Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Volume 285
Thank you Joyce.....
head on over and play along! 

1. Besides your very own house, describe a place where you feel most 'at home'?

I guess it would be my dad's house in Florida.  

2. When did you last 'hit a home run' with something? Explain. 

Nothing is coming to mind that happened recently. I hope to hit a home run soon with a gift I have for someone but I can't share that yet. 

3. Tell us about something you love in your house or kitchen that is 'homemade'. 

If it has to be homemade then I will go with some afghans that my aunt crocheted for us years ago. 

4. 'A man's home is his castle'...which of the world's ten most captivating castles (according to The Travel Channel) would you most like to visit and why-

Mont Saint-Michel (France), Edinburgh Castle (Scotland), Neuschwanstein Castle (Germany), Glamis Castle (Scotland), Windsor Castle (England), Chateau de Chambord (France), Hampton Court Palace (England), Prague Castle (Prague), St. Michael's Mount (England), Leeds Castle (England), and Swallow's Nest (Ukraine)

I'm going with the Windsor Castle because I love everything having to do with the Royal Family. However I wouldn't mind seeing all of them! 

5. What's a recent or upcoming plan or project that's required you do a little homework before getting started? Did the homework cause you to abandon your plan or adjust it in some way?

I will go with my research on cases to hold DVDs. I haven't begun the project yet but I have received three of them from Amazon. 

I will be taking my 250+ DVDs out of their cases and putting them into these cases that hold 128 DVDs.  It will save a lot of space and in case your wondering....yes I still want to keep them!!
Of course they will be in alphabetical order and also separated by series like Twilight, Hunger Games and the Divergent Series along with Christmas movies and then just general movies. I would say that I did not abandon or adjust my plan. 

6. In your opinion, is homework an unnecessary evil or a valuable practice? Should schools be done with homework? Why or why not? 

I know that for us homework caused a great deal of stress in our home. Maybe they should be required to read for an hour and then enjoy the rest of their day. Do you want to bring your work home with you??? 

7. Share a favorite memory of your childhood hometown. 

I would have to say it would be the 4th of July when there would be things to do all day long leading up to the fireworks at night. 

8. Insert your own random thought here. 

I had my first Atrial Fibrillation episode. We believe it was stress related. Heart rate spiking for two days. Then on Wednesday my heart rate, while sitting, stayed at 152 for almost two hours. So I called to she what I'm supposed to do. 

If you have chest pain or shortness of breath you go to the emergency room. I didn't have either of those and it finally came down staying at a normal rate after that. 

So I went to see the doctor because I needed to know why and what to do when that happens. You can't run to the ER each time you have one! FYI: I have an oxygen/pulse monitor which helps me to keep track of my heart rate. I seldom actually feel the racing heart beat! 

Doctor did an EKG which was fine. Since it was my first one and we could kinda pinpoint the reason, she decided not to change my medications. I now have a pill (Flecainide) I can take which should bring it down quickly. Living and learning along the way.......


TexWisGirl said...

i'm sorry about the a-fib episode! stress bringing it on... stressful situation to be in adding more...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sorry to hear about the afib but glad they could give you a pill for when it is needed.. good job on the cases..i don' feel at home anywhere but home

betty said...

Good you saw tthe doctor and got more answers on what to do at times like that. Sorry about the stress though. That is a good idea on how to store the DVDs.


Little Penpen said...

Sorry about your a fib... don't over monitor with your pulse-ox... that will cause anxiety too!!! I'm glad it resolved itself. I agree with you on the homework thing!!

Empty Nester said...

My mother has atrial fibrillation and it really is a learning process, not to mention scary. I don't think I ever minded homework. It was just something we had to do, so we did it. I do remember not caring much for it in high school. But I probably didn't care for much of anything during those years. LOL 250+ DVDs? Wow!

NanaNor's said...

Hi Debby, So glad your EKG was fine; hopefully your pain and shortness of breath will stop without using the pill, but it is good to have.
Hope you have a wonderful day!

