Wednesday, May 22, 2024


Thank you Joyce.
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1. What are you currently juggling in your life? 

Not that you want to hear this, but as I type this I have a lung infection. I am so upset about this. I don't have time to be sick. I had to miss a very important doctor's appointment yesterday. I also had some errands to run that I really needed to run. I am angry and mad. Started on steroids and antibiotics. 

Not to mention all of the other doctor's appointments that I'm juggling each month. Enough already! It took 3 months to see a dermatologist. So I have a few things to get taken care of and I can't be seen until Sept. 3rd which is the day before bowling starts and I may not be able to bowl because of a thing on my arm. 

2. How often do you buy new clothes? What was the last piece of clothing you purchased? 

I seldom buy new clothes. However, I do need to do that one of these days. I do order tops from LuLaRoe online. A friends of mine was selling them when they first came out and they work for me. However I have several people who I follow and only buy when on sale. 

3. What food festival would you most like to attend? If you need help here are links to some of the bigger and more popular food events around the world-

Ten Food Festivals Worth Traveling To Find

2024 Best Food And Drink Festivals And Events In The US

20 Popular Food Festivals Around The World In 2024 For Your Unconditional Love Of Food

They all sound pretty amazing. I don't have a clue. I haven't been to one in years but I always did enjoy them down at Navy Pier in Chicago. Actually I think at the end of July we will be going to a Fair in Great Falls, MT which will probably have some great things to eat. 

4. May is the 5th month of the year. Tell us something you remember about your 5th grade year. 

I remember my teacher taking me and a friend of mine out in the hallway after a spelling bee. She would always have everyone write the words they got wrong 100 times. We always had so many wrong that we got to write them only 50 times each. To be honest, that didn't actually teach me a lesson. 

5. What are your favorite five words right now? 

When I am put on the spot I just draw a blank on some of the questions. My favorites names are Amber, Dylan, James, Adam and Gabby. Of course I can't forget Mark or the dogs, Finley, Roxy and Gracie. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

On Saturday morning we went to Adam and Gabby's and drove with them to watch James play soccer. He has one last game coming up on Saturday. Afterwards we went and picked up bagels and had some coffee with them. We also did a quick facetime with Amber on her birthday. 

James love this bouncy ball....

Here is a picture of Amber and Dylan before they went
out to eat on her birthday.

Speaking of birthdays, today is my sisters birthday.
Happy Birthday Darcy!

These of course are from our younger days. 
Raymond, Darcy to the right and me on the left.

Raymond, Debby and Darcy. 

Here we are with my dad on his 90th birthday.

My dad passed away about 7 weeks before his 97th birthday right after the pandemic started and my brother passed away during the pandemic in July of 2021.


Mevely317 said...

Your 5th grade teacher's 'punishment' was sure curious. Back in the day I was an excellent speller, but now my phone and the computer does it all for me. I've probably forgotten most!

My favorite 5 words are: "Let's go out to eat."

bp said...

I'm sorry to hear about your lung infection.
James is getting so big!
Nice to visit you today.

ellen b. said...

So sorry to read about your lung infection. That's a tough one. Glad you could enjoy time with your local family at soccer and afterwards. Love all the old photos!! Hope you have a peaceful Memorial Day weekend.

Maria Rineer said...

Great throwback pictures! James is adorable. I´m sorry that you have a lung infection. I hope that heals quickly.

Allstarme79 said...

Sorry you're having health issues! That punishment sounds to me like "the old days' by the time I was in school ion the 80s we didn't do those kind anymore!

photowannabe said...

So sorry about all of your health issues. Hope you will heal quickly.
It seems I am always juggling my bills...making sure they get paid with so little income.
I haven't bought new clothes in ages. Sometimes I can find a really good deal on the clearance rack then it will come home with me.
My 5th grade teacher was Miss Pieser. she had a french accent and loved to do art projects and singing..did I learn anything? I don't think very much but she was nice.

Love Mevely's answer...Let's go out to eat!!

I do hope this weekend will be better for you.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

That's a real bummer about that lung infection, Debby. Hope you get well and feel better soon! And you already know how James' smile brightens my day. :)

Ann said...

So sorry to hear about your lung infection. I hope you get better soon.

Sparky said...

Prayers for healing. Get well soon.

Mary said...

That James is such a cutie pie!
So sorry that you are ill...that stinks to the nth degree.

MadSnapper said...

my favorite 5 words are "I don't want to cook" I hate cooking with a passion, is 6 words I love.
I find it hard to believe James is playing soccer, seems like he was just born last year. OH NO on the pneumonia. hope the meds work for you..

Cathy said...

Oh Debby, I'm so sorry you are sick. I hope you get better quickly.

Susan said...

I am sorry you are sick. I hope you get better soon! Have you ever been to the Orange International Street Fair? I wrote about it at my blog. Lots of pictures too. I enjoyed your pictures!

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness I HATE just HATE you are sick again. You must be so frustrated. Enough is enough. I love to go to food fairs - but I don't walk so good anymore.
Hey if you have any other clothes sites that you shop at would you send them sometime to me.
Love James and your family.

Mama Squirrel said...

Sorry to hear about your lungs--that is not a fun thing to juggle. Hoping things will be better soon!

Debby @ From My House to Yours said...

Oh no - sorry to hear about your lungs. Get well soon! I can understand getting angry and upset about it all. Hopefully a swift recovery is near.
And then there’s James! Sure to put a smile on your face!

Joyce said...

I'm so sorry you're sick Debby. I will be praying for quick healing. Maybe your dermatologist will have a cancellation between now and then. It's worth getting on the list if they keep one. I'm glad James is such a bright spot for you. Take care.

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so sorry about the lung infection on top of everything else. Sending love, prayers and best wishes. ❤️

Carla from The River said...

Sending prayers Debby, hope you heal quickly.
I enjoyed seeing your photos from your childhood. I like your hair in the second to last photo, fun style.
And it was fun to see Amber too.
xx oo

Kirstin said...

What I can order LulaRoe online. I loved their leggings and one of the tops was my favorite. I had a skirt I loved too, but then lost weight and it was too big. I was so sad. I'm going to check out the link. I hope you're feeling better. I'm really late to commenting.

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