Thursday, January 10, 2013


You do not need to comment. I know you love me and I know you care. I just need to take a little time out for myself. No I wasn't bad :) and everything is fine here at home with everyone, however I don't think I will be able to catch up on reading each post. If you know me at all you know very well I will be around to read you, I just may not read each post you write. This will be a very short break and I am sure I will be joining in on next weeks Wednesday Hodgepodge.
I think it may just be the after Christmas blues and an overwhelming feeling of being pulled in a lot of directions right now. I have to tackle each thing on it's own, but what I have been trying to do is work a little on each project each day and that isn't working. I find myself here until 2pm and then don't get much done on the other projects at hand. Do you get what I'm saying? Also the excitement  and anticipation of Christmas, going all out getting everything ready for your family, then bing, bang, boom it's over! 
I started working on taking down our Christmas decorations. I love them, can't live without them but it does take me time. It takes me about 10 days to put them up working for maybe 4 to 6 hours each day. Taking them down is never as much fun and this year I am going through the bins to see what I can give away. I can't possibly put all of my collections out each year because I just don't have a place for all of them to be displayed. Sometimes I switch off each year and that seems to work.
On top of that the house is dirty. While my decorations are up I don't do as much dusting and cleaning because it just doesn't seem to work out with all of the displays up. So I am just feeling a little overwhelmed right now. I am so drawn to my computer each day that I tend to get very behind in the things that need to be done. We have an early birthday celebration this weekend and then I go out of town next Thursday. Normally I keep my decorations up until mid-January but I am feeling a great desire to get this done before I leave.
I have been finding myself very quick to anger these days, feeling stressed and crying often. I know that I am still not over the Newtown, CT shootings. It really broke my heart and placed more fear inside me. Also a woman from our bowling league is currently in Tucson, AZ sitting at the bedside of her 19 year old daughter who was in a terrible car accident on her way to Arizona last week. She is severely injured and clinging to life. If you could offer up some prayers it would be deeply appreciated.
I am also working on my handkerchiefs to send to the mother's of the children who passed away in Newtown. I normally get handkerchiefs ready in advance, maybe 10 at a time and I have them ready to go when a request cames in for one. I have to trim threads from the embroidery that is done, press them and put them into flat handkerchief boxes with tissue for mailing.
When the shooting took place I found I had exactly 20 that have not been readied yet and those were my final supply of handkerchiefs. So I just placed my order this week for more. When they arrive they will have to also go to the embroidery shop before I have them available for mailing. (I knew those final 20 were for Newtown, CT)
I had decided to wait until things calmed down a little bit before I mailed them the handkerchiefs. So yesterday I made a few phone calls to the Sandy Hook Elementary School to share with them about what I was doing and find out where would be the best place for me to send them. So I got my information and will be mailing those out on Tuesday of next week.
So I will take a few days to concentrate on all of these projects, get them done and be good to go very soon.


Katherine said...

I know you said no comments necessary, but I just want you to know I'm sending prayers for you and that poor mother and her daughter. You take all the time you need!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Totally understandable. Also, I love that you are sending the handkerchiefs.

Chatty Crone said...

Gee Debby I did not see this coming - but don't you worry about a thing. We all have taken breaks. You go right ahead and do some things for yourself. Breathe and replenish yourself.

What a beautiful idea doing or sending those handkerchiefs to the families in Connecticut. You have such a sweet heart.

Love, sandie

Tami said...

Take a break. It's OK to do so! Everyone needs time to themselves. No explanation needed!!
I cry when I become overwhelmed. I need things to be in their place. If not, I loose it!
You have a kind heart. Sending gifts to the CT families is a loving gesture to show that people care!
Prayers to your friend and her daughter.

NanaNor's said...

Dear Debby, I can so understand all the feelings you've shared here and think a break is well deserved. You must have so many decorations-I complained on spending an 8 hr day putting everything up. Your hankies sound so beautiful-I think you should post some photos of them before you send them or maybe in the future. You may have in the past but I probably missed them.
Take care, get some rest and refreshment!
Hugs, Noreen

Teri said...

I will look forward to your return - I also feel the let down after Christmas - take some time and enjoy!

Together We Save said...

You are awesome!! Catch up, take a moment and we will be here when you get back.

Michele said...

Sometimes we all need a break, Debby. You are a super woman, but you deserve some time too! :) I normally read on my phone these days and commenting is a pain (so I rarely do anymore) but I think about you, and I still take my hanky out. :) It was something so precious and treasured, and it always will be. I know the parents in CT will be touched and comforted.

I, too, am still feeling that tragedy, especially when I drop the kids at preschool or even as I pick them up. And it hurts so deeply, in a spot that is hard to explain because I didnt "know" those families. And yet, the hurt...

