Wednesday, June 28, 2023


Thank you Joyce.
Come and play along with us HERE

1. What's one thing you're excited about in the coming month? 

Lot's of driving....NOT! You know this is a tough one for me right now. Two days a week we will have physical therapy for Mark and I also have several doctor's appointments beside Mark's doctor appointments. I guess I could say that I'm excited about getting my gel injections in my knee which started acting up with all of the driving I've been doing. 

I am going to say I look forward to a few visits from James. He is my happy place. 

2. What was your life like when you were ten years old?

The one thing I remember the most is going to my grandparents summer home. It was so much fun going to the beach in Union Pier, MI. Life at home was not easy because my mother was an alcoholic. 

3. What's something from your childhood you still enjoy today?

I think celebrating the 4th of July with hot dogs and hamburgers. Potato salad and watermelon. Not to mention watching the fireworks display. That's my dad, sister to the left and me at his side at a church picnic on the 4th of July. 

Now we watch the fireworks from our backyard. We see several towns from here. 

4. What state (that you haven't been to) do you most want to visit? Tell us why. 

That's a good questions. I don't have a state in mind but I want to visit Washington DC for all of the memorials and museums. 

5. Do you like to drive? Tell us how you learned to drive. 

I like to drive on a trip. I'm not real found of running places here because we have so much traffic everywhere in California. I do love road trips and help driving when we drive to Montana. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I'm trying to embrace this....


Ann said...

I don't envy you all that driving. I had to do all the driving when Wade was alive and I hated it. It's always a treat for me when I go somewhere with someone else and they drive.

Joyce said...

I don't enjoy driving in traffic anymore, but we've lived near so many huge cities that I have done a lot of it. We live in the country now and there is little to no traffic in our town. Keep on keeping on with all the appointments and healing. You'll both get there! I'm glad you have James to bring the happies. I love the 4th and my across the cove neighbor does the best fireworks on the lake so we always have a crowd watching from our dock. Boats come from all over the lake too and anchor in the nearby water and it's so much fun. Enjoy your fireworks shows!

Cathy said...

I hope you get lots of time with James in between all the medical stuff. Take care.

MadSnapper said...

I can't think of anything to look forward to as far out as i can see. James is a good choice for looking forward to.
glad you got the shot in your knees, that should help for a couple of months.
the way time is on fast forward, Marks year will be out before we know it.

Mevely317 said...

Gosh, your random (meme) resonates! Tom had an 8 o'clock doctor appointment down in Montgomery, which meant I had to get out there with all the other commuters. It's been such a long time, my stomach was in knots, my hands white-knuckling the steering wheel. Pathetic, isn't it?
That's an adorable photo of you and your daddy and siblings. I hope you get some relief for your knees SOON!

photowannabe said...

I think that July is going to be pretty much the same as June. Going to try to have some company over and hopefully get some photos taken. I need some "Me" time.
Oh how I remember those hospital, PT visits when Dave's leg was fractured. It does come to an end but prayers for the mean time. James will be your therapy.

Can't really remember 10 yrs. old spacifically but I rode my bike everywhere, played with my friends outdoors and I believe we got our first TV. That was glorious watching everything.

I would love to visit Maine. It looks so magical.

I don't mind driving but as I get older the freeway gets more scary. Rather take the city streets.

I think I will hang on to your random thought for today too.
Strength is needed.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

I'm not a big fan of driving, Debby, and I refuse to even attempt getting on expressways - they scare me to death! Hope that gel will work wonders on your kneed and that you will get to see lots of James over the summer. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we will get to spend time with the grands in August.

Kym said...

I'm sorry about all the driving - even if you don't mind driving, that's a lot. Hope you will get to DC someday - I lived about an hour from DC for the past 25 years and there's so much to see in and around the city. Have a great week!

Chatty Crone said...

I bet with all those appointments and traffic - you are driving way too much.
I don't think Washington DC is what you would remember - my friends just got back and said it was awful. A new world of sorts.
Hope you get to see James soon.
I don't feel one way of another about driving. lol
Well Happy 4th early.

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so glad you have James in your life! My eyes have never worked well together, so I only drive around town. If Andy's eyes get too bad to drive to his appointments in Santa Fe we will have to get help from the local senior center.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Nothing exciting happens here my life is pretty run of the mill, I don't remember much from when I was 10 but that was 50yrs ago. I love reading have done since I was young and always took a book with me everywhere I went. The state or in my case territory up in the north aka the Northern Territory. I used to like driving but can't do that any more, I was deemed medically unfit to drive a few years ago, so annoying but what can I do other then deal with it.

Carla from The River said...

Hello Debby,
I remember California traffic when we visited.. I was scared to death. I live in rural Wisconsin, so we have to watch for deer, bear and turkeys instead of crazy drivers.
Take care of YOU and Mark. I am continuing to pray.
Love, Carla

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

I can understand why your adorable James would be your "sweet spot." Yes, it seems that our lives revolve around doctor visits and gym workouts. I can also identify with the traffic issues as I live in the Dallas area. However, I have learned how to avoid the Toll roads and 8-lanes of traffic as much as possible. Fortunately, where we live, the traffic isn't crazy.

Oh to sit in your backyard and watch the fireworks. What a perfect view you have there. Happy 4th!

ellen b. said...

Love that old black and white photo and the fun times it represents! Even though I learned to drive in Southern California these days I'm not a fan of driving there at all. Your Summer trips to your grandparents home sounds like a treat. Glad you have James close by!

Kirstin said...

I enjoyed your answers. I'd love to go to Washington DC too

Susan said...

Hi Debby, I wanted to see DC too. We planned to go back in 2019 and things were booked and then Covid hit. I hate the freeway too. I drove to out to Perris last Tuesday and came back through Lake Matthews. Sorry to hear you have to do so much driving. Maybe we can meet up someday off of La Sierra or the Tyler Mall. Have a great 4th!

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