Wednesday, July 26, 2023


Thank you Joyce.
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1. July 25th is National Merry-Go-Round Day. Do you call it a merry-go-round or a carousel? When was the last time you rode one? Did you enjoy that? Metaphorically speaking, what's something in your life right now that feels like a merry go round? 

I call it a merry-go-round. It must be 10 years or more since I've been on one and I do enjoy riding them. 

It would be me and my procrastination to declutter our home. It is so overwhelming to me yet I know in my mind that it is one day at a time but I just can't do it. This merry-go-round has been spinning for to long!!

2. What word do you have a hard time pronouncing? What word do you have a hard time spelling? What's your favorite word in another language? 

Right now I am drawing a blank on a word I have trouble saying. I find myself looking words up often to make sure I'm spelling them right. Drawing a blank on a favorite word in another language also. 

3. What's a phrase or cliche you use pretty often and find to be true?

I say "Thank God" all the time. 

4. When it comes to grocery shopping what is your most dreaded chore-menu planning, the actual shopping and paying, or the unloading/putting away? How often do you shop? Do you use any of the pick up and/or delivery services?

I don't mind grocery shopping. We actually do not plan out our meals unless company is coming and that doesn't happen very often. I often run to get a few things every week or so like fruits and veggies. 

Our biggest shopping trip is Costco and that is where we stock up on all of our meats. So we often say "what should we take out for tomorrow?" No we do not use the delivery service but I did have delivery service during Covid. 

5. Something you need or want to do before July comes to a close? 

I would love for my lungs to start responding to the higher dose medication the doctor gave me last week. I seem to be at a standstill and it depresses me. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

After Mark fell in May we had to tell Adam and Gabby that we couldn't help out with their trip which starts this Friday. However, Mark is doing much better, walking without a walker with the brace on his leg. 

He of course said let's do it. So we are going to watch James for two nights starting August 1st. However it all falls on me now to take him and pick him up from daycare each day because Mark can't drive. I'm stressing a little bit but I know it will work out. However, the dogs will not be there so it will be easier on us compared to other times. 

The car seat is now in my car but Mark can't be with me when I get James because the front passenger seat has to be forward for James to have leg room.  Keep us in your prayers. 


Ann said...

I call it a merry go round as well. Can't remember the last time I was on one. Probably when my kids were little.
Glad you will be able to spend some time with James. I'm betting you will do just great getting James back and forth to day care

Joyce said...

I'm glad you get to have James for a couple of days. That will make for a brighter week and I'm sure you'll do fine with the driving. These car seats now do require a NASA brain to operate lol. Have fun!

MadSnapper said...

if it can happen, it probably will! say it almost every day.
Merry go round. I was 16 the last time I rode one. good luck with the baby sitting for a couple of days. the plus is time with James. good to here hubby is walking better. hope the lungs get better soon

Mevely317 said...

I say, "Thank God" (or, "Thank you, God") all the time, too! Sometimes even when I discover a prime parking spot.
We'll be thinking of you taking care of business in the coming days. You've got this!

Carla from The River said...

Have fun with James... I know it will work out.. but also understand in the stress before hand.
I like that "Thank God" .. I say that too.
xx oo

Martha Jane Orlando said...

I've always loved merry-go-rounds, Debby. Have a wonderful time with James!

photowannabe said...

I call it a Merry Go Round too and the last time I was on one was at Disneyland probably 6 years ago.
Have fun with James and you can do it. Hope your lungs start responding to the new meds.
That's awesome is something I say much too much.
Putting away the groceries is my least favorite chore but I really don't care for any type of shopping.

Chatty Crone said...

I will pray for those two days - I know you can do it Debby.
I am praying for your lungs too.
Last week when I had groceries delivered from WalMart they left at the wrong house! Ohvey
Our sermon last week was on prayer breathes - Thank God was one - that means you are praying and might not even know it.

CheerfulMonk said...

We called it a merry-go-round, and we loved them.

I hope it goes well with watching James. I'm sorry you have the hassle of day care, but I hope being with him will more than make up for it. I'm praying for you and your lungs. Much love. ❤️

Kym said...

Glad Mark is doing better, and I hope your time of watching James goes well! Hope the medication you're taking kicks in and helps you feel better too!

ellen b. said...

Praying right now that all goes well for you as you watch James and pick him up from school. I'm also praying things will improve with your medication and lungs. Hope you have a great day.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I hope everything goes well with your time with James. I am sure you will be just fine, and it will be a very special time together. Think how much fun James will have being with you! I have not been on a Merry go Round in many years, probably not since I was a child. I don't do rides that go round and round anymore, although the gentle ride of the "carousel" merry go round shouldn't be that difficult. I just have motion sickness if I am spinning or twirling or anything out of the ordinary! I can't even watch videos on TV if they are not filmed professionally. I get motion sickness watching so many of them that I have to leave the room if hubby insists on watching them. I do hope you will start to feel stronger and better soon. Praying for your lungs to heal and for you to feel better. Take care my friend, and enjoy your time with James.

Kirstin said...

Enjoyed your answers. I will definitely be praying for your time with James and that it will go smooth. We often have our grandkids and it seems that when they stay the night, they mostly prefer me for a lot of things. lol. Also praying your lungs respond.

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