Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Room in Las Vegas, room service, 2 movies + extra night: $445.05
Meals, shopping, tipping, cabs and feeding the machines: 885.00
Weekend with my daughter: PRICELESS

Well it wasn't Pr$cele$$ per se but you know what I mean!

We had a very nice weekend and I know that we both worked really hard for that to happen. As always I didn't bowl very well. Not that I am a good bowler but I seldom do well when we bowl in Vegas and that has been the same for 18 years. None of my team members were able to go this year so I ended up bowling alone. (I could have joined in on another team but that would have been way to much pressure for me) I still had a great time bowling.

So we did exactly what we wanted to do ~ Play Keno ~ and a few other machines. We did great on Friday and Saturday not losing any of the money we brought to gamble with. We ran over to the Sephora store on the strip (daughter had to have something) and in keeping my daughter happy we went. She really didn't have to twist my arm too much! We had some great meals, got room service twice because we enjoy it so much. Had two great breakfasts which is always a tasty meal (especially when you don't have to cook it) even at 2pm when we finally got out of the room! We watched "Date Night" and "It's Complicated" in the room. They were both very good movies with lots of laughs.

These pictures suck because I take terrible pictures with my phone. My hand shakes so they are blurry. Umbrellas at the Venetian which I thought were very pretty. Played a Sex and the City game which was fun and I had a spin that I won $217. on :)

Sunday was not a great day because we were constantly feeding the machines. That is always a bummer. I don't mind leaving money in Vegas. You bring a certain amount that you know you could leave but it's always better to win. What I like to do is be able to play on my money all weekend. Winning small pots keeps you playing on their money. Sunday it was all about our money but it was still fun. I actually can sit for hours and hours. (until my feet swell)

I remember the days when I would just keep going to the cash machines. I don't do much of that anymore. Since we didn't have any urgent plans to go home to we decided to see if we could stay another day. On Sunday night they said no but to check again in the morning. So on Monday morning it was a go so we stayed another day. It was actually a great day. Never really won our money back but it was a very relaxing day. So we left to come home on Tuesday around 12:30 and we were home by 5:00. Of course Skye & Charlie were very happy to see us!

I decided that I wasn't going to go on my computer until today/Wednesday. I wanted to catch up on my shows that I had taped and just relax. My daughter wanted to order a pizza and since it's all set up on my computer I needed to turn it on. I had 220 emails to read and this is what my reader looked like last night. There are a couple hundred more since last night.

So my plan today (it's already 1pm) is to look through them to make sure I don't miss any important news that may have happened to my friends and just read random ones. So you may not hear from me for a few days as I read through these posts but I will be over to visit with you.

At first I thought maybe God was telling me not to go to Vegas! First it was my toe which is still swollen but only hurts a little bit. Then it was my daughter and I fighting. Then on Thursday I couldn't walk because of my knee. I have never had knee problems but I couldn't walk without intense pain. Then on Thursday night I found out that my friend on my team wasn't able to go and I wondered if we should even go. I am glad we did and my knee was much better on Friday. Thank you God for my wonderful weekend with my daughter and for keeping us safe on the road. Now that is PRICELESS!

p.s. I didn't think about blogging all weekend :) However I was worried about one of my friends and her unborn baby. I was happy to see that all is still well with them. I don't want a phone with internet service (just too small) but I think I am ready for an iPad ! Honey if your reading this hint, hint :) Of course I still want the Canon Rebel and the Louis Vuitton bag too!


Caitlin said...

That sounds so wonderful! It's always fun to have a mom-daughter weekend...I need one with my mama soon! Don't work too hard reading up on the bloggies. I'd just skim if I were you!!!

Mike Golch said...

Sounds Like you had an enjoyeble weekend.what I would not give to have a father-son day with my dad.

Mommy, I'm Home said...

Glad you had a good time, Debby.

gigi said...

I love weekends that go extra days! Glad you got away with your daughter and that things worked well for your knee.
Sounded fun to me!

Thena said...

You are so right about it being priceless. The memories we make with our children are just that. I like how you have the blogs you read catagorized, I might have to look into that.

Terra said...

Debby, the memories are without price, however, that was a big bill.
Spending time with your daughter is very sweet time indeed.

Sonya said...

I have never been to Vegas. Someday I know we will visit! I just don't like giving them all my money! I never win. :)

Holly said...

I'm glad you went and had a good time! Whenever you're gone for a few days that reader sure does fill up quick!!

Ginny Marie said...

I was thinking I hadn't heard from you for a while, so I'm glad you had a great time and took a break from blogging! Just click the "mark all as read" button in your reader to start fresh...I do it all the time!

secret agent woman said...

Nice to hear you had a good time with your daughter!

Claudya Martinez said...

Sounds like a fantastic time! I'm glad you went.

Technodoll said...

Wow Debby, what a weekend! Blurry pics are better than no pics so thank you for those, but your recount of events sealed the deal.

I only went to vegas once, in May 2001.. my then-boyfriend worked on the Cirque do Soleil show at Treasure Island - I stayed for 10 days, mostly spending time by myself, just walking and exploring everywhere. I was too broke to gamble or shop but it was still fun!

Maybe if I went with you it would be different, teehee!

ps: busy as you are, i can't believe you took the time to visit my blog -awe! (( thanks ))

AmazingGreis said...

So glad that you had a great time in Vegas. I love Vegas, I need to go back soon! Of course, it's ALWAYS better when you win!

Unknown said...

i have never played keno but then again, i can barely play 21.

so glad you had a good time with your daughter.

Unknown said...

i have never played keno but then again, i can barely play 21.

so glad you had a good time with your daughter.

Laura said...

