2. Something you are currently 'nuts' about?
Other than my grandson James, I'm not coming up with anything else.
3. Something currently driving you 'nuts'?
The mask mandates, especially for the children in school. With my health concerns I feel I need to wear a mask inside around strangers but this has gotten ridiculous and California is one of the states that is not backing down.
4. Something you recently bought for 'peanuts'?
Probably some face care product. There have been a lot of sales going on at some of my favorite brands.
5. Share a favorite quote uttered by any U.S. President ( if you're not an American, a quote made by the leader of your own country).
I am not qualified to pick one. Honestly I never followed government until more recently in my life.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I think this is so sweet. It was originally sent to Mark's step-dad Al from Mark's Nana and Mark's mom just sent it to Adam for his birthday in January.
I'm not really a fan of almonds but I do love Almond Joy candy bars.
The mask mandates drive me crazy too. They have been lifted here but I will never understand why a person driving alone in their own car will wear a mask.
Sweet Baby James... there he is. Now my day can continue! :-) Such a darling little shaver!
Yes, I love almonds too... and all the other nuts you mentioned, Debby. There's always some sort of nut on any salad I make for myself.
How touching, the note & poem Mark's mom sent! This should definitely be passed down for generations. It's already got a good start.
~Andrea xoxoxo
I love that poem and it's so true!!
I'm nuts about James too.
I loved Reagan.
Love the poem - hope you feel better.
Really like almonds especially almond flavor in baking.
I'm living in CA and the mask mandates are driving us crazy. Today Newsome said those fully vax don't have to wear mask inside except in health care settings,public transit and a few places like that BUT school kids must be masked at all times..TOTALLY HORRIBLE
ok, I'll get off my high horse..
Sometimes I am NUTS about blogging and sometimes blogging drives me NUTS.
So sweet what Adam got with that poem and great advice in it. Nuts are a healthy snack as you know. I so agree with you about the mask mandates for kids. Let them breathe freely again!
What a sweet poem. : ) I am so with you on children in masks while the adults around them are unmasked. So many things make no sense to me anymore. Sigh. Hope you're having a great day!
I love the poem you shared Debby! Thank you!!
That poem is a great reminder for sure. We both chose our grands and masks, too. Hope the rest of your week goes well.
Ditto on what's driving you nuts. I had to look up a quote because I can never remember quotes well.
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