Weather or Not....
“But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit” Jeremiah 17:7-8
1. What kind of weather pleases you the most?
A sunny day, maybe in the low 80's!
2. Do rainy days bother you or do you find them a time to relax and take it easy? Any puddle jumping in your life?
I can't remember the last time I would have puddle jumped. Rainy days don't bother me too much except for the fact that they always seem to land on a Wednesday when I was going to bowling and my car was clean in the garage!!!
3. Do you have meals you enjoy in certain kinds of weather or certain seasons? Please share with us?
Not necessarily but I guess I feel more like making some crockpot chili in cooler weather.
4. As the prophet Jeremiah tells us, It is a good idea to bloom where you are planted.
How do you handle stormy weather and does a day need to be sunny for you to enjoy it? Why not give us hints on enjoying any kind of weather.
If I think of stormy weather being a bad day I can say that I'm not handling them well at all since the pandemic started.
As far a weather goes I do prefer a sunny day. If it is raining I want to see a rainbow. We get Santa Ana winds or rain from October until the end of May. I could do without the winds so I will take the rain.
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Welcome Friends! We offer four questions each week for you to answer. It gives you something to blog about, a chance to learn about others and make new blogging friends. We keep it going in memory and honor of our dear friend Toni Taddeo, it's original author.
Sunny and 75 is my ideal weather. Add in a slight breeze and it's perfection.
I don't mind rainy days so long as there aren't a lot of them together. It starts to get to me after a while.
Sounds like you could use a fun day out puddle jumping, I'll join you! :)
I am with Ann - if I could have a sunny day in the 70's - that is perfect.
I don't handle stormy weather very good.
We had a storm here yesterday and lost electricity.
I enjoyed your answers.
Have a good Tuesday my friend.
This meme is making me look forward to Fall. Love your answers! Have a nice Tuesday!
That scripture from Jeremiah is a favorite of mine. We could use a good rain here. We aren't getting our usual summer monsoons this summer. Much of the state is in a drought.
I think we are all having some "bad days" since the pandemic came, and we are quite ready to have it gone and over with. But in the meantime we must keep on keeping on, making the best of it. And yes, those rainbows do make us smile after the rain. Always a delightful reminder of God's promises to us. Thank you for visiting my blog earlier. So nice to make some new friends!1 Have a blessed week.
The pandemic is making everything harder for everyone.
Its funny, now that I think of it, when I was living in Ohio it also rained on the same day of the week all the time. It was usually on Thursday!
I puddle jumped as a child. I also enjoyed riding my bike through the puddles💖
I am thanking God for our rain this summer or it would be much hotter.
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