Mevely317 said...

Wow about the A-Fib, Debby; so glad you didn't have to be admitted! (I just had my first -- unplanned -- EKG last Friday and will be meeting a cardiologist next month.)

I'm intrigued by your 'home run' gift! Well, not so much about the gift itself, but I appreciate knowing some people still put a lot of thought into their gifting, instead of just grabbing a gift card at the grocery.

Chatty Crone said...

I like these hodgepodge posts. They're fun and I get to know more about you. I am sorry about your A-Fib attack - I am glad you have a great doctor and can get there when you need him.


I am sorry to hear about the stress issues. Glad you went to the doctor. Please take it easy.

Alexis AKA MOM said...

I started to do that with DVD's. I picked up these books on Amazon. I liked the look of them, they look like books so I can keep them out and in the living room and it's looks like we have fancy books lol.

Joyce said...

I'm sorry you've had another health episode. I'm glad you got the medication and hopefully you and your doctor can come up with a workable plan. I'm sure it's scary to feel your heart race for that amount of time. Rest and watch movies and steer clear as best you can of what has been causing you stress. Easier said than done I'm sure...thinking of you!

kc bob said...

So glad that you are well Debby. Hope the new meds work better.

Also, I made some changes and am wondering if you still get a no reply email from me?

Anonymous said...

I like that DVD case. I have a lot of DVD's, too, but not as many as you. If I buy anymore, I'm out of storage for I'm trying to restrain myself.
So sorry to hear about your Atrial Fibrillation episode. It's scary, so I hope they get your problem sorted out. Take care!
Kathy (Reflections)

Ann said...

sorry to hear about the afib. Glad they were able to prescribe something

I remember the hassle it was trying to get my daughter to do her homework. It was frustrating for both of us

Anonymous said...

So sorry about the incident but thankful you now have the pill. What a great idea/project with your dvd's. God bless you. I'll be praying for you.

Theresa said...

Glad your ekg was good. Sorry about your A-Fib heart racing. I used to get that when my thyroid was overactive, it is scary. Love your new DVD holders, great idea!

David E. McClendon, Sr. said...

Organized DVDs? Wow, we just pile ours beside the TV. We have some piled on some shelves in the room. That is as organized as we are going to get. Good luck with your project.

Suzanne McClendon said...

I'm sorry that you're having these health challenges, but glad that you were able to get it taken care of.
I think that your DVD plans sound pretty cool.
Do you have any pictures of the aghans your aunt crocheted?
Good luck with the gift. :)
Have a blessed week!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I want to see all the castles too, but Hampton Court takes the top for me.

Loris Glassworks said...

Wow, sorting alphabetically, you are very organized! Have a great weekend!
Lori in Blue Ridge, GA

Life SPW said...

Heart episodes are disconcerting. SWMBO had chest pains a couple of weeks ago. A trip to the ER determined that it was caused by one of her meds. Her heart is sound, thankfully. Regarding the Cubs, I was disappointed with their performance, or lack thereof, in Game #1. I still say GO CUBS! Have a nice weekend.

Carla from The River said...

Sending a BIG hug. Heart problems are something my dad has too. It is hard on my mom to not know what to do.

I like your DVD organizing, I should do that!

Jessica @ Barefoot by the Sea said...

You are dealing with so much - sending thoughts, prayers and hugs from New Hampshire!

Cranberry Morning said...

Good morning, Debby! Just letting you know that you are one of the three winners of HomemadeSoapnSuchs natural, vegan soap Giveaway. Congratulations! Please send me your postal address so I can get your package mailed. Thanks for entering! Email me at damaz (at) chibardun (dot) net.

Secret Agent Woman said...

I have similar CD cases. Very handy.
Glad the EKG was good!

Sweet Tea said...

Anything heart related is scary. Glad you have a good doctor.
Thank heavens for modern meds too!

Vee said...

That medical issue must have been unsettling. Glad that you saw about it and know what to do going forward.

I am so happy to support your investment. 😉

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