Wednesday, July 7, 2021


Thank you Joyce.
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1. July 5th is National Hawaii Day...have you ever been to Hawaii? Any desire to visit or make a return trip? Pineapple, mango, or guava...what's your pleasure? 

Haven't been and yes I would love to go to Hawaii. I love pineapple and mango. I buy them all the time. 

2. Last time you were 'thrown in at the deep end'? Explain. 

I wrote about my brother missing and him not being well. I've been working with his attorney for several weeks now, had a conference call with a room of doctors along with my sister and the attorney. 

I'm not going to get into all the details but it's breaking my heart and leaving me worn out at the end of each day. Also the fact that he lives in Milwaukee and I can't see him is very difficult. 

They signed a Certificate of Incapability so we are making some very hard/sad decisions on his behalf. 

3. Sun, sea, sand, salt...your favorite when it comes to summer? 

Well I would love to be in a situation where I could enjoy all of those each day and I would take all of them. We are able to get to a beach in about an hour but we don't do it that often. For now I am enjoying some sun each day out in the backyard. 

4. Bury your head in the sand, the sands of time, draw a line in the sand, pound sand, shifting sands...pick one and tell us how the phrase currently relates to your life in some way.

I feel like I'm ready to bury my head in the sand but I can't. The sands of time is what I am feeling right now and thinking about my own longevity. Thinking about what I can do to change where I am at today and make things better for my future. 

5. On a scale of 1-10 (1 = make your own rules and 10=like a warden), how strict were your parents? If you're a parent where on the scale do you land? 

I have to say that the scale was pretty low for the times that I remember. My mother had mental health issues and drank. My dad at the time was working nights and no one ever made me do anything or even checked on my homework. I feel the teachers knew about this and passed me to be nice. 

I feel that maybe as a parent I fell somewhere in the middle. It is important for children to have structure. Then of course when the kids were very young we had divorced so life was a bit of a mess for them. I did the best I could do without having any structure to learn from. 

6. Insert your own random thought here.  


Ann said...

I've never been to Hawaii but I would love to go.
So sorry to hear about your brother. Hugs and prayers to help you through

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I love your ending quote! That is something to ponder! Especially the first line! Ha Ha! Not sure I ever thought that before at all! As far as Hawaii goes, I've never really had much desire to go there. We live in Florida and I've seen enough beaches and tropical stuff to keep me happy about that and never have to see more of them. I am more of a mountain and lake kind of girl. I am so sorry for what you are going through with your brother. I wish you were able to go visit him, but I understand how difficult that could be. Praying for you now. Sending you some (((hugs))) as well.

Little Penpen said...

Hang in there! I hope your brother gets the help he needs. You are a great sister. ❤️

MadSnapper said...

no, my butt is not perfect. i love the quote and will accept the other things other than butt. ha ha
Mango is my fave, but i never met a fruit I did not like. Beach is the answer because it has all four of the things asked about. prayers for your ongoing issues with your brother and he so far away. i lived with KING Charles for a dad, he ruled, we bowed to what he said. your parenting is about like mine was. I wish I knew now back when parenting was still mattering to me

Mevely317 said...

That quote is perfect ... I love it!
I feel so bad you're having to walk this walk on behalf of your brother. Maybe after all the decisions are made, he'll not feel so overwhelmed. (You, too!) Wouldn't your dad be so proud of you?!

Martha said...

I'm so sorry about what you are going through with your brother Debby.

betty said...

I like that quote, Debby! So sorry about your brother; I can't imagine all the stress/sadness you and your sister are under during these times. Continued prayers. I hope you do get to Hawaii sometime. I've never been but I do hear it is spectacular to see in person!


songbird's crazy world said...

Great quote.

Mary said...

Dealing with your brother has to be heartbreaking. Prayers, my friend!
Thank you for that quote...I may steal it! :)

The Feminine Energy said...

My thoughts & prayers continue to be with you, Debby, regarding your brother. Definitely not "the best of times" in your life. Hugs~ Andrea xoxoxo

Cathy said...

Love that ending quote. Keep saying it to yourself too!

Anne in the kitchen said...

I am so sorry you are having to go through the difficult road with your brother. The mental exhaustion seeps over into the physical and leaves you feeling like a limp dishrag. Sending every good thought your way during this difficult time.

Chatty Crone said...

I love your meme - is that what they call it - right?
You have been under stress again handling your brother - you need a trip to Hawaii! I hope you get to go there one day.

Love Of Quilts said...

So sorry to hear about your brother. Hard when your the one doing it all.

Joyce said...

I'm very sorry for the many hard things you are having to deal with regarding your brother. You have a lot on your plate so be gentle with yourself.

ellen b. said...

I can't imagine how rough and tough that is to try to deal with these things with your brother from long distance. Hope all goes well in that regard. Blessings...

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