Wednesday, November 15, 2023


Thank you Joyce.
To play along click HERE

1. This week's Hodgepodge lands on National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day. Is yours in need of a cleaning? Will you get that done today? How often do you tackle this particular chore?

I suppose it could use a little cleaning. No I won't be doing it today. I had recently cleaned it in October before Amber and Dylan came to visit. I don't tackle it very often and it usually looks pretty good. 

2. November 15th is also National Philanthropy Day...tell us about a charity (local or otherwise) you like to support when you're able. 

I usually send money each year to St. Jude's Hospital where they treat children with cancer. It was founded by Danny Thomas in 1962. 

3.What in nature inspires you and why? 

Usually when I see butterflies and humming birds. I think they are a beautiful part of nature. Of course if I get a chance to see a deer they always seem to inspire me. This was in Mammoth Lakes, CA years ago. We do often see some wildlife when we travel to Great Falls, MT.

4. What's something you own that makes you feel cozy?

I have a gray cable knit pullover sweater that I wear a lot.  

5. Who did you thank today? Who thanked you? 

I would have to say it was text messaging with Amber. We both thanked each other for things that we said.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I want to thank everyone who stops over to read my posts. I seem to be struggling to read posts lately and I know I am stressing about Christmas so if I don't show up to read your post please forgive me. 


Joyce said...

St. Jude's is such a remarkable organization. Did you know Danny Thomas is buried there on the grounds? No worries about reading is an incredibly busy time of the year. Enjoy decorating and time with James.

Allstarme79 said...

I'm stressing about Christmas and money too so I get it!

MadSnapper said...

I don't clean mine at a set time, just when ever it needs it. we don't keep a lot in it, because it is small, really small and i am just happy i don't have to defrost the freezer after moving all the stuff out like i used to before frost free freezers.
I thanked the girl who drew my blood labs and the lady at the front desk, thanked the man who held the door open into the doc office, thanked the girl who rang up my RX at publix, did that all this morning.
I agree with you about wild life, i love all of it ad have not seen a deer anywhere but in captivity.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

I give monthly to both St. Jude's and Tunnels 2 Towers. Such worthy causes!
Blessings, Debby!

Mevely317 said...

St. Jude's is a wonderful choice, Debby! Both they and Childrens in Birmingham. My friends' grand and gr-grandson was recently airlifted there. Only a week old 'S' has lots of issues, but like St. Jude's he's in the best hands.

Please, don't stress about the little things!

Carla from The River said...

Happy November Debby,
I am the same with you my fridge usually looks pretty good, I do not like to waste stuff, so I am on top of what is going in and out of the fridge.
I do know what you mean, the season is sneaking up on all of us. I am going to start making lists and plans this Friday.
Love, Carla

Lisa said...

St. Jude's sounds like a truly amazing place. I am blessed to live in a place with a wonderful Children's Hospital (Birmingham, AL) but I've read stories of folks going to St. Jude's. I can't believe Thanksgiving is next week and Christmas will be here before I blink. I haven't bought a single gift except the ones for the angel tree at church.

photowannabe said...

I have been trying to weed out some of the half used bottles of this and that.. but my fridge is mostly passable..
I give monthly to several missionaries in places we have done mission trips to and to Convoy of Hope. It goes into places where disasters have taken place and brings food, medical supplies or what ever is needed.
Sunsets do inspire me and flowers (especially their colors and their intricate inside centers)
My lap blanket which I drag out as the weather turns chilly. Its so cozy to watch tv with.
I thanked my hubby for putting away the dishes in the drainer snd I thanked him for printing new business cards for us. I'm sure there will be thank you's all around when we go shopping in a short while.
Looks like we are finally going to have some rain this weekend. Its a long time coming.
Hang in there and just blog when you can.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Hello there, hope all is going well over in your part of the world, here are my answers to these hodgepodge questions.

My fridge needs a good clean out, a task I keep putting off.

I know nothing about charities

What inspires me????? Nothing comes to mind but I am sure there are things that do.

I have thanked no one for anything recently, I am often thanked for doing different things, like my niece thanked me the other day for being me.

Some measure their lives by days and years
Others by heart throbs, passion and tears.
But the surest measure under the sun
Is what in your lifetime for others you're done.

CheerfulMonk said...

I loved that last poster. That's so true for a lot of us. ❤️

Debby said...

Now that it has been mentioned about cleaning out the fridge, I plan to do it tomorrow. It's not disgusting, just needs to be wiped down.
I have a cable knit sweater that belonged to my sister - and after she passed and I was at her house, I swiped it. Of course no one minded. It's like she is hugging me...

I enjoyed your answers. Take care.

Cathy said...

I enjoyed your answers Debby and I love the picture of the deer. Hope you have a great rest of your week.

Kym said...

I've been struggling to keep up reading and commenting on all my friends' blogs lately as well. I think everyone understands that some days or weeks it's just hard to keep up! Love that photo of the deer, and that you mentioned hummingbirds in particular as being inspiring. Hummingbirds are so amazing to me. Have a great week!

Ann said...

My refrigerator needs to have the shelves wiped down but I don't have food in there that needs to be tossed. I've been pretty good about keeping up with that.
Try not to stress too much over Christmas. It should be a time for happiness and joy. Whatever doesn't get done, just doesn't get done.

Chatty Crone said...

We put in the wrong size filter for the ice and we had a mini flood so I cleaned it then - lol. Wasn't so funny at the time. GET GENIUNE PARTS!

Glad you and Amber get along so well.

Do not worry about posts - we all love you and understand.

Lauren said...
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Kirstin said...

You are not the only one struggling to read posts. I have been awful at it (in my opinion) and I feel terrible, but life happens and it's hard sometimes. I like that last meme.. :)

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