Wednesday, July 19, 2023


Thank you Joyce.
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1. What's something bizarre you've seen or heard recently? 

I can't think of anything but I still can't get over the fact that people are not going to prison for the crimes they are committing. What is wrong with our country. This has to stop! Okay, I'll get off my soapbox. 

2. July 18th is National Sour Candy Day. Who knew? Do you like sour candies or other foods with 'sour' flavors? Kimchi, rhubarb, gooseberries, tamarind, dill pickles, sour cherries, sauerkraut, cranberries, and  grapefruit...of the sour foods listed which is your favorite? 

I love sour candy. It started with Sweet Tarts back in grade school. I do like sour gummy bears, dill pickles and sauerkraut. I will go with sauerkraut. 

3. Share a favorite memory of an aunt or uncle. 

I wasn't real close with my aunt and uncles. I will have to say that when I was 12 I took a train from Chicago to California to spend time with my dad's sister, my aunt, and her husband my uncle. Yes, all by myself with the crew taking care of me. I had the most wonderful time in California. They took me to all the special places for me to see. 

4. How would you describe your ability to manage stress? 

I don't handle it well at all. 

5. What do you think about when you let your mind wander? 

My mind often goes to dark places so I try not to let my mind wander. 

6. Insert your own random thought here.  


Ann said...

I think lately pretty much everything I see and hear is bizarre. The world has become a crazy place. Manage stress? it depends. Sometimes I'm good with it other times not so much. My mind does wander a lot and it's all over the place. Just the other night I woke up and for some reason could not stop thinking about things that happened way back when I was in high school. It's crazy.

MadSnapper said...

Stress aggravates my Ibs and is the major cause, some stress can be handled, some is there and there is no answer. Here in Florida bizarre is common, yesterday parents allowed a 3 year old to drive a golf cart on the street and a 7 year old boy was run over and killed by the 3 year old on the cart. that is bizarre!
no way to control my wandering mind unless i read a book that takes me away into the story or watch a good movie.

Cathy said...

Your random thought is 100% true and I need to remember that more often. Your trip to California sounds wonderful. Have a good day Debby.

Joyce said...

I had forgotten all about sweet tarts. I loved them too. Our pool snack bar sold the giant ones and those were a favorite. Have a great day Debby!

Mevely317 said...

I totally 100% agree with your response to #1. It sickens me to see how our (so-called) justice system refuses to hold people accountable for their actions.
You must have been a very responsible little girl that your parents allowed you to travel alone. Of course, that was a different time when, if there were creeps, they kept under a rock.

Chatty Crone said...

I agree with you - number 1. Another weird thing was how your husband hurt his knee. That was a one in a million shot.

Okay what I don't like is sour candy! lol YUCK!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Wow, that trip to CA from Chicago when you were 12 must have been very exciting and interesting. So glad you were able to do that back then when times were a bit safer than they are today. And interesting that now you live in CA. You must've liked it!! Yes, the news is too full of bizarre happenings...our world is bizarre and I look forward to the day when we are in heaven and away from all of this bizarro world. I am not a big sour candy fan, but I did like the sour green apple candy back when it was popular. I like sauerkraut on hot dogs/reubens, etc, and when I roast a pork roast I put sauerkraut on it, but add a cut apple to help mellow it out a bit. I hope you have a blessed and beautiful rest of your week.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

#1 strikes a chord deep within me, Debby. I ask myself that question every day - What has happened to our country? To having respect for the law? Look no farther than our own political class of elites who think they can get away with anything and everything, and do so with impunity. Lord, how I pray You will come soon the judge the evil and put a stop to all this nonsense!

CheerfulMonk said...

Amen to that random thought!

Carla from The River said...

Hi Debby, I agree with you on #1!!! I just shake my head!!
I honestly do not understand it!

Thank you for the random. xx oo Carla

ellen b. said...

I so agree on your bizarre answer, just crazy! Wow that was quite a trip across the country but what fun to be treated to all the California fun spots! Hope you can stay on the 'light' side of things in your heart and mind.

Debby said...

There was a time when stress almost killed me. I've learned to manage it, with God's help of course. It does seem to be my default - worry and stress. I can actually feel it trying to penetrate into my soul, which just shows me how dark it is and not from God. So I fight it and am doing well.

I agree with #1 - except I believe more of us should get back up on that soap box. It seems as if no one has an opinion and they would rather just pull the wool over their eyes, with the big fat elephant sitting right next to them. It's like we're all waiting for someone else to start...sadly no one does.

Kirstin said...

Our country has become an odd place. I was just thinking today about how we've come to a place where it's okay to blame everyone for everything wrong in our lives. I do like sweet tarts too. I like smarties. I liked that last quote

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