Wednesday, December 20, 2023


Thank you Joyce.
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1. Did you do more talking or more listening yesterday? Was it by choice or by necessity? 

I guess I did more listening by necessity. However, I did talk too! See my random thought.  

2. Are you a tea drinker? Hot, cold, or both? Flavored? What do you like in your tea? Do you make Christmas tea this time of year? What time of day do you like to sip your tea? 

No, I'm not much of a tea drinker at all. I never used to drink coffee either until Mark retired. 

3. What's an activity you won't try, an event you won't attend, or an athletic challenge you won't take part in not even for 'all the tea in China'?

I don't care to go skydiving. That's all I've got! 

4. What's something most people seem to love but is not 'your cup of tea'? 

I'm not a fan of football but I will watch the playoffs before the Super Bowl. I don't care for baseball either. I'm not a fan of scary movies. However I do like golf. 

5. How does your family celebrate New Year's Eve? 

We have never been big on New Years Eve. We like staying home and watching the shows on TV and we do toast the New Year with a glass of champagne at midnight. 

When I was young there would always be a New Year's Day dinner at someone's house.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

What a day I had yesterday! Left the house at 7:15 am to go to two doctor's appointments. At 8:15 I was scheduled for an echocardiogram and 9:15 an appointment with a pulmonary doctor. Same building. Afterwards I was going to run to a local Trader Joe's for a few things.

Well I exited the freeway and my phone rang. My appointment for 8:15 was being cancelled because someone called in sick. She said they could do it at 10:50 and I said okay since I was in the area. So since I had time before the 9:15 appointment I went to Trader Joe's. I come out of the store and my phone rings cancelling the 9:15 appointment at the pulmonary doctor because my CT scan wasn't done.

Well the CT scan was cancelled on Friday. So I had to schedule a new appointment after the rescheduled appointment for the CT scan on the 29th. Then I get another call cancelling the 10:50 echocardiogram. They were not going to be able to do any yesterday. OMG! I was so upset. What a waste of my time and I just drove back home. We are about 40 minutes from most of our appointments. Then when I got home I call the cardiologist office to cancel a follow up on the echo and rescheduled it. However, I was on hold for 38 minutes before I was even able to talk to someone. I was so angry yesterday!


I also need to say that James was not a big fan of the Polar Express. They did an excellent job and we had the best seats on the train. The center of each train section had 4 seats out so most everything that went on was right in front of us. I think he was a little scared about that and the loudness of it. He also seemed very tired and later Gabby said that next time she will plan something like this on the weekend, not after his long day at school and day care.

James loves the movie but he loves the movie because of the train. He kept trying to look out the windows and they were frosted. He could only see some lights. It broke my heart that he wasn't enjoying it. I have to say that all the actors on the train spent time talking to him, even Santa Claus. We did all get lovely bells as a gift from the Polar Express. Also it was dark out so we couldn't really get any great photos and inside the train was very well lit but the pictures looked very red. So I have one that I made black and white so you could see Adam, Gabby and James.

The conductor played by Tom Hanks in the movie.

I promise a happier post soon. I'll be posting my Christmas decorations. I didn't put as much out but the house looks good. Love, Debby


Ann said...

Oh my, how frustrating with all those cancellations. Especially already on the road to get to them. Sorry you had such a bad day. Hope you are able to get everything rescheduled.
James doesn't look too thrilled in that picture.

Cathy said...

Sorry about all the issues with appointments. That was so frustrating, I'm sure. Love that picture with James and his parents. So sorry he didn't really enjoy it.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Your morning has me gritting my teeth just thinking of how frustrating it had to be. James does look tired and not all that happy.
I ALWAys talk more than listen, it is impossible for me not to.
Iced tea only unless i need peppermint tea for tummy issues
I had to laugh at the activity question. skydiving I agree with and the list that i would not do would clog your blog for months. no flying, floating,climbing, heights,caves, bike/motor cycles, see what i mean?

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I would be upset about all those cancellations too. My husband yesterday had a doctors appointment to remove some skin cancer - but they called to reschedule him earlier which worked out fine. I don’t schedule appointments too close to Christmas because of the expected last minute cancellations Funny how doctors offices will charge you for last minute cancellations but they can do it to us.
I bet James was just tired and overwhelmed . They can only take in so much at his age.

Mevely317 said...

What a letdown, all your perfectly-planned appointments and shopping gone awry. I'd be so cross!
That's such a shame about the Polar Express. Poor guy's expression says it all! Hopefully in a few more years that's something the family can laugh about.

I hope your coming days turn brighter and happier!

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Rescheduling appointments can be a tedious and unwelcome task, that's for sure. So sorry your day went poorly, and that James didn't enjoy his trip on the Polar Express. Maybe, he will like it next year.
Blessings, Debby!

photowannabe said...

I'm with everyone else..that canceling of all those appointments would push me over the edge too. I hate when a day ends up being wasted like that.
Poor James looks so tired and apprehensive. Maybe next year will be better.
Here's hoping you have a Merry Little Christmas..

Carla from The River said...

Merry Christmas Debby,
Goodness what a day for you, I would be upset too. This just happened to my friend Janet, but she did not get a phone call, she showed up to her appointment and was told it was cancelled.
Enjoy your family during this special time of year. Love, Carla

ellen b. said...

Oh my, what a very frustrating time you had with appointments. So sorry. Also sorry James wasn't as taken with the production as the movie. I do hope all your Christmas festivities will be enjoyed and bring joy! Merry Christmas to you and all your family.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I prefer to listen over talking, I usually can't think of anything to say

I don't like tea much and haven't drank it in years and I can't stand cold tea.

I can't handle open heights so anything to do with that like sky diving, bungee jumping things like that are a no no for me.

NYE is just another night for me.

Joyce said...

What a day! I hope today was better for you. I'm sorry James didn't enjoy the train. That's good to know though, perhaps his age? I am sure your house looks lovely. Enjoy your pretty decorations and relax and have a wonderful holiday. Wishing you good health and much joy in the new year!

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so sorry about your doctors' appointments! I hope that gets sorted out and it goes better next time. ❤️

Susan said...

Hi Debby, sorry that James did not enjoy the Polar express. It probably was a bit too much for him. I would be upset too if I got the run around with the doctors. I have Kaiser and haven't had very many problems. I called Monday morning for my ear and got to see my doctor later in the day. I hope it all works out after the holidays. Have a Merry Christmas!

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