Wednesday, March 13, 2024


Thank you Joyce. 
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1. Thursday is National Pi Day...are you good at math? What was the last thing you had to calculate? Did you use your head or technology? Last slice of pie you ate? 

No, I've never been good with math. Usually it is just my checkbook. I used a small calculator. Oh my, I think it may have been at Gabby's birthday party in February. 

2. What makes a house a home? 

Love for sure. Comfortable room settings with blankets and pillows to snuggle in. Some awesome healthy snacks in the pantry.

3. Your current favorite green thing? 

Nothing is coming to mind except for my green plants in the house. I love this one because I love giraffe's. 

4. How do you define achievement? How does your personal definition look similar to, or different than, society's definition? What's something you think is worth achieving in life? 

I'm not sure how to answer these but something that is worth achieving is happiness in your life. 

5. What song is a good soundtrack for your life right now? 

I have been so out of touch these days that I'm not coming up with anything. However, I did finally put a CD into my player in the car and listened to a CD from our 45th class reunion which is songs from 1969. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 


MadSnapper said...

for some reason I am drawing a total blank on all the questions today.. I can say that I love giraffes also and your s is really pretty with the green plant in it. I can say I do love our brilliant new growth green oak tree in the front yard.

Joyce said...

I love the little succulent in the giraffe planter. I have a hedgehog with a succulent growing there and it makes me smile. Have a nice day Debby!

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

Love that last graphic. So true! The giraffe planter is so cute. My plants are my favorite green as well.

Mevely317 said...

I so agree about blankets and pillow making a house 'home'! Goodness knows, some mornings look like the aftermath of a teen's slumber party.

I couldn't get into #4 + #5 this week. They reminded me of questions an interviewer might ask ... or an emcee on Miss America. (lol)

Chatty Crone said...

I have to agree - the questions were a little tough. I agree about a home been love, blankets, and pillows. Comfortable. Love your giraffe too.

Memphis Bridges said...

Such a cute little plant! I love blankets and pillows around as well. Have a good day!

Ann said...

Well I can answer the first question. I never did like math much and I don't do math in my head. I prefer to use a calculator.

photowannabe said...

I haven't had pie in quite some time but we did have a piece of birthday cake at our small group dinner last night...twas yummy.
A house is just walls and stuff without love and cherished momories.
Favorite green is all the new Spring Growth popping out all over.
Find a Wheel and it goes round and round..sort of like life at the moment.

Sparky said...

Such a fun post. I enjoyed your answers.
Blessings. 💙

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Great answers, some of mine would be as follows

I am ok with basic math other then that not so much

A family makes a house a home, and photos and clutter and a lived in feeling.

The grass beautiful and green is wonderful.

Friends are a rare treasure even those online, never forget that

ellen b. said...

A comfy home with love and snacks sounds good to me. Hope you have a good rest of the week and weekend!

Anne in the kitchen said...

I will be volunteering at Independence Place Thursday and since it is Pi(e) Day I think it is only appropriate that the skills class should be making individual pies.

Carla from The River said...

I love that plant and giraffe pot. :-)

bp said...


Nice to visit you today. I still keep up with my checkbook and write checks, seems a lot of people don't anymore. And use a calculator for it!

We haven't made any pie today, thought about it but not yet.

Have a good day!

CheerfulMonk said...

I love the giraffe and the poster!

Kirstin said...

That giraffe is so cute.

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