Wednesday, June 8, 2016


Volume 269
Thank you Joyce!
Head on over and join in.....

1. I read here a list of 13 things you should do in June. I'm paraphrasing a little but basically...

Go on a road trip with your best friend, pick fresh strawberries, host a garden party, take a morning run, treat yourself to a flower bouquet, spend a whole day hiking, discover a new coffee shop, try a new ice cream flavor, read at least one book, visit a Farmer's Market, make a swing for your home, and visit a new city. 

Which thing on the list do you most want to do? Read at least on book! Of the activities mentioned, which one holds the least appeal? Coffee shop. How many on the list will you attempt in June? Maybe five.... What's one thing you'd add to the list? Meet a blog friend in person.

2. What's something you could do today to feel more peaceful? 

I'm having a hard time. Not sure I will find peace today but my answer would be to PRAY. 

I found out Monday night that a friend of mine lost her son in a very sad and tragic way. He was actually the shooter in Houston over Memorial Day weekend which ended in his own death. My prayers are with everyone who was affected by this tragic event. I have two articles to share....Here and Here.

3. June 7th is National Chocolate Ice Cream Day. Are you a fan? Swiss mocha, rocky road, chocolate chocolate chip, peanut butter and chocolate, or a dish of plain chocolate...what's your pleasure? 

Chocolate is not my first choice in ice cream flavors. I would probably eat the peanut butter and chocolate. 

4. If you came with a warning what would it say?

She has become fragile with time, handle with care.......

5.What's the most interesting website you've visited in the last week? 

I'm going with Norwex USA. I recently bought a few products from a friends party and was checking out the proper way to use them. I'm excited to try the items I bought and I think the companies products sound amazing and environmentally safe. 

6. Spring, summer, autumn, winter...which season are you? Why? 

I will pick Spring for the simple fact that it feels like a new beginning..... (Update: I read this one wrong! Not sure which I am.)

7. "You lose sight of things...and when you travel, everything balances out." ~Daranna Gidel

Would you agree with that sentiment? Explain why or why not. 

I'm not sure about this one, however traveling does make me feel happy!  

8. Insert your own random thought here. 

I forgot to mention what an amazing time we had over Memorial Day weekend visiting family in Arizona. Hard to believe that I didn't take any photos. We had such an wonderful time sitting around the kitchen table talking, eating and drinking. (I did share Stanley's photo last week helping with the dishes which I borrowed from Pam) 
Michele and Pam were the most perfect hosts! We had some delicious breakfasts and an amazing pork, dumpling and sauerkraut dinner on Sunday night. Went out for some delicious Mexican food too! How awesome for Adam to spend time with his aunts and his grandmother Vivian who came in from Houston. 

I also had a opportunity to meet up with my blog friend Betty from A Bench With a View. She is also a dear email  pen pal of mine. She made it extra easy for me to meet up with her at Starbucks where we sat for a few hours and talked. It was awesome meeting her husband too


Mara said...

No chocolate ice cream for me! Never liked it. Chocolate should come unfrozen. I would go for cinnamon ice cream. My absolute favourite!

Little Penpen said...

So sorry about your friend's son. Such a sad thing. How cool that you met a blog friend! It's so wonderful to find a kindred spirit through blogging.

shortybear said...

nice answers

betty said...

That is so sad about your friend's son. I read the articles. I can't imagine how one must feel after returning from a tour of duty; its a shame not more is done for those returning to make sure they are at a safe place in their minds; like getting counseling or debriefing after they return with frequent followups to make sure they don't fall through cracks. Will definitely pray for all involved. I feel for his family; they will carry this for the rest of their lives.

It was so much fun to meet up with you on your recent trip here. Very enjoyable time talking with you and meeting face to face.

I like how you described yourself with the warning. Wouldn't that be neat if we could put that label on ourselves or similar?


Joyce said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's son. It's always fun to meet up with a blog friend : ) I've met several and they've all been as I pictured from our online connections. Have a great day!

April said...

Oh, heart breaks for your friend. Just awful news. Praying! I love that you got to meet up with one of your blog friends. I hope I have that same opportunity some day.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my favorite ice cream is vanilla, 2nd is chocolate, but i like mine plain, nothing in them.. i might add choc sauce or carmel on top but nothing inside.
of the list of things to do in June i would not or will not do any of those. the read at least one book made me giggle, i read a book every 3 days... the only thing on the list i will be doing is meeting a blog friend. you knew that.
as for which season i am, i guess it is winter since i am OLD and close to the end.. if asking which i like best, Florida winter is my favorite season. Summer is at the bottom of the list
sorry about your friends son. when i see all these tradgey's on TV i always think about that person has parents, and grand parents and how they must feel.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

How terrible for your friend.

I go for peanut butter ice cream every time. Yum!

Cathy said...

So glad you had a good time with family and with your blogging friend.

Nonnie said...

I'm glad you had such a wonderful visit, but so sorry to hear you are having a hard time. That is horrible news about your friend. How sad for her. I had to give three different answers to the question about seasons as I felt I read it wrong. Haha! I also liked your warning.

Mevely317 said...

There's so much I love about your answers, Debby. (Well, not the news of your friend's son. As my own 46-y/o 'boy' is being treated for a TBI and PTSD, this makes my heart hurt.)

Yours is a great answer to #4! I wish someone would stitch that on a sampler and sell on ETSY!

I'm guessing you and Sandra will be meeting? I'm happy for y'all ... and jealous at the same time!
Totally missed yesterday's chocolate ice-cream day. Then again, I'm not a big fan of chocolate. I'd have a hard time refusing anything peanut butter .. or coffee-flavor!

Never heard of Norwex, but I'm hopping over there next. Over time I've really come to appreciate other bloggers' recommendations.

Tammy Enjoy Life said...

So sorry for your friend...wish more was done for our military returning back home.
I haven't heard of Norwex,but will check it out.
Have a great day.

NanaNor's said...

Dear Debby, Firstly I'm so sorry for your friend who lost her son-how tragic for everyone involved.
Loved all your answers! How fun to meet up with a blog friend-that is always so fun to do. Hope you have a wonderful evening and thankful Thursday.

TexWisGirl said...

i am so sorry for your friend. you illustrate well that each of these 'bad guys' or folks that 'go crazy' and hurt others/themselves have a family of their own who will grieve, too.

Anonymous said...

That is so sad about your friend's son.
I am glad you had such an enjoyable trip to Ariz. Sounds lovely and very relaxing.
I follow Betty and how nice that you two met up.

Theresa said...

How great to meet a blog friend for coffee. I'm jealous! That pork, dumpling and sauerkraut dinner sounds delicious. I have pork chops for dinner tonight, maybe I'll make dumplings :)

Stacy said...

Oh my, I am so sorry about your friend's son. I can't even begin to imagine the heartache. I will certainly be praying for everyone affected.

Secret Agent Woman said...

First, I am so sorry to hear about your friend's son - what a heart ache for the family and the families of the victims. That kind of thing makes me feel so sad for everyone involved.

I would actually like to do several things on that list for June. Have done a few of them already.

Life SPW said...

Your trip to Arizona sounds wonderful! Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. You make a good point about voting. Another blogger visiting my site made the same point. I have time to consider my options. Have a great week!

Carla from The River said...

Sending a Hug to you and to your friend. It is so sad all that is going on. It is hard to make sense of it.
xx oo

Your trip to Arizona sounds great! I love the meal you described. Yummy! That is something I would love to try.

Alexis AKA MOM said...

How sad, my thoughts and prayers are with your friend.

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