2. It's been said "Ignorance is bliss"...is it?
I don't believe so.
3. Would you rather be stuck on a broken elevator or a broken ski lift? Explain. Have you ever actually been stuck on either? Of the common fears listed here what's your #1-heights-enclosed spaces-snakes-public speaking-the dark-flyingObviously
I wouldn't want to be on either and I haven't been stuck yet. I will choose the ski lift because I would be outside. I can't even begin to imagine being stuck in an elevator. I think I would go crazy for sure! I think I am going to go with snakes.
4. What's something you like about the town or city where you live?
There really isn't anything special about the town we live in except for the famous Mission Inn. We don't even go into the downtown areas. We are at the very edge of Riverside, CA. Most things we do are in Corona and are not part of our town. Now on the other hand Adam and Gabby live in the town of Orange that I would call a town with a main street.
5. Life is too short to sit in the house everyday!
So why don't I go out more?????
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I have been stuck on an elevaor once, the freight elevator in Sears in Savannah, we were moving mannequins up stairs to the storage place and it stopped mid floor. Neota and I started yelling and screaming and help came quickly. we were together, not alone, and it was really big, not a tiny one, but it was dark. of all the things under the tags #1 fear, every single one of those is on my fear list. the only one I do is public speaking, if teaching comes under that.
I haven't been to that part of California yet, but maybe someday. My hubs had to climb a small ladder to get out of the elevator he was stuck in. All he said was he was glad I wasn't with him. I'm sure lol!
I totally agree that life is too short to sit in the house all day!! And why do I do it so often?!? Enjoyed your answers -
I've never been to California (except LAX) and would love to visit there one day!
Love one another is the best.
I have not been stuck either but I want the ski lift. Too claustrophobic for the elevator.
No snakes either! lol
Again, I spot several similarities in our answers -- great minds, lol. I'd say the view from your back yard is pretty darn Special!
Work hard, me, never...........lol
Yes ignorance is bliss, would rather it then useless worry and stress
Broken elevator as I am scared of open height.
I live in a large but too large city and that's what I like it doesn't have the feel of a place like Sydney.
Life is too short to be miserable
Heaven comes down to touch us when we find ourselves safe in the heart of another
Ignorance is bliss? Not for me, learning new things is one of my greatest joys in life. Life is too short not to enjoy it.
My husband was born in Long Beach and grew up in Olive Ca - now it's part of Orange. Enjoyed your answers.
Greg's parents lived in Corona for a few years back in the 80's. I enjoy the downtown of Orange. I have a brother who lives in Riverside. All that to say I'm familiar with your neck of the woods. Yep, company makes for a quick motivation to do some cleaning! I'm with you about snakes. Keep them far from me, please. :)
Life is too short to stay inside every day. And yet on my days off that's what I usually do.
The comments people are giving regarding ignorance (bliss or not) seem to be leaning heavily toward it NOT being bliss. And like you, I agree. Bliss is great until it's not and then we realize it wasn't really bliss after all.
You have a beautiful blog, especially the photo of your grand puppy!
I had to smile at the first question. We had our small group over for a "picnic" dinner last Tuesday..Yes we definitely worked our tails off to get ready. Having been sick before that ..the house was really messy so it actually was good to get it cleaned.
I don't think ignorance is bliss in the long run. too many blunders.
I don't want to be stuck on either. Heights and I are not friends so ski lifts are a no/no. I have been stuck in elevators quite a few times. We were in the convention-trade show business for many years and hotel elevators and stock elevators are always getting stuck. Hated it but rescue was always on the way. Didn't have to do any dramatic escapes though.
Enjoyed your answers. I have a friend who lives in Riverside, Ca.
I enjoyed your answers Debby and your random.
xx oo
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