Wednesday, July 10, 2024


Thank you Joyce.
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1. Do you feel older or younger than your age? Elaborate. 

Honestly I feel older than my age with all the medical issues I have going on along with a few new ones I haven't mentioned here. 

Why I feel this way, mainly because my dad lived until 96 and Mark's mom is now 96, both with some issues but not very many. I'm jealous of them. 

2. What's one thing you should toss right now, but just can't? 

Books, however I wouldn't toss them but take it to the Salvation Army. If it is just one thing it would probably be a formal dress that I will never wear again. 

3. Have you visited many of the 63 National Parks in the US of A? You'll find a list here. Do you have a favorite? What National Park that you haven't seen do you most want to see? 

We have been to 14 of the National Parks. It's hard for me to pick just one. 

Grand Canyon, Petrified Forest, Joshua Tree, Redwood Forest, Yosemite, Mesa Verde, Rocky Mtn, Yellowstone, Indian Dunes, Glacier, Carlsbad Caverns, Badlands and the Grand Tetons.

Probably Hawaii Volcano since I have never been to Hawaii. 

4. How often do you get take out? What's your favorite? 

We don't get take out very often. I guess I will go with Five Guys since it is Mark's favorite. I'm not sure about mine other than the Sausage Egg McMuffin. 

If we are ordering something to be delivered to the house I would go with Macaroni Grill when it's buy one get one free on Monday's. Otherwise I like Cheesecake Factory. 

5. Do you have many (or any) subscriptions? Not necessarily magazines, but thinking more along the lines of boxes or products that companies offer, and you can sign up to receive on a regular basis. Could be weekly, monthly, quarterly, even daily. Tell us about them. 

No I don't. I have People magazine delivered and that's it. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

So as it turned out on the 4th of July Adam and James came over but it was a distanced visit. They were both negative for Covid. James was very upset that he couldn't come over and watch the fireworks from our yard. They have never seen them before from here.

So they came about a 1/2 hour before they started, entered through our back gate and like I said we were distanced in the yard. I did put out snacks for them to eat. They both enjoyed the fireworks very much. Gabby, as of yesterday, is finally negative! 

We are heading to there house on Monday to watch their dogs for a few days while they fly up north to a very exclusive place with friends to have dinner. 

The French Laundry 

James will be at his cousins house but Mark we will go and pick him up on Wednesday morning and hopefully we will go to the Irvine Park to ride the train. Adam and Gabby will be home that afternoon. 


Joyce said...

We definitely take our health mostly for granted when we're young. I think my kids generation are trying to be more proactive in terms of exercise, drinking water, skin care in the sun, etc. I'm playing catch up in some of those areas now. Oooh, The French Laundry-how nice for them! I'm glad everyone is over the Covid hurdle and James was able to see the fireworks. Enjoy your time with him.

Anne in the kitchen said...

The French Laundry is on my bucket list. I hope your "kids" enjoy it to the fullest!

MadSnapper said...

Yay for coming PHUN with James.. no subscriptions except Netflix and prime
takeout once a month, Papa Johns Pizza
No National Parks but many state parkd in Flordia, Kentucky and Georgia.

ellen b. said...

Glad James and fam could see the fireworks from your yard. You have been to a good number of parks! The French Laundry is quite the treat!!

Cathy said...

Hope you have lots of fun with Adam!

Susan said...

I get what you mean on the health issues. It is hard for me to get rid of books. donate them to the library. The train ride at Irvine Park is nice. We went there when our kids and grandkids were little. Stay cool because it will be hot today!

photowannabe said...

Blistering hot again today..I am getting so tired of the heat day after day.
Glad the family could still come and see the fireworks from afar. How fun to have James and hopefully you can get that train ride.
All this financial stuff has taken its toll on hubby and I. We definitely feel our ages of 80 and 82.
We have been to a lot of National Parks and State Parks too. They are a wonderful way to see the USA.

Chatty Crone said...

I am glad everyone is getting over Covid! Hate Covid.
You know I really didn't feel I was getting older until I hit 70. Now I kind of do - even though I know it is just a number.
Better get rid of the books now - pretty soon people won't be ready books and libraries will be obsolete!! lol
14 parks is quite a few.
We go and pick up food a lot - it is cheaper than eating inside a place.
Glad James got to see the fireworks.

Ann said...

Whether I feel younger or older kind of depends on the day. Some days I feel way older.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

I'm so glad that James got to see fireworks even though you all couldn't get up close to one another. Covid is a bummer, to say the least! Some days, for all of us, are better than others when it comes to feeling good. I'm so thankful to still be in pretty good shape, all things considered.
Blessings, Debby!

Carla from The River said...

Hi Debby, I am happy you were still able to celebrate the 4th with James. It is these special memories that he will take with him.
The French Laundry ... oh how fun!!

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Great answers, I use to have too many books but no more got rid of them.
Here are my answers

Younger for sure, in my dreams and thoughts I am still in my 20’s, age is mostly a state of mind in my mind says I am in my 20’s, my body may not agree.

I can’t think of a damn thing, maybe that’s because we have been having a clean out of stuff lately and because I am pretty good at tossing stuff I don’t use or no longer want.

Nope but I am in Australia so not so easy to do

Once or twice a month, mostly pizza

Nope no subscriptions for anything

When one has had their licence cancelled due to be medically unfit to drive, life becomes more difficult, and one can start to feel like a burden to their family. I can’t drive myself anywhere and I hate having to ask for someone to drive me places. I wish I could afford to just get cabs but I can’t so need to rely on family.

Mevely317 said...

I, too, have an elegant cocktail dress (ca. 1983) that I can't bear to part with. While it still fits, it's cut is totally inappropriate for a 74 y/o. Figure I'll let my kids deal with that someday.

I didn't realize Macaroni Grill was still in business. That's one restaurant I sure miss.

CheerfulMonk said...

I had heard of the French Laundry, and I watch enough cooking shows to know about Keller, but I had to look up where it was located. What fun for them. I'm glad you'll be seeing James soon. ❤️

Kirstin said...

I'm so sorry for all the issues. No fun. I prefer to donate things or give away to friends. I do this with puzzles...instead of keeping them, when I'm done I ask if friends want them. How awesome that you have been to 14 parks. I've only been to a few. Praying you are feeling younger than your age again soon. :)

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