Saturday, July 30, 2011


(Remember to click on the photos to enlarge them)

Friday June 17, 2011

We flew from London Heathrow to Charlie De Gaulle in Paris. Again they make you walk f.o.r.e.v.e.r to get to customs. Of course we had more to carry because I had been shopping:) It really wasn't that much but Mark was a little upset about it because the longer we have to walk the more he has to help carry it for me.

Traffic in Paris was horrible from the airport but it was also the time of day. Our taxi driver actually pulled over on the freeway to take a pee! It seemed like forever to get our Hotel. Phil and I were talking about how nice it will be to unpack since we will actually be here for 8 nights.

So we get to the Hotel which was very nice. Has one of those cute tiny lifts that the max is 4 people. Our room is lovely only small. Small is okay, we have a door that opens to a view but guess what? No dresser!! So I am still going to have to live out of my bag. I was pretty upset about this. Sometimes I'm like a little kid when I don't get my way. So we meet with Phil later and he has no view but has a dresser. Mark thought the view was better then a dresser, I didn't agree at first but he was right. I did live out of my suitcase the entire 3 weeks.

Ali came in from London by train. So we all went out to dinner to the Julien which was delicious. I didn't take pictures and the dessert was so worthy of a picture. (same place we went to on our anniversary so you will see pictures later)Walking can be very hard for me and it was a bit of a walk. Mark keeps wanting to tell them to slow down but I don't want to be the issue/problem.

Saturday June 18, 2011

On Saturday we sleep in a little. Phil and Ali went out without us. We meet up with them over at Notre Dame. No one wanted to wait in line to go inside. It started to pour and the wind was taking every one's umbrellas out of commission. We stood for the longest time under an awning with freezing wind and rain hitting against us. When that stopped we headed over to a little cafe and had the best omelets. It is so funny because they actually drink alcohol all the time. Funny to see eggs with a glass of wine. But if you can't beat them you join them and I did! Then we headed over to the Mus'ee d'Orsay. It was a long line for tickets and by the time we got inside it was an hour before closing and it was free! Got to see paintings by Manet and Monet. I have never studied art so I never knew there was a Manet. I had never heard of him before.

I know you see some blue sky but it was really raining a lot. I wish we could have gone inside, it was really beautiful to see Notre Dame.

There was a bridge with love locks everywhere with couples names on them. We also watched this street performer but he wasn't very good.

We ended up taking a taxi back to the hotel. (Phil and Ali took a bus) We waited for almost 45 min. in the wind and cold (some drizzle) to get a taxi. Very busy time after all the places close.

Had plans to go to dinner at eight. Went to a very nice place called Ambassade d' Auvergne that was recommended by the Hotel. It of course was a bit of a walk but I was okay. This place was wonderful & exquisite. We had some very different things that were delicious. That was Mark's cheesy mashed potatoes that our waiter was whipping up. Since I didn't want to try something new I had the chicken, Mark had duck. The service was excellent. We didn't get back until almost midnight.

13 more days to go!

Just wanted you to know that even though I may bitch a little bit in these posts I really had the best trip ever.


Kathy ... aka Nana said...

Even the BEST vacations/trips have their moments when things don't go well/as planned. I love seeing the pictures and reading each day's adventures.

Mara said...

At least your driver only took a pee. We once had a driver who fell asleep at the wheel! I never even saw it, but one of my friends did. Yikes!

I tend to live out of suitcases when away. It makes it a lot easier to pack again I feel. Of course it could also be that I am incredibly lazy...

Michelle said...

Did you get blisters from all that walking?

That's too funny about your taxi driver.

When we go on vacation we tend to live out of our suitcases. Mainly because I'm afraid we'll forget something.

Ok, the menu for the Julien looks scrumptious!
I think I'll have the smoked Salmon with shrimp for starters. Then the Homemade Goose as my entree. Not so sure about the desserts.

I'm with you...I've never studied are and didn't know there was a Manet. As a side son will be taking Art class this year. He'll be in 11th grade so I am anxious to see his art projects.

The love locks is a great idea. A couple of those locks look unique.
I wonder who L + P is.
Wonder if Hassan and Anna are still together.

Cheesy mashed potatoes and duck sounds yummy.

I am really enjoying this trip down memory lane.

Have a wonderful weekend!

nancygrayce said...

Eight nights in Paris......sounds like the title for a book! Maybe you should consider that. Beautiful and made me want to go. Sigh.

When the taxi driver had to pee, I probably would have joined him.

Anonymous said...

im enjoying every moment of this trip

CB said...

I cannot believe your driver pulled over to take a pee! What??

I don't know how I would have reacted to that - then again, what do you say? Ha Ha

Jessica said...

Oh my goodness, so much fun!! The love locks bridge sounds SO interesting. I would LOVE to go there someday!

Trish said...