Glad you had a great weekend and that your friend is still doing ok! An ipad would be NICE! I need to learn some techy stuff- the way I know about new blogs is only from my 'dashboard' or the blogs that I posted on my 'days' blog... I also need to know how to make one of those 'cute' buttons! Maybe I can figure it out this summer... since school is ALMOST out for me! YEAH!!!!!

nancygrayce said...

Sounds like a good getaway with your daughter. I don't even know what Keno is....when I went my one time to Las Vegas, we played the one armed bandits. I doubled my money and my husband won the big jackpot! Then we stopped. We wanted to quit while we were ahead!!!

So glad your knee got better. I hurt mine running through the Atlanta airport!

betty said...

sounds like it was a great time with you and your daughter! I think that movie "Its Complicated" was cute (morally wrong, but cute, LOL)

my advice with all the emails and things on Reader is just delete and move on; always hard to catch up after being gone for a few days


Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Oh have a lot to catch up on. No worries...take your time. Glad to hear what a wonderful weekend you had!

Alexis AKA MOM said...

You crack me up love the hints!!

The weekend sounds like it was fun and I just knew it would be good for you girls to get out and enjoy a little time :) Glad the knee is feeling better too!!

Holy moly look at your reader. You rock with your folders :)

Anonymous said...

My son told me that his friend's parents know how to play the slots. They lost very little and came out on top. I also found out that my son did try the slots although he told me that he wasn't interested. It might be because of the winning he saw. Glad you had a nice trip with your daughter and that both of you are safe and sound. I am glad that your knee feels better. It is hard to have a bum knee and a sore and swollen toe. I hope that your toe gets better soon. Take Care

Caroline said...

Sounds like you had a good time and I'm happy for that. I have a busy week this week so I'm trying hard to stay on top of blogging and reading !! LOL

Take care

Mara said...

Glad to see you back in one piece and still on talking terms with your daughter. Take your time catching up (and don't bother answering this comment, I know you read it anyway...)

Liz Mays said...

I just knew that the weekend would turn out to be wonderful for both of you, and I'm so glad you did this!

When I go to the slots, I expect to lose a little bit for the price of entertainment, but like you, I have my limits and there's no going back to the cash machines.

Welcome home!

I can't find my blog said...

I'm so glad that you guys had fun and so sad that I missed it!

Amy said...

Glad you had a great time.. Yeah.. Glad is all with your friend. My husband has an i-pad and loves it. So does Alyce she knows how to work it. Have a great day..

The Urban Cowboy said...

Sounds like a great time. Vegas is fun, but I don't gamble, well maybe a lotto ticket every now and again.

Katherine said...

I'm so glad you and your daughter had a great time and that you were able to take a break from the computer!

Wow...that's a lot of email though! :)

Randi Troxell said...

glad you guys had a good time.. sometimes good times take work and effort... but it's always worth it!!!

and btw- i am not one to yap on my cell obsessively and i don't EVEN text that much... like maybe twice in two or three days... but oh! i would feel sooooooo lost w/out my blackberry!!!

Dapoppins said...

So glad that you had a great time in vegas, those hanging umbrellas in the phot look really unusual and fun. I am actually commenting from Reno on my mom's computer. Let me tell you, even though everything is going okay, I do not think I'm having half as much fun as you did!

Brandy@YDK said...

I'm glad you went and didn't let life keep you home. I love the umbrellas and you so need an ipad

Karen Mortensen said...

So glad you had a wonderful time. My sister-in-law is there now. She takes her dauaghters and daughter in law there every other year. They love it.

Just Be Real said...

Debby, sounds like you had a super time. Thank you for sharing. said...

The cost of everything made ME feel nauseous but then again, I'm on such a tight budget right now that anything makes me nauseous!

That time spent with your daughter is priceless. I had a sleepover at a hotel/casino with my daughters on Monday. It was so much fun! We were celebrating my youngest one's 21 birthday!

Sex in the game when I'm winning!

xinex said...

Seems like you really had a great time imn Vegas, Debby and so happy for you. Isn't the food and great and inexpensive there? So much to do and see there also. I like to go to the outlet mall there....Christine

kyooty said...

Welcome "back". You know we'll be here. It sounds like you had a great time and it was well planned! I couldn't even afford to look at the machines.

Stacy Uncorked said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend in spite of the issues that almost prevented it. I do the same thing - whenever I went to Vegas or Reno, take a certain amount that I could 'lose', and when I won, played only with my winnings (until I didn't win anymore...heh, heh!) You played it smart - and had fun! Bonus! :) Welcome home! :)

Tammy said...

Sounds like a great time...and I loved your little hints to hubby!

Valerie @ Inner Child Fun said...

I'm so happy to hear you were able to spend such a great weekend with your daughter!! That sounds like so much fun! Mark and I haven't been to Vegas in a few years -- we should make another trip there again soon.

HeartsMakeFamilies said...

Sounds like it was much better than you expected. I'm so glad to hear that.

jayayceeblog said...

That sounds like so much fun ... good for you! I like to play the nickel slots - drives Hubby nuts since he's a blackjack player. I can lose $20 playing blackjack in just minutes but can play the nickels for hours. So glad you talked yourself into going and had a good time!!!

Kristin - The Goat said...

I have been wanting to see the umbrellas in the Venetian! Thanks for reminding me :) I had actually forgotten where they were LOL

Glad to have you home, but glad you had such a nice time!

Just click - Mark All As Read and start from there :) but mine always says over 1000 blog posts to read because I have so many in the decorating/photography folders for just scrolling through for inspiration.


Debby, Sounds like the best weekend. I am glad, you deserve it. I bet you bowl great... What a "Priceless" weekend. You have joined a lot of blogs, I would not be able to keep up with that many. Have a great day, Blessings,

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