Volume 345
~Thank you Joyce~
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1. On this first official day of spring tell us something (besides the weather) you're looking forward to in this season of the year.
Getting some motivation for Spring Cleaning!
2. When it comes to spring cleaning would you rather wash windows or wash baseboards? Clean out closets or clean out the garage? Dust ceiling fans or dust bookcases? Wipe down the patio furniture outside or wipe down the light fixtures inside? Any of these tasks recently completed?
1. I usually do the windows.
2. Clean out a closet.
3. Dust the ceiling fans.
4. Wipe down the patio furniture.
5. No, none have been completed.
3. Your favorite thing to make/eat that calls for cream cheese? Sour cream? Whipped cream?
1. A dip that has cream cheese on the bottom along with chili and cheese.
2. Not sure but we always have it in the house for a dollop on something.
3. Well I like whipped cream directly in my mouth from the can or in my decaf coffee! It's a staple in our refrigerator. There is a treat I like to make with cheesecake pudding, fresh whipped cream and frozen berries.
4. I read here a list of commonly mispronounced words. What is a word that gives you trouble when it comes to pronunciation?
Love the list and a word I always say wrong is Paleo. It took me the longest time to say Acai and also Gyro!
5. What's a song you love with the word 'rain' in the title or lyrics?
I'm going to go with Singin' In The Rain by Gene Kelly and we love the movie too!
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I can't say that I do spring cleaning. It's more like always trying to catch up with the day to day cleaning. I'm losing that battle by the way...lol
I put Sinning in the Rain for my song as well. It's a song that always makes me smile. I've not gotten into Spring cleaning yet - too much winter around here for that. but I'm looking forward to it.
first word that comes to mind is cacophony. i have listened to it and practiced and when i see it in a book, i always have problems with how to say it. i don't do recipes so don't use cream cheese in anything, but i love it on a plain bagel.
I don't use a lot of those mispronounce words, mainly because I can't pronounce them. lol I have always had a difficult time saying anesthesist when trying to tell people something about a nurse anesthesist..... it will not roll off my tongue!
Singing in the Rain! Another excellent choice and favorite that just wouldn't come to my mind when I needed it! ;)
Stopping by from the Hodgepodge! Wish I could say I was gearing up for spring cleaning - seems like I"m always just trying to play catch up! Love your song as well - now I'll be humming that all day! Have a wonderful day!
Come to think of it, I think I also say Acai wrong
You would not know spring is here - lol. I have trouble pronouncing the same words. Haven't started cleaning yet - wish i could hire someone!
I'm a little slow getting that motivation for Cleaning of any kind--spring or otherwise :)
I've never seen the movie "Singing in the Rain". Perhaps I should, you're the second one who mentioned it, today!
Kathy (Reflections)
I have never really done spring cleaning. I've found if I do a bit along, the complete over haul isn't really necessary. Have a great California weekend.
Thanks for visiting me! I was glad to participate in Wednesday Hodgepodge this week.
My husband loves whipped cream right out of the can too. I bet it is good in decaf. We have had 2 strange spring days.....thunderstorms one day and snow flurries the next! I hope you are feeling good this evening.
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