Join Joyce and play along HERE!
1. The Hodgepodge lands on National Dog Day this year (August 26th). Do you own a dog? Did you have a dog when you were growing up, or maybe some other kind of pet? Would you say you're more of a dog person or a cat person? Neither is okay too : )
Yes we have a dog. Her name is Skye. We are definitely dog people because of allergies to cats. I do like cats a lot. Skye is a Cairn Terrier and she is 11 1/2 years old.
She is having some hip dysplasia issues but still taking her walks and chasing bunnies out of the yard. She is on medication and wears a brace on one of her legs.
2. Last time you felt 'dog tired'?
It was about a month ago. I had issues breathing and felt dog tired for several weeks. Did my breathing treatments and a course of steroids. Now I'm just tired from doing nothing! Wait, I road my recumbent bike yesterday....
I got my bike after my first knee replacement 3 years ago in August. Recently I haven't been riding it. So I made myself a promise yesterday.
Normally I can only go a mile which takes about 5 minutes. So I decided that for every Hallmark movie I watch each day I will ride it for 5 minutes during each one!
3. It's said you can't teach an old dog new tricks. When did you last prove this idiom true or prove it wrong?
I can't think of a time in particular. Although since Mark seems to be in the kitchen more these days I think I have taught him a few short cuts in food and baking preparation. He's an old dog!
4. A favorite book, television show, or movie featuring a dog. Why did you love it?
I did look at a list because my mind drew a blank. Besides Lady and the Tramp or 101 Dalmatians I'm going with Marley and Me and A Dog's Purpose.
5. Last time you had reason to (literally or figuratively) exclaim 'hot diggity dog'?
Well I'm not in the habit of saying that but I guess it could have been when we heard we were going to be grandparents almost two years ago. Although it could have been when I had further checking into something on my breast and it was all good. That was just a few months ago.
I could not see your last picture. I think it is great that you ride your bike. I need to get something like that. Happy Wednesday!
I like both cats and dogs but have had more dogs over the years.
I forgot today is National dog day I did manage to get a picture of big on the Block but I totally forgot. Hugs guy for me and tell her I'm sorry she has to wear what wear the brace but glad she can still run and chase squirrels. I love all furry creatures with four legs. Dogs are number one but I love them all. I think I used to say hot diggity dog back when I was a child but have not said it since I was an adult that I can remember I wanted to tell you my two books that I read the most both had dogs in them but at this moment my mind has gone totally blank I can't remember the names of the books or the authors if I think of it I'll come back
Sorry to hear about Skye's hip dysplasia. Does she do good wearing her brace? Becoming a grandparent is surely a great thing so I would be hot diggity dogging about it too :) (and I did so when it was announced we would be grandparents). We were talking about dog movies the other day and tried to think of one that wasn't sad. I read Marley and Me; couldn't do the movie. Lady and the Tramp is a cute one!
Your random thought is great advice, especially these days. There is little we can change except our attitude about not being able to change anything. I forgot about Lady and the Tramp. We watched that so many times with our first grandchild. So proud of your determination and creativity in getting exercise.
Hope you aren't dog tired anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are both dog people - ♥
I'd wondered if you still had Skye, now I know! I remember her from years past, when I was a regular in the blogging world.
Cudos to you for getting on your bike again, and for that random thought! I've been trying to do a little walking in the mornings.
Kathy (Reflections)
Glad Mark has been spending more time in the kitchen, that's always a bonus! Keep up your bike rides and have a great week :)
Hi Debby,
Your reasons for saying "Hot Diggity Dog" are good ones.
I love when you share James with us.
I like your random.
hours later i finally remembered my two favorite books, i kept them in paperback for 20 to30 years and read each one maybe 5 times over the years. I donated them because i could no longer read the small print. Watchers by Dean Koonz and Thor by Wayne Smith, both have wonderful dogs in them.
Hi, well I never fancied myself as a dog person..I had several scary encounters as a child. We do have a "Granddogger" now because of our granddaughters. We found ourselves dog sitting on many occasions and learned to love her (Snickerdoodle)as we got used to taking care of a dog..I have to admit we are always relieved when she goes back home..guess we are old Fuddy Duddys.
I as usually "dog tired" after doing my weekly time as a care-giver for a friend that is in the beginning stages of Alzheimers. It can be exhausting but rewarding too.
Love the old Disney movies like Lady and the Tramp and Old Yeller.
Read A Dog's Purpose and thought it was really good.
Random thought..because of the stairs picture...
Do the next steps...going forward no matter how slow is still going forward.
You have some interesting answers
"A Dog's Purpose" is one of my all-time favorite books! Did you, by chance, happen to read the sequel, "A Dog's Journey"? Normally I'm not fond of sequels, but believe this one HAD to be written.
Love the last meme!
Love your picture on #6. That is a good reminder.
I had to go back for a mammogram in the summer, thankfully it was clear.
Caleb is allergic to cats also.
Have a good evening!
I'm sorry about your dog's hip. Old dogs are the best. Good for you getting on the bike!! Have a nice rest of the week!
Hi Debby! I sure know about those breathing problems, although I'm doing well all considered, hope you are too. Mr D spends more time in the kitchen these days too, I get tickled at him sometimes but he's doing great. We eat out a lot, that makes him happy. Good for you on those test results, I also think that's a Hot Diggity Dog event!! Loved your random thought, so very true. Hope you're enjoying a great day.
Good job getting back to your bike while watching movies. That is a great idea. I need to start exercising but just started trying to watch my diet and to do both right now is just too much ;)
That is definitely hot diggity dog news!
What a great plan to ride during Hallmark shows! I'm watching one right now while I visit Hodgepodge posts. Both of your Hot Diggity's are things I'd have been excited about, too. I forgot about Lady and the Tramp! Hope the rest of your week goes well!
I love dogs but have never had one. I really wanted one as a kid but have lived in apartments where dogs weren't allowed. Some of the best moments of my life were when I went to the local animal shelter every day to interact with the dogs and train them and help get them adopted. I still remember them and they warm my heart.
My favorite dog movie? Air Bud:
Now I get my doggie fix every day by visiting dog blogs.
Thanks for asking!
I love that Toby Mac quote 💖
I'm pretty certain I have never once said, "Hot diggity dog." Because I didn't grow up in the 40's.
I love dogs. We have a cat now, but my plan is to get a hound from a shelter when we move out to the woods.
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