Welcome to Tuesday 4 which was started by our friend Toni Taddeo and kept up in memory of her. Different sections of the USA have different words and customs they use. Let's talk about them.
1. In New Jersey you put your groceries in a paper bag or plastic bag. In Athens, Ohio where I went to university, you put them in a paper sack. Is it bag , sack or something else where you live?
We used to have paper and plastic here in California but now you have to bring your own bags or they charge you for the bag. I believe the retail stores still use plastic bags but not grocery stores.
2. NJ says Stockings. Athens, Ohio used to call them "hose" and in Britain they are tights. What about where you live?
2. NJ says Stockings. Athens, Ohio used to call them "hose" and in Britain they are tights. What about where you live?
I think we called them stockings growing up in Illinois and then panty hose.
3. Soda, Pop, Coke?
3. Soda, Pop, Coke?
I'm not sure if California calls it anything different but I call it soda growing up in Illinois. I would only say Coke if the was the brand I was drinking. I haven't had soda in about 25 years.
4. Shopping cart or trolley or? What do you call it?
4. Shopping cart or trolley or? What do you call it?
Definitely a shopping cart. When I hear trolley I think of this.....
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Thank you Anne!
The store I work at used to have paper or plastic but the paper got very expensive so now we only have plastic.
Stockings were pretty much done back in my day and everyone was wearing panty hose. Do they even make them any more?
I always called it pop
And I push a shopping cart through the store. My boss's dad always called it a buggy.
I am with you on the trolley that's what I think of as a trolley. When I was growing up I called him stockings but by the time I got to about age 30 we were calling them hoes stockings and hoes are different. Stockings were the ones that you had to hook with a holder those were the ones like you said pantyhose. I've always called Everything a Coke until I married Bob who called it soda so now I call it soda. I have always called them bags never sack
Hi Debby: I enjoyed your answers today.
Have a good Tuesday my friend.
What are the stores doing now Debby with bags since so many people are having pick up groceries or deliveries? I thought I read that plastic bags were okay again temporarily? I agree when I hear trolley I think of San Francisco's :)
Do you have to bring your own bags everywhere? Funny how we say the same thing differently.
You know here in Atlanta everything is COKE!
25 years and no pop. I really should give it up.
I have always called it Soda...
CA it used to be paper or plastic now we have to bring our own bags or pay 10 cents a piece for a bag...
Panty hose used to be what I wore..no more...
Coke was always a brand name
Shopping cart never trolley..Living in the San Francisco Bay Area for most of my life brings your picture to mind when I hear that word.
I think of a trolley car too!
I'm in New Zealand
everything is not supposed be plastic, BYO bag, or buy recyclable or paper bags - stores love to sell you one!
I've not worn panty hose for a long time, but I think they are labelled tights or leggings
we certainly don't talk about pop or even soda - either brand name or type like Mountain Dew or Fanta or L&P
always get a shopping trolley probably because the vehicle known as a trolley is usually thought of as a tram...not many around, except in tourist places.
Yep...I am reading the post above. I was just telling Susan that carts are called trolley in England and Australia. I was telling her that many of the books I read are set in those places, so I have heard their dialect. I just love it. Loved your answers! Have a great week.
I say bag, hose (unless they are thick and then I say tights), soda, and cart.
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