Wednesday, February 7, 2018


Volume 340
Thank you Joyce
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1. February can be a little bit tricky given the weather and the winter and the whatnot. I read a list (here) of things you can do to make your February brighter which included-start planning your next trip, take more baths, make your own chocolate covered strawberries, and exercise in preparation for swimsuit season. Anything on the list you might try? Which suggestion on the list appeals to you most? Tell us something not on the list that helps make your February brighter. 

Take more baths. I don't do that often enough! Some exercise is high on my list. Family helps to make my February brighter. We have a birthday to celebrate for Gabby on the 14th. 

2. Tell us about something you've seen or done recently that you'd say was 'super'?

I've been down and out for a few weeks now so I haven't done much of anything. I watched a show called Mosaic (TV Series) HBO On Demand and I really enjoyed it. 

3. Best thing you ate in a 'bowl' last week?

Homemade black bean chili on Super Bowl Sunday. 

4. Something you're 'cheering' for right now?

"ME" I just want to get back on my feet so I can make a trip that is planned for March 1st. 

5. The Winter Olympics begin Friday, February 9th in Pyeong Chang, South Korea. On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being all in and 1 being no interest whatsoever) how interested are you in the games? Which event do you most want to see (you'll find a list here).

I like to watch the figure skating. I will also watch the bobsled, speed skating, skiing and snowboarding. I'm looking forward to it! 

6. Insert your own random thought here.


Joyce said...

I hope you're feeling much better Debby! A Valentine baby-how sweet : ) Happy birthday to your daughter!

MadSnapper said...

Your random thought is my random thought about the cake and have it have it and eat it too. And that pertains to life events and to food events haha.

Cranberry Morning said...

Haha. Love the poster! That's how I feel if I even get started with cake. Please get well soon so you can enjoy your upcoming trip and Gabby's birthday celebration. xo

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I always take showers, even though we have a super nice bath tub. It's just such a big time commitment!

Nonnie said...

A valentine birthday! Fun. And no, you cannot have my cake! I prefer showers, but take a bath occasionally. Get well!

Wendy said...

So many people seem to have struggled at the start of this year. Hope you are soon feeling 100% and enjoy the birthday celebrations. I like that poster but be warned - do not come anywhere near MY cake lol

maddie/cadesmimi said...

We have a family birthday on Feb. 15, our DIL's.
So sorry you've been a bit under the weather. I hope you'll be feeling better soon!
About that random thought...I feel the same way about cake :)
Kathy (Reflections)

Ann Thompson said...

Love your random thought and now I wish I had some cake

Secret Agent Woman said...

I'm planning on making chocolate covered strawberries next Wednesday for a Valentine's dinner I'm cooking for my husband (seafood risotto!).

Mevely317 said...

Another trip? How fun! I do hope y'all get to Phoenix before we move.
Count me in, cheering for you as well.

Chatty Crone said...

I like to have my cake and eat it too.
I hope you are feeling better and can make it to your dads.
Love chocolate covered strawberries myself.

Take care. sandie

Cathy said...

Love your random. 😀

bp said...

Just wanted to check in. I hope you are taking it easy and recovering.

I look forward to watching the Olympics. I'll be making the boys (and me) chocolate covered strawberries.

Julie said...

I don't know from what you're suffering, but I do hope you're feeling better soon so you can make and enjoy your plans.

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