2. If you had to describe how you're feeling right now as an amusement park ride, what ride are you on? Explain.
That's an interesting question. I will go with the Tilt-A-Whirl ride. Everything seems to be crazy right now and I am spinning in circles. However, I love that ride, just not in my life right now.
3. What's something on your desk or a nearby wall that cheers you up when you see it or walk past?
4. Are you a salad eater? How many salads do you typically eat in a week? Your favorite kind of salad?
Yes, I like a salad. I probably eat 2 salads a week but I also saute spinach with an egg. As far as salads go I like a romaine salad with caesar dressing and shredded parmesan cheese. Sometimes I add canned chicken to it.
5. Without telling us the category give us your top five ______________.
Barry Manilow - Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - Steely Dan - Kenny G - Billie Eilish
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I love your canvas wall! I am in the process of doing one in my office and am waiting on three new canvases to arrive, along with a sign I want to hang with them. I hope March treats you with gentleness. Have a great day!
I have a dog wall, with all 6 dogs on it and i alway pause and smile when walking past it, it is the path to the kitchen so i see it a LOT... mine are just framed photos that I printed myself. would love the canvas like yours.
Ferris Wheel is my life, though tilta whorl is good also. I feel like i am trapped on a ferris wheel, with no way off or to stop it. and I do not ride ferris wheels, ever.
thanks for the wishes at the end because all 5 of those are not in my life right now.
I want to do a canvas wall like yours!
Never tried sauteed spinach with egg, but that sounds delicious!
PS - Great Top 5. I, too, love Barry and Crosby (et al).
We have lots of framed photos that Danny has taken over the years on our walls, and I love looking at them, Debby. I do hope things will calm down for you in the month of March.
Hi Debby, your picture wall is great! I like your choices! I hope things get better for you!
With the exception of the last one, I am in agreeance with those top 5 musicians! I like them all but her.
Merry go Round... busy accomplishing nothing
I love the pictures on my walls, one of the Golden Gate Bridge and another of Yosemite Valley and an antique pastel chalk picture that used to live in my folks home long ago.
I've been wanting to do a wall of family photos. I like how yours looks.
I like all of your top 5
Pretty easy questions for me to answer today, things are pretty average with me, life is a merry go round aka carousel, I have lots of photos around me that make me happy and I don't eat salads.
We all long to not be forgotten when we pass but sadly so many of us will be just that forgotten if not straight away over time , it is part of the cycle of life and death.
LOVE your wall of canvas!!!
I like your random.
xx oo
February? "Whizzed by." I hope your March goes a lot better!
That wall of canvas prints does look amazing, Debby. It is fun to see and remember the places we've enjoyed. Happy last day of February!
I love the idea of your canvas pictures! That gives me a great idea! :)
Have a great week
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