meal on your birthday, and if so tell us what that meal is? Do you want the same kind of cake year after year or will any flavor work? Do you want cake at all? Growing up were birthdays a big deal in your house? Are they a big deal now? 

I can't say that it has to be a special meal but I do like cheeseburger spring rolls from Cheesecake Factory and a piece of cheesecake. My newest favorite! Yes guess I would say yes to the same cheesecake each year. Yes I want cake. 

I have memories that are lost because of other situations in my home growing up. I don't remember the birthdays. It's not a big deal but I do like to have a small celebration for sure. 

5. 'Age is just a number.'..agree or disagree? Tell us why. 

I'm really not sure that I have an answer for this one. I might agree in some ways. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 


Mary said...

So sorry about Mark's injury. I'll have to try to catch up soon.
Love your random thought...just beautiful.

Mevely317 said...

Now, inquiring minds want to know what's your favorite cheesecake? I ordered those cheeseburger spring rolls last time, but had a dickens of a time trying to eat them. Every time I cut into them (or picked up with my fingers) the pastry would crack and break. Thank goodness we were in an end booth!

photowannabe said...

I really can't remember was good, Dave and I were raising middle school boys, busy with church activities and doing lots of camping and traveling.

I really don't have a gift of gab but my Hubby sure does. He's like you, he's always in a conversation with someone.

I really don't have special meals for my birthday. I just enjoy going out to eat and yes, cheesecake is #1 choice.

Up until this year I would say age is just a number, but it seems my age is catching up with me. A lot of my get up and go has left the building.

I like your thought for the day. I truly am thankful for all that I have.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

I do so love cheesecake! I remember my kids' birthday parties much more than my own.
Blessings, Debby, and prayers continue for Mark!

Carla from The River said...

Hi Debby,
I talk to strangers too. ;-) My husband has gotten use to it. Hee Hee!
Sending hugs,

Joyce said...

My hubs entire family talks to strangers everywhere you go. It's a good thing for the most part I think. I hope you're hanging in there with all you've got on your plate right now. Take care.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I don't remember when I was 35 too damn long ago, I have never had the gift of the gab my mum did. Age is just a number and a state of mind, I always liked chocolate cake on my birthday and feel that life is too short to be miserable so choose happiness whenever possible.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I enjoyed your answers but have a question about your #1 answer...I assume you are talking about the same Mark as in answers #2, 3, etc.? None of my business of course, but it made my eyes pop open. LOL. Apparently things changed for the better. Re: gift of gab...I gab much better in writing than I do in person. But then again, I do still talk a lot too. But I find that with so many people I can hardly get a word in edgewise, so I've learned to be a good listener. I love your random thought at the end. Perfect thought for every day. I enjoyed your post. Blessings to you, and continued prayers for Mark.

Kym said...

I love cheesecake too and would never be disappointed if I was served a cheesecake for my birthday. I make chocolate cheesecake for my husband every year. Hope Mark is mending well and that you have a great week!

MadSnapper said...

Gabbind with Strangers is what I love to do.. and I do like to talk a lot, if that is considered give of gab. at age 40 i was burning the candle at both ends working 3 jobs to survive. at 35 I was divorced and working 2 jobs. not happy memories.

Chatty Crone said...

I was thinking if you had a job that paid for two kids, a new car, and an apartment - you really were doing okay. I don't think I could have ever done that.
You are burning the candles at both ends now most of the time.
My memories before the age of 15 are very sketchy too.
Love the meme.

CheerfulMonk said...

I remember being 35. Kaitlin was 6 years old, and we had moved here the previous year. It was a good time, but I'm even happier now.

I hope Mark gets better soon. ❤️

Ann said...

Nothing really stands out about being 35. I guess it was just same old same old.
I do agree that age is just a number. Of course the numbers are getting alarmingly higher all the time. I've never been bothered by any of the milestone birthdays though.

Kirstin said...

Wait....did you divorce and remarry? Hopefully you are finding some time for yourself to recharge, even if it's just a little bit. I talk to strangers too. :)

ellen b. said...

I can only imagine all the back and forth because of Mark's injury. I do hope all ends up well for his knee/leg. Cheesecake is a good choice! Take care.

Debby said...

That's interesting that you divorced and remarried. Enjoyed your answers and learned a little more about you.

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