I'll keep your friend's daughter in my prayers. I am so sorry...

Big hugs and warm thoughts.

Caroline said...

I understand & I'm praying for everything.

I haven't been normal since the school shootings & I now am dealing with my Jennifer afraid of school. I can't blame her but the Monday following the shootings she left in tears. My heart is so broken for those families.

Take time for yourself & so sweet of you to do this for the families.

{{{Hugs }}}

nancygrayce said...

I'm sure all of us understand! I have been so far behind in both posting and reading blogs! Just take your time and do what you need to do for YOU!

How wonderful that you are sending those handkerchiefs! What a blessing to the parents that receive them. That is such a great ministry.

Rest and take all the time you need!!!

LynnMarie said...

Take your time, we all will be here when you get back.

The Boston Lady said...

Debby, you have so many kind thoughts in your heart and you really do need to take the time to become "under" whelmed after a busy, stressful time. I have been very neglectful of my computer and many other things because of company and just trying to get things back to "normal". Your handkerchief donations are such a wonderful idea. What a good way to put your personal sorrow about the tragedy into a positive action. My thoughts will be with your friend and her daughter. Sometimes life just becomes a little too much and we must take a step back. Ann

gigi said...

When you think you are ready to come back, take a few more days. It's really good for the soul. Breaks help keep you fresh. Peace to you.

Lynn said...

You are the most faithful blogger I know. You deserve a break!

Secret Agent Woman said...

Take all the time you need. Be well, Debby.

Mara said...

Take your time and don't worry about us. Have some down time and just relax (even if you do want everything to be clean and stuff, just relax). We'll hear from you soon.

betty said...

Debby; I hope you'll start feeling a bit better soon; it is hard with all the things going on to feel "perky" all the time so I totally understand your reasoning to allow sometime for yourself to regroup. I always think blog breaks are great things too. I think it is a very compassionate thing you do with the hankerchiefs; I know your kindness will be appreciated by the moms in Sandy Hook.


Mary said...

As I've told you before, you have started such a wonderful ministry. Take your time, and take care of yourself. We'll be here when you get back! {hugs!}

Deb said...

sweet Debby...take all the time you need...will still be here...I've been hitting the treadmill and it clears my head...

Polly said...

Take all the time you need, life is no fun when it's overwhelming

trennia said...

(((hugs))) take all the time you need.

Joyce said...

I haven't been online much since Christmas either. In fact, other than the Hodgpeodge today's the first day this week I'm scrolling thru my reader.

I love the handkerchiefs and know it will be a blessing to those moms. I will keep your friend and her daughter in my prayers. Life is so very heavy sometimes. I am reading a little devotional by Sarah Young called Jesus Today (Experiencing Hope thru His Presence). It is a follow up to her popular devotional Jesus Calling, but this one was written when she was in a hard place so it really speaks to that. You might want to look for it-the entries are brief and encouraging. Hugs to you today!

Ginny Marie said...

As always, you deserve a little time out! I think your handkerchiefs will be such a good thing; the moms will be so grateful to know that they are not forgotten.

Little Penpen said...

God bless you and your wonderfully sweet heart! <3

Kristie said...

I totally understand how you feel! I had gotten used to being busy with the preparations of Christmas this year, that when it all ended I almost felt lost. :-/ Thankfully I'm back to my normal routine now and I hope you're able to feel caught up and back to your routine too again soon. ((HUGS))

Trish said...

Dear Debby...know that I am praying for you. Big hugs.

TexWisGirl said...

sometimes stepping away is a good thing.

thank you for your kind comment today. i really appreciate it. :)

Empty Nester said...

I completely get where you're coming from. Take your time, take care of YOU. My thoughts and prayers will be with you and don't worry about us out here in blogland. We'll be right here for you!

Anonymous said...


We should all take your position. I've had some major transions myself this holiday season. I did not do Christmas for many reasons, however, I was blessed to endure some major transitions.

I too am taking a bit of a break. Take your time. Do what you have to do.

Positive thoughts and prayers! :-)

Hilary said...

i completely understand... and you should relax and regroup.. hand in there...

Just Be Real said...

Debby hugs to you during this time.....

Alexis AKA MOM said...

You relax and de-stress my dear you deserve some down time!

It's God's way that you had those 20! You are such a blessing to be sending those to the families!

You take it easy and don't over do it!


Laura said...

You are a beautiful person friend. I hope you never feel obligated to read my posts (and I'm really serious). Praying for your heavy heart right now and hoping some time to focus on YOU and what is right for YOU is just what you need!!!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

What a beautiful selfless thing to do. They will treasure those hankerchieves.
Bless you and I hope you "get your cup filled"

Stephanie said...

Hugs my dear. Take care of you xo

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