Wednesday, October 25, 2023


Thank you Joyce.
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1. October 25th is International Artists you have a favorite artist? If so tell us who and why. 

I have always like Thomas Kinkade's paintings. Mark and I started watching Painting With John on HBO and we love his work. It is way different then anything we have seen. 

His name is John Lurie. It is very intense art work and we loved watching him paint during each show. I would guess most people would not like his work. Just Google John Lurie Art to see his work. 

2. Would you describe yourself as artistic? Elaborate. 

No I am not artistic at all. My brother got all the talent from playing the organ, to beautiful paintings and acting. As he got older he directed plays in Milwaukee, WI.

3. What's a skill, task, hobby, or job you've done so often you now have it 'down to a fine art'? 

I think decorating my house is a down to fine art in my eyes. I used to do some crewel embroidery when I was younger and other little projects. 

4. How often do you dine out? Fast food, fine dining, or somewhere in between? Tell us about a less than stellar restaurant experience you've had recently (or not so recently if that's easier).  

Actually since the pandemic we have not dined out like we used to. We do like some fine dining. Fast food is okay but we don't do that often. Maybe twice a month.  

We recently went out with Amber and Dylan while they were here and Adam, Gabby and James joined us. Of course we went out for my birthday too with Adam, Gabby and James. 

5. Do you celebrate Halloween? To what extent? Are there trick or treaters where you live? 

First of all Gabby is all into Halloween and James is loving it. Outside and inside. I don't have a lot of decorations and I loved handing out big candy bars every Halloween. I have not done it since the pandemic and I won't be doing it this year. I'm just not up to it. There are not as many kids as there used to be. 

6. Insert your own random thought here.  

So as you know Amber and Dylan were here and we had a very nice visit. It was so wonderful seeing them and the time of course went by too quickly. I can't wait to make a trip to Montana after winter is over. We normally try to go 3 times a year.  That didn't happen because of Mark's knee injury. 

I'm going to show you the group again too!

So the plan was to get some different group photos for our Christmas cards. I usually do one every two years when Amber and Dylan come to town for James' birthday. Well it was Monday and that when we meet Adam, Gabby and James at the park for the train ride. 

That afternoon when I showered something got in my eye and I got a terrible subconjunctival hemorrhage in my eye and it was a bad one. My whole eye looked like blood. It didn't hurt and I could see. They tell you to wait a week or two for it to clear. As of now it is looking way better but needs the second week. So these are the only photos I have so there will not be a photo Christmas card this year. 

Now there is more. I don't like long posts but my answers above were pretty short. After Amber and Dylan arrived I was having some issues with nausea and belching. I was able to hang out and be okay but I felt so bad having this issue with them here. It was my time to have fun!! 

I ended up going to Urgent Care and I had an UTI. I've never had one before. So they gave me two medications. One for nausea and an antibiotic. Well sadly they both made my nausea worse. I felt horrible. We all know what it's like to be nauseated. 

Amber and Dylan had taken off early the next morning to head back to Great Falls, MT. So after a few more days I couldn't take it anymore and went to the ER. Urgent care wasn't opening for several more hours. I did find that I like Urgent care more than the ER. Anyway they switched my medications and I feel 100% better now. Let me tell you I have had enough this year of being sick.

Thank you so much for listening. I am sorry but after feeling this nausea each and everyday for 12 days I have to say that I could not keep up and read your blog posts. I hope to visit soon. 


Pamela M. Steiner said...

I am so sorry you had that UTI and sickness while your family was with you. That is so miserable. I tend to get UTI's way too often, and I cannot tolerate the antibiotics they give me at all. They do affect my tummy in unpleasant ways. I'm not sure what the alternative is, but as we get older this is a more persistent issue for women. I pray your episode will not reoccur. Loved the pictures you did get of your family. You could still put that in your Christmas card as people love to see how your kids are looking, etc. I do a Christmas letter and insert photos of our family in the letter so it doesn't necessarily have to be a photo of everyone together at once, which is often impossible to get. Either way, I'm sure your family Christmas greetings will be special. Please take care and I hope you feel much better now.

MadSnapper said...

