Tuesday, June 2, 2020



Welcome to Tuesday 4 where we offer 4 questions each week and continue the tradition begun by our friend Toni Taddeo.

1.What family member do you most resemble in looks or personality and/or which one resembles you most? 

I am never good at this. I believe I resemble my mother. My children have bits and pieces from both of us. 

2.What jobs did your father and/or mother have when you were growing up?

My mother didn't work much. She was a stay at home mom. My father managed a movie theater back in the day. I spent a lot of time seeing movies and getting big boxes of popcorn. 

That is where my love for movies on the big screen came from. They were both very active in our Presbyterian church. 

3. Did your parents make a big deal over holidays and if so, how did they do it?

The holidays were always celebrated big with family. Christmas was above and beyond. That is where my love for Christmas comes from. I remember the Christmas tree with my dad putting one strand of icicles on at a time but fully loaded when he was done. 

Then we went through the times of metallic trees. Why?? Christmas Eve was a big night and we had a bit of a weird twist to ours. We would go to the Christmas Eve church service. My grandparents would stay behind. (I understand my dad even ran home during church) 

If we came home and the tree was on in the window it meant Santa came! Crazy now when I think about it. Go to church and Santa comes while you are there. Anyway, Christmas day was a big party with family. Beautiful memories. 

4.  What do you like most about your family or in laws/ or what do you not like?

They are family, I love them unconditionally. My parents are both gone and sadly our family now lives in different parts of the country. We grew up in a suburb of Chicago. 

My mother in law lives in Texas and I think we have a nice relationship. Mark's parents were divorced when Mark was very young. His father passed away over 20 years ago. My mom passed away 38 years ago. His sister lives in Arizona. He has one brother who lives in Texas and one in Illinois. 

My sister lives in Florida and my brother in Wisconsin. I grew up in Illinois and lived there until I was 38. Our son lives here in California and our daughter moved over three years ago to Montana. 

I don't like the distance at all......


Ann said...

I think I look a little like my mother and a little like my father.
My dad was a carpenter and my mother had various jobs over the year.
I remember celebrating all the holidays growing up but I don't know if you could say my parents made a big deal out of them. I know when my kids were growing up I went a little crazy with decorating for every holiday and Christmas was always a huge deal here.

Mara said...

People always comment that I look like my mum. I even sound like her when on the phone. I do look a bit like my dad too though, although I don't often see it.

Gloria said...

Enjoyed your answers today.
Have a great Tuesday.

Cathy said...

Your Christmas sounds like so much fun.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I look like my dad, I act like my dad, in fact I am my dad like peas in a pod. My older son looks exactly like his dad my younger son we have no idea. I have no family left except the two signs and the one brother and everyone lives somewhere else other than I do. Just like yours.

Schotzy said...

Such wonderful growing up memories... Blessings! I understand your feeling about those long distances... As an only child and no other family about at lal, I miss our one child who lives 7 states away, too!

betty said...

I cant believe Amber has been in Montana that long! Hard when family is far apart with miles like that!

You do have great family memories of holidays and the like!. Father Day will be hard this year for you as well as your dad's birthday. I hope you can see James that day.


Annie said...

Had a friend who did the one strand at a time and it was gorgeous when done! Each hung the same level too.
I don't like the spreading out of family either and believe it is a problem with the world today. And oh, man do I remember those metallic trees!!

Chatty Crone said...

Your mom at home and dad worked at a theater - and they made it - gee that is wonderful. I know you love Christmas. Your family is spread out like ours is. That is hard.

photowannabe said...

Good questions today...
1. I most resemble my Dad, My oldest son resembles me and younger son resembles his dad.
2. My Dad was a manager at Sears for most of my years. Mom was fortunate enough to be a stay at home Mom though she did some temporary office work at times for some extra cash.
3. Yes we made a big deal over holidays. No relatives in California and I'm an only child so we made our own fun and included friends too.
Santa always came to my house on Christmas Eve to leave my "Big" gift outside the front door. It was my Dad who talked to me through the door and then he would leave. I never knew for many years how he did that. Back bedroom doors are convenient escape routes...haha
We also had a traditional Swedish Christmas Eve dinner with the fancy dishes...until we finally came to the conclusion that we didn't like the Lukfisk..stinky fish...and why were we stinking up the house for something we didn't really like..so that traditional food disappeared from the table.
4. What do I like about family..Love them to pieces. Both sets of parents have been gone for many years but we still "include " them in our memories. Love my kids and wish the younger son lived closer...he and his family live in Oregon.
I agree with you I don't like the distance either.
Grateful older son is just a few miles from us so we get to see each other often.
thanks Debby for the questions.

Carla from The River said...

I always enjoy reading your answers and getting to know you more.
I have an aunt and uncle that live in Texas.
Everyone else is scattered all around Wisconsin.

Mevely317 said...

Maybe I'd have to see her in person, but I think Amber looks exactly like you! What family I/we have remaining is scattered to the far corners of this country, but what means the most is having my son 40 minutes away. In fact, that's the biggest reason we moved to Alabama.

Pam said...

What family member do you most resemble in looks or personality and/or which one resembles you most? haha...well I think I favor mom but I also favor dad....a mix of both. My granny always said I favored moms sister, my aunt Donna. Personality, my own! I really am not like anyone I know. My youngest grandson reminds me a lot of me with the things he does. Total mess.

2.What jobs did your father and/or mother have when you were growing up?

My dad was in the Navy for 33 years. He did start early but he was in still when I was in elem. school. Then he went to work for a trucking company. Driving around town then on the docks. MOm did not work till I was in the 11th grade. She worked in a gift shop type place ran by the man down the street.

3. Did your parents make a big deal over holidays and if so, how did they do it?

Nope....not Christmas, not Easter, not Halloween. I sort of went over board when I started having holidays for my family once I married.

4. What do you like most about your family or in laws/ or what do you not like?

HAHA....best to leave that question alone.

Secret Agent Woman said...

I look mostly like my father. As does my younger son. When I was young, my father was Navy and my mother a SAHM. After their divorce, when I was 10, my mom went back to school and became a teacher. I was proud of her for that.

Laurel Wood said...

So fun to find out where you got your love of movies and Christmas decorating! My mother loved Christmas. She had many trees each year and we miss her excitement each holiday!

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