Wednesday, November 8, 2023


Thank you Joyce.
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1. Are you too hard on yourself or not hard enough? Elaborate. 

Lately I've been very hard on myself. This year has been a hard one and there is so much to do before the end of the year and I'm not sure how I'm going to get it all done. 

2. What's the role of gratitude in your life? 

I send out thank you notes for gifts I received. I am a big card sender for everyone's birthday's. 

3. Where do you get your news these days? How much attention are you giving it currently? 

I've never been one to watch the news because it is always depressing. However, currently I watch The Five with Mark Monday thru Friday. 

Before my dad passed away in 2020 he would call me when something big was going on in the world and I would turn on the TV to watch it. Obviously I see some things on Facebook.

4. Do you like potatoes? Last time you prepared potatoes in some way? Which of the following is your favorite...baked potato, mashed potato, french fried potato, sweet potato, hash brown potatoes, roasted potatoes, or potato salad? 

Yes, I like potatoes. We don't have them too often but we do like to bake them in the oven. I do like a baked sweet potato also.  I like potato salad also but we don't have it often at all. 

5. Are you a veteran? Are there any veterans in your family? Will you do anything special to honor them on Veteran's Day/Remembrance Day this year? 

No I am not a veteran. Mark's father was a veteran. He's been gone a long time. Our son in law Dylan is a veteran and I mailed him a card. 

6. Insert your own random thought here.

James is doing really well in T-K and was recently Star of the Day! 

Getting ready for Christmas. He recently asked if we would be doing a Gingerbread house again. Yes we will! At his age it is easier to get one that is already together and then we just decorate it. 

This was last years. 


Martha Jane Orlando said...

The Five is my favorite news show, Debby! Have a blessed day, my friend, and give that sweet James a hug for me. :)

Cathy said...

Love last years gingerbread house and I also love that James wants to make another one this year! Oh the memories you are making with him. I hope you have a great day Debby!

Pamela said...

Congratulations to the Star of the Day! I always bought a gingerbread house for my husband and daughter to decorate. They each did one side and it was always a great holiday photo op!

Chatty Crone said...

I never thought about getting a already made gingerbread house - good idea.
I don't watch the news either. Too depressing, but I do know what is going on. Don't be so hard on yourself - you have been through a lot this year. A lot! I think you have done well. And I love potatoes too!

MadSnapper said...

since CNN blasts most of the day every day, i hear it, but don't see it. I follow the local news channel in feedly and read the articles I am interested in. I like to know what is going on in our town. I watch th 5 am locals news each morning most of the time.
on the list of potatoes, the only thing we don't have is roasted potatoes and hash browns. we eat all the rest and french fries are done in air fry, potato salad we eat several times a month

Carla from The River said...

Star of the Day ... High Fives to that sweet little guy!!!

Joyce said...

I think at any age buying one premade is the way to go lol. Getting the walls up is the hardest part. Your little guy is so cute! I'm glad he's doing well. You sound overwhelmed. Maybe make a list and prioritize what's most important and let the rest go on a new list in a new year. Your mental health is most important. Take care.

Susan said...

James is so cute! I miss talking to my dad about news too.

Allstarme79 said...

I never feel like my ginger bread houses turn out right so I've stopped buying them. But if a kid wanted to do one, I'll probably end up buying one anyway!

photowannabe said...

Yes, I think I am probably too hard on myself..I have to admit I'm not such a pessimist any longer.
I am full of gratitude and am doing a blog post every day for the 30 days of Thanksgiving.
I do sort of listen to the news while my husband is so biased and depressing that I would rather not.
Love potatoes and had potatoes in my stew last night. I'm not crazy for sweet potatoes but will eat them.
Father in law was a veteran but he's been gone a very long time. When we lived in the San Francisco Bay Area we used to visit his grave at the Presidio.

Ann said...

I was always too hard on myself but I think lately I'm probably not hard enough.
Would you believe I have never made a gingerbread house? I might have to buy one of those kits and make one this year.

Mevely317 said...

I think it's sweet how you continue to send thank-you notes; that's a lost bit of etiquette, I do believe.
Since retiring, I've been way too easy on myself. I'd definitely benefit from having more structure/discipline in my days. Perhaps I'll put that on my "Possibilities" list for 2024.

Congrats to your 'Star of the Day'!

Lisa said...

Congrats to James!! He looks so cute in his Star of the Day hat!! (crown?)

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Hello there, hope all is going well over in your part of the world, here are my answers to these hodgepodge questions.

For the most part I am too hard on myself and too soft on others, I do try to let people know their words and actions are appreciated by me, unless they are being a dickhead then not so much.

The news I hear usually first thing of a morning on the radio or I get it from my daughter who gets it off the telly first thing in the morning.

I love spuds or potatoes of you prefer, I like them baked, mashed done in a potato bake or chipped.

No veterans in my family

Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love, to work and to play, also to look at the stars.
BY: Henry Van Dyke

Debby said...

How fun it is to have a little guy like James in your life. You get to do things like decorate a gingerbread house. I taught preschool years ago and had a daycare in my house and those were the best years of my life - with my hands in playdough and spending my days with little ones.

I hate the news - but it's one of those necessary evils if I want to be somewhat aware of what is going on that could affect me. I do find I grit my teeth a lot.

CheerfulMonk said...

Andy's a veteran, but he didn't have to go overseas. I was hard on myself until my mid-20s, then I noticed I was very understanding and supportive of other people, but not of myself and decided that was dumb. Since then I try to bring out the best in myself. It's a lot more effective.

ellen b. said...

Great idea about the ginger bread house already constructed for younger ones. Fun that he remembers and wants to do it again. That's nice that you sent your Son in law a card. Thankful for his service! Hope the rest of your week goes well.

ellen b. said...
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Kirstin said...

I feel like some seasons can cause us to be harder on ourselves than others.

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