This is the only way that i will ever visit anywhere other than the States! So, thank you for the tour and all of the wonderful photo's!

Cyndy Bush said...

So cool! I love the Love Locks, how sweet.

Claudya Martinez said...

I'd have to agree that a view is better than a dresser unless it's a hell of a good looking dresser.

Joanne said...

What a lovely view! Thank you for sharing your pictures!
Blessings, Joanne

Caroline said...

Thanx for sharing all of this. Just so awesome and beautiful.

Unknown said...

I out of the bag, I love the view. Your pictures are making me hungry! The architecture is still beautiful.

Katherines Corner said...

Sometimes the best adventures have a few bumpy parts. Love the posts from your holiday. Hugs!

Kathy said...

I agree, I'd rather have a view than a dresser :)

Don't know what to think about the taxi driver...LOL

Hope you had some comfortable shoes with you on your trip :)

Nice photos, too!

A multi-dimensional life said...

Your trip was memories to laugh about later....gorgeous views...silly moments...great or interesting?! Walking, walking, walking! culture! :) I do remember the tiniest room in Paris! We did have a dresser, but I was afraid to use it...I stick with my suitcase anyway...I'd rather have the view! :)

Libbie said...

Oooo...I just love how you are documenting all this so well! What a keepsake! I hope you come back & read your own posts often! They will take you back :)

I totally can't believe that your taxi driver stopped to pee! Too funny! I have never heard of that happening before!

Love your room but I toatlly understand the frustration with no heart would sink a little with that too :)

Hope you are doing good Debbie! Have a wonderful week!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

You make the food sound so delicious.

Love the pictures.
I wonder if waiters are used to seeing people take pictures of the food.

Natasha in Oz said...

I will never forget the time we spent in Paris. It was Christmas so it was so pretty but it was also bitterly cold,the trains stank, the people smoked like chimneys and many were also very rude but I will still regard it as one of the most wonderful trips of my life! Love this post!

Best wishes,

LynnMarie said...

I'll take the view over a dresser as well! Dressers I've seen, I'm there for the view! So glad you have so many memories and photos.

Liz Mays said...

You make me laugh about wanting to unpack. I never take things out of my suitcase, and I prefer to live out of it!

The Musee d'Orsay sounds wonderful. I studied french art in college so I would absolutely love that!

Everyone is entitled to do a little whining now and then. :)

Adoption of Jane said...

Your in Paris!!! I am so excited for you! I have been really busy and not visiting blogs lately. I am so proud of you for flying. I really was ready to push you on the plane! Have a wonderful trip.

Kristie said...

Paris looks amazingly beautiful!! Notre Dame had to be awesome to see up close too! So neat!! :-)

Randi Troxell said...

cannot believe that taxi driver stopped to pee!!
paris.. from you point of view.. looks beautiful as always!!

Anonymous said...

I hope one day I will get to visit Paris! Looks amazing and yes all great tips have downfalls:)

Alexis AKA MOM said...

Hi Debby it's so beautiful and I love all these amazing pictures!

The love locks sound so amazing :). Wow 45 min that is crazy! All that walking look at you go! I hope your feet and lungs did ok. Wow maybe I should do the boys potato's like that! I love how it looks like a leaf.

Ahhh we all have our moments it's ok :)

My Inner Chick said...

Have a grand time. How couldn't you? xx

secret agent woman said...

Great photo tour of the city!

xinex said...

I hav eto agree with Mark, I'd take the view more than the dresser. And what a view! I love Paris. I want to go back. Did you take the river cruise. I hope you did cause it's spectacular. That's one city where I never know where to look, left or right, cause every side is just gorgeous....Christine

Donna @ The House on the Corner said...

I always live out of the suitcase - I get the laundry bag out of the closet and dress out of the suitcase and put the dirty clothes in the laundry bag.....

Sounds like a really wonderful time!


I am loving the trip dialogue. Your pictures are so awesome.

Laura said...

Doesn't sound like you're bitching at all and I love that you have documented so well with both your words and pics. I think I could get used to wine with breakfast... ;-) Glad you were able to keep up with the walking (which sounds like A TON!!!) I still can't get over your pictures and that you were THERE! So cool! <3

Laura said...

Doesn't sound like you're bitching at all and I love that you have documented so well with both your words and pics. I think I could get used to wine with breakfast... ;-) Glad you were able to keep up with the walking (which sounds like A TON!!!) I still can't get over your pictures and that you were THERE! So cool! <3

Kelly @ Sufficient Grace Ministries said...

Beautiful pictures! And...shhhhh, don't tell anyone, but I'm kind of like a little kid sometimes when I don't get my way, too.

Love to you!

Kristin - The Goat said...

There's something really col about a late night dinner out at an exquisite restaurant. I bet your chicken dish was fabulous!

I'd have to agree that the view is better than a dresser and I'm so happy that you managed to make it work for three weeks.

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