Wednesday, February 21, 2024


Thank you Joyce.
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1. What kind of thinker are you-doer concrete thinking) analyst (analytical and abstract thinking), orator (logical thinking) inventor (imaginative thinking) or original thinker (creative)? What makes you say so? You can try this little quiz (link here) to help with your answer. 

Here is how much you scored for every type:

Doer: 13%
Analyst: 38%
Orator: 25%
Inventor: 88%
Original Thinker: 38%

2. Do you own a crock pot, air fryer, and/or instapot? Do you leave said small appliance sitting out? How often do you use it/them? Favorite thing to make in one of these? 

Yes we have a crock pot. No, small appliances are in a cabinet. The only thing out is our coffee maker. We do not use our crock pot very often. I usually make chili in the crock pot. 

3. What's something you hold a strong opinion on that matters not at all in the grand scheme of things? 

I'm drawing a blank here. 

4. Describe the view from your window. 

From our sliding doors and windows in the family room we have a beautiful view and also from our bedroom sliding glass doors. There is a lot more patio from the house that this photos doesn't show. We actually have a patio along the back of the house and then stepping stones to three other patios. This is the one at the back of the yard. 

5. Do you have a favorite brand? Explain.

I have several favorite brands. I like Seventh Generation dish soap. I like a Ever Spring laundry detergent. I like Trader Joe's potato chips. I like Fage Yogurt. We like Tillamook Cheese slices. We like Daisy brand sour cream. We like La Tortilla factory light flour Tortillas. I like Frigo Cheese Heads String Cheese. We like Irish Spring soap and also Charmin Ultra Soft Toilet paper. I guess I could go on and on.

6. Insert your own random thought here.  

Adam had a lovely birthday party for Gabby on Saturday evening. There were about 25 people. He made two lasagnas, garlic bread, salads and ordered some pizzas for the younger people in the crowd and had some great desserts too!

We had his lasagna a few weeks ago and it is the best I've ever had and those are the compliments he was getting on Saturday night. I will try to share it with you when I can. 


Joyce said...

You have a spectacular view! Do you spend a lot of time on those patios? I would live out there. Your daughter-in-law is lovely. Happy birthday to her!

MadSnapper said...

I have strong opinions on every thing and anything, no way to pick just one. I am always happy to share said opinions. ha ha
Happy birthday to Gabby and yum on the food for the party. views out of every window in the house include trees and I keep the blinds open as soon as the sun comes up. no view like yours though. the crockpot is used about 6 times a year and lives in the cabinet, ninja oven with air fryer is out on counter, as is the toaster. both are used daily.

Debby @ From My House to Yours said...

Beautiful view, Debby. We’re so blessed to live in California with all our diverse geography.
I have opinions that always get me into trouble. I have to learn that no one really wants to hear them! 🙃

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Your view truly is spectacular, Debby. I'm glad Gabby had an excellent birthday celebration, too.

Carla from The River said...

Debby your view is something!!!! I love the photo of Gabby!! She looks so happy.
Happy Hodgepodge!

photowannabe said...

Wow, oh wow on your view. I would never get anything done ...looking at that view...
I do have very strong opinions and mostly keep my mouth shut about them. Sometimes a bit wimpy but it is safer that way.
We have 2 crock pots and use them all the time. They are so convenient. Also have an Instapot which I use quite often too. That is on our counter in the corner because I have no room for it anyplace else.
My favorite brand is Charmin TP.
Happy birthday to your lovely DIL.

Ann said...

Doer: 63%
Analyst: 25%
Orator: 25%
Inventor: 75%
Original Thinker: 63%

I do have a crock pot and air fryer. I used to have an instapot but found it rather difficult to figure out so I gave it away. All those appliances get put in a cupboard when not in use. Lately I use the air fryer the most.
That is one beautiful view from your window.

Mary said...

Oh! Your view! I just can't get enough of it!!
Tillamook ice cream is AMAZING...just sayin'!

Mevely317 said...

What an exquisite view! I, too, love Charmin TP -- but it seems lately (since the pandemic) the quality's a bit amiss?
I'm looking forward to seeing that lasagna recipe!

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Here is how much you scored for every type:

Doer: 50%
Analyst: 25%
Orator: 13%
Inventor: 63%
Original Thinker: 63%

Me a thinker, I don't think so, I am a live in the moment type of person and thinking hurts my

A daughter borrowed my slow cooker aka crockpot and still has it, my air fryer died only this week so that needs to be replaced, it gets a lot of use.

Can't think of a damn thing.

Outside my front door, my loungeroom has no windows I see birds lots of birds.

Pamela said...

That is a stunning view!

Anne in the kitchen said...

Oh my goodness , your view is incredible!

ellen b. said...

You have a beautiful view of the mountains and all the rain you've had has really cleared and cleaned things up nicely! It looks so pretty. Your son outdid himself for the party. Sounds delicious and fun!

CheerfulMonk said...

Doer: 75%
Analyst: 63%
Orator: 38%
Inventor: 50%
Original Thinker: 88%

Doesn't quite add up to 100% does it? 😊

Susan said...

Gabby is very pretty! You have a great view! I can't use any products that has a fragrance because of my allergies. I like to use essential oils. Have a great weekend!

Kirstin said...

Your view is pretty. Love those mountains. Oh, I love lasagna!!

Kym said...

What an amazing view!! Gorgeous!! Birthday celebration for your daughter-in-law sounds great, and she looks lovely! Sorry I'm a week late in visiting, and it's now time for another Hodgepodge!

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