I have only had UTI maybe 5 times over my life time, and did not feel sick at all, but Jackie had one a couple of weeks ago and she was sick like you are. they put her on antibiotics and she had an allergic reaction. glad they found meds that helped. Nausea is number one on my most dreaded symptoms. sorry is messed up your time with Amber and the photo.
Jackie found a way to treat hers without the meds, and it worked. oregano capsules and cranberry capsules, lots of water. in a week she was fine..
You are right, don't care for Lurie, but i can see how it would be fun to watch him do all those strokes. i am not an artist and always wanted to be. Son Dan is very talented but only uses it for Halloween.. i don't do halloween. except on my blog

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness sister - you have indeed had a rough year. I am so very sorry. Those UTI's are nothing to mess with. You must have had an allergic reaction to those pills. I am glad it is straightening out now.

You have a BEAUTIFUL and LOVING family there in the photos.

I am not much of an artist either. My mother was though.

Take care girl.

Carla from The River said...

Hi Debby, I say, this 2023 has been a doozy for you and your family. Hang in there.. thank you for sharing your family with us.

Susan said...

Sorry to hear you have been sick. I had an eye hemorrhage too. Just like you described, bloody, but no pain and no vision disturbance. They told me to rest a few days. I hope you feel better soon!

photowannabe said...

I really like the boldness of Georgia O'Keefe and her colors.
Of course the Masters are wonderful too.
I do think I am "slightly" artistic but my home really doesn't show it. I do love photography and have several of my photos on my walls.
I think Hubby and I eat out more often than we should. In and Out gets visited more often than it should and we can't afford the Fine Dining too often. I do like being served my meals instead of just counter service.
I can't say we celebrate Halloween but we do hand out candy that evening. There are less little kiddos in our neighborhood now so there are less knocks on the door. I do miss the little ones the most.
Hope you are feeling better now.
You really have had quite a year..Time to start enjoying things again.

Joyce said...

UTI's are miserable and can affect your health in so many ways. They can even cause brain confusion if they get into the blood stream. I'm glad you got the medication you need. We struggle to get a whole big group photo here. I am settling now for pics with just the grands. My sons-in-law both have jobs that require them being 'on call' so it's rare they're both here together. We took a picture with all four of our grands in July so I am thinking I'll use that for my card. It's not perfect but the kids look cute : )

Ann said...

I had a UTI once, not a pleasant experience. Sorry to hear about that and the issue with your eye. I sure hope you are feeling better soon.

Lisa said...

Oh goodness - your symptoms sound very unpleasant. I'm so glad you are on the mend and I'm sorry you felt so bad when your family was visiting!!
We actually had all of us together at the beach in early October and I asked a lady walking by to take our picture for our Christmas card. She failed to tell me that the sun was shining directly on me. I don't know if I'll use the photo or not.

Mevely317 said...

Well, darn! I know you were so looking forward to having a photo op for your Christmas cards. Do know anyone proficient in Photoshop who could 'create' a group on your behalf?
I've never had a UTI, but know all about those unpleasant tummy issues. I finally got into see a specialist this morning, but will have to wait almost 2 months for further diagnostic tests. I hope you're feeling much better MUCH soon!

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Personalised Christmas Cards are so special and nice although for us Aussies they can be a tad expensive. UTI's are horrible and can really know us about.

Here are my answers to these hodgepodge questions.

No favourite artist can't even think of one at the moment

I am far from artistic, really anything but artistic in fact

Breathing it comes so naturally

I haven't dined out in a long, oh hang it would have been Father's Day lunch with the our daughters

I have never celebrated Halloween, and doubt I ever will as it wasn't a thing here in Australia when I was a child.

In all ranks of life the human heart yearns for the beautiful;
all the beautiful things that God makes are his gift to all alike

By: Harriet Beecher Stowe

ellen b. said...

Oh dear Debby, nausea is the worst and I'm so sorry you had to deal with these symptoms while your kids were visiting. Happy to read you are feeling better with your meds changed. I hope that's the end of that. Hope the end of October goes well for you.

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so sorry you were sick. That sucks you couldn't fully enjoy the visit with your family. ❤️

Anne in the kitchen said...

I am so sorry you were feeling unwell when your family was here. UTI's can be hard on your body but also can be hard to rein in. I am glad you are feeling better now but I hate it impacted your visit.

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