Sunday, December 25, 2016


Living Room Tree and decorations.....Snow globes
and Hallmark singing snowmen collection. 

End Table
Dining Room Table
Dining Room Buffet with our collection on tins....
Family Room Tree
 Jim Shore
 Salt & Pepper Shakers
 Musical Ornaments
 Snowman Christmas Tree
 Willow Tree Nativity on the mantle.
Resort Cabins on my grandmothers 
wooden ironing board. 
 Nativities on dining room hutch....

S'mores Ornaments and Starbucks Coffee Cups
S'mores Nativity
 Little nook near our front door. My grandfathers sewing machine and Mark's Grandmothers Santa.
  Dishtowel Collection
 It's A Wonderful Life
 My favorite pillow....
 Our Miniature Tree
Skye got to open an early Christmas present. She kills them instantly! It was a squirrel.

Wishing you and your family
a very Merry Christmas !



Mara said...

Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed your photos! Merry Christmas.

MadSnapper said...

Merry Christmas to all of you and enjoy your day.. your home is so festive and beautiful. I am wondering if you ever try to shake all those globes and get them all snowing at one time. Silly me, my favorite thing that I focused on is the scarves on the giraffes, made me smile. everything looks so pretty

Ann said...

A very Merry Christmas to you and yours. All of your decorations look wonderful. Your home is very festive. I'm giggling over all that stuffing on the floor around Skye. That's what happens here too

Chatty Crone said...

I LOVE all you wonderful decorations! Merry Christmas to everyone!

betty said...

Wonderfully decorated!! So much loving detail you put into each of your decorations! Loved the picture of the 4 of you with the shirts from the Chicago Cubs!! I hope you enjoy your day and then take tomorrow off, I'm sure you will need the rest!

Merry Christmas!


kyooty said...

Merry Christmas Debbie and Family

Mevely317 said...

WONDER-full images, Debby!
I hope you and your family added scads of memorable moments to your Books of Life today. :)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

You have such great decorations. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

Sandra @ Thistle Cove Farm said...

the camper pillow is totally cute! Debby, your home looks lovely and cozy; may God continue to bless you now and throughout 2017.

Karen Mortensen said...

Love all your decorations. Hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas and that your new year will be full of blessings.

annies home said...

what lovely decor the beauty in the nativity and other decorations is one that I love to share and thank you for allowing us to peek at yours
come see us at

Hilary said...

so beautiful!!!
I hope you had a very Merry Christmas and I hope 2017 only brings amazing things your way...

Theresa said...

I love seeing your Christmas decorations. You do such a wonderful job! Your daughter looks just like you and your son looks just like your husband :) Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

Mrs.T said...

Wow, you are well decorated! I love the camper pillow and the collection of resort cabins. Oh, and the dish towel collection. Where did you find all of those? I love them!

Carla from The River said...

Happy New Year ... I loved seeing your decorations. Thank you for sharing. I love the T-shirts you are wearing for your family photo!

Sonya said...

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Great family photo!

Secret Agent Woman said...

I am always astounded by all your Christmas decorations! Hope you had a good holiday with your family.

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