2. Have you visited many (or any) of the US Presidents homes, monuments, libraries or related sites? If so what's been your favorite? Are there any you particularly want to see? Here's a link to presidential sites listed by state which is kind of fun to read-Presidential Places by State. And since several bloggers who participate in the HP each week live outside the US, here's a link to Presidential Places Outside the US. Have you seen any of those?
As far as I can remember I have only visited one. That would be the Nixon Library which is not far from where we live.
3. February 20th is National Cherry Pie Day...will you celebrate? Given your choice of cherry pie, cherry cobbler, cheesecake with a cherry topping, or black forest cake which would you choose?
No I will not be celebrating. I do however like cherries by themselves. I will take my cheesecake plain which I did on Valentine's day.
4. Last time you worked a puzzle of some kind? Something that had you puzzled recently?
I haven't worked on a puzzle in a long time but I used to do them. James has been doing some lately. I do like doing Circle A Word. Seriously, everything has me puzzled lately with all of my appointments. I will post about them soon.
5. Of the early blooming flowers (January-early March depending on your zone) which one's your favorite?
snowdrops, lenten roses, pansies, violets, snapdragons, reticulated iris, crocus, winter jasmine
Do you have any of these in your own yard/garden? No. I will say snapdragons.
I like the Poppies in California. We have some along the roadside sometimes, but the best place is the Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve. We went there several years ago. They don't do this every year. It depends on the weather and rain.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
So this thing that James is sitting on is called an EzyRoller. Apparently one of the boys on their street has one and James of course wanted one. He told Gabby to ask Grandma. I am know to buy him things from Amazon and ship them to his house. Like small airplanes when he was into them. Maybe costing about $25.
So this thing was $120 dollars. I told Adam and Gabby that I would split it with them. They did the right thing and told James that I would pay for half of it. As it turns out, he paid the other half which I think is a good lesson for him to learn. He loves it!
Your view is just stunning. I would never tire of looking at that and would live on the patio : ) I hope you're getting answers and a plan with all our appointments. James looks like he loves his new ride! Have a nice day Debby.
Those poppies are gorgeous.
That's a pretty cool looking thing James got. I've never seen one before. That is a good lesson for James to pay for half of it. I think kids value things more when they have to pay for it themselves.
wow on your mountain view from your back yard... love the poppies and James looks so happy on his little whatever it is and anything that gives him excerise is great and good for him.. none of he questions appealed to me today, or made me think of an answer. drew a total blank of all of them, but I did get a giggle when you said you might be a pack rat... my mother was a real packrat. when she died she had over 100 foam egg cartons on the shelves on her back porch.. she had boxes and boxes of letters, cards, obituaries and jars and boxes of shells every where... we had to go through every drawer piece by piece because Daddy used to give her cash to buy food and she would STASH a little cash anywhere and everywhere. when we were done we had gathers 175 in cash, found in many different places. Daddy gave it to my son Dave to pay for the gas and time off work to come from here to Savannah for he funeral.
Did you try to ride the new toy? James is such a cutie!
Hi Debby, how does that new ride work?
I love the photos you shared of the poppies.
What a stunning view, Debby! And the poppies are gorgeous; hope they will bloom like that this spring. Give James a hug for me!
These questions really didn't do much for me today.
I do love the spring daffodils and some of the early roses. My camillas are just about finished and the almond tree is still blossoming.
Of course I love the photo of James. Good job on his paying half. That's the way to learn about money and the "wants" vs "needs".
I said it before but what a fantastic view you have. Lovely.
Lovely views you have, Debby. That is a good lesson for James to learn. Wowzers, the Antelope Valley poppy explosion is amazing to see. Glad you could see them!
Unfortunately, none of the questions this week rang my bell ... but nonetheless, you did a great job! I love your proposal to pay "half" of James' new 'roller' (thingamajig, lol!). This way he won't grow up feeling 'entitled' like so many young people these days.
You certainly have an amazing view of those mountains! So beautiful! And those poppies are amazing! I've never seen one of those roller things that James wanted. Glad he learned that he should help pay for some things that he wants. Good training, although I'm surprised a boy his age would have that kind of money. Maybe he has saved up birthday gift money or does he get an allowance? Either way, I think he will take better care of things when he understands the cost better. I am sorry you are having so many health issues, etc. I hope things can work out and get better for you soon. Have a blessed week.
The pictures of the poppy fields are beautiful...as is your view! :) Yay for parents teaching their kids the right way to do things!
I'm so glad that James had to pay for part of his new EzyRoller. we gave Kaitlin a allowance when she was a lot younger than him. She couldn't buy much but had a choice when we went to the store. She learned about saving up for something more expensive.
I remember when she was slightly older we were in Santa Fe and she really, really wanted a certain doll, Mom. I pointed out she could buy it with money she had gotten for her birthday and Christmas. It turns out she didn't want it that much if she had to use her own money. It's a gift to children to let them make decisions like that.
Oh my I could sit in your back yard and look out all day. The poppies are just gorgeous. I would like a piece of cherry pie and vanilla ice cream right now. Good idea about you and James sharing the cost. Shows some responsibility. Does that move him, or he exercises on it? I need to get rid of some things here too. Hard to get started though.
Oh my goodness, your view is amazing.
James looks so happy! Love your mountain view and also the poppy fields. Thanks for sharing.
I love california poppies too. That Ezyroller looks fun. That's great that he paid for some of it..it's never too early to teach them to save and it also helps see how bad they want something.
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