Saturday, February 19, 2022


That February is almost over. Where did this month go?


That I'm still having issues with my lungs. Of course I went through this last year and wasn't feeling myself until towards the end of March. I have been through 3 courses of steroids and antibiotics. Still wheezing! 

I was able to get in to see my doctor on Monday. She thought a steroids shot would help but wasn't sure it was a long enough time since I did the others. I called back on Wednesday because I was miserable and they got me in and I got a steroids shot. I'm better but still not great. I've missed 5 weeks of bowling!

Sadly, this new doctor who I love, and her father in law who is awesome too, are leaving the medical group we are in with our insurance. I might just try to continue to see her and pay a fee depending on how much the office visit is. 

That it took me until February 12th to get the ornaments off the tree. Mark packed the tree up yesterday. I did however have everything else put away earlier in January when I had a good day on the steroids. Sadly this has happened before in the past. I think I need to slow down at Christmas, put out less and not stress so much. I always get sick after Christmas. 

That James now knows when he has to poop. He tells them "poop" goes into his bedroom and closes the door and then comes out with a huge silly smile on his face. Then Adam goes and changes him. I think it is time to put him on the toilet. 

That I am still taping Hallmark movies each day and watching them. I am a fan of so many wonderful movies which I watch over and over again and yet I've had no desire to watch them since the pandemic started.

However, now that I might be feeling better and Christmas is done, it is now time to "Persevere" and start on the rest of the house to declutter something each day. 

First thing up will be my large cabinet under my sink. I have a lot of products that I don't use anymore in my drawers, under the sink and the side cabinet. I also have new ones that need to go into the cabinet and things on top of my sink that I can't stand looking at anymore. 

That I haven't gained any weight in 7 years. Now I am definitely overweight but with my stage 4 COPD it is almost impossible to get in any good exercise. I go up 5 pounds and I go down 5 pounds throughout the week. I do try very hard to eat right so I am able to at least maintain where I am at. However, I have to try harder because I need about 50 pounds off of me. 

Now this one I can believe....I've been watching all the ice skaters at the Olympics and I also was very interested in seeing Shawn White on the Halfpipe. I think that 4th place was a wonderful way to finish. All those young people are so good and yet he was able to take 4th place at age 35. So very proud of him. 

There is still some more skating set to tape and I believe the closing ceremony is on Saturday. I've been watching to cheer on our athlete's but not happy that we were in China. 

That's all I have to say today. I thought I had more to tell you.....

Oh wait, I do have one more thing. Super Bowl Sunday was fun at Adam and Gabby's. Some of you wanted to know about the new snack item each quarter. Well we ended up getting so full that two of the quarter snack items were never made. 

We did have two different side pots going on about the scores and one with questions. It was fun. I won $40, Gabby won $60, Mark won $20 and Adam didn't win anything. It was really a fun day and when I'm over at their house, being by James, I feel wonderful. Wouldn't even know I was sick. 


Little Penpen said...

Funny about James and poop. One of my grandchildren would ask for a diaper, go to her bedroom, poop in it, then come out..... but would not poop on the toilet for the longest time. 😆 it’s all good now. 🤪

MadSnapper n Beau said...

yep, time for James to get On the pot. made me laugh. sorry you are still battling the wheezing and losing your favorite doctor. yes, you need to slow down at Christmas this year. sorry about the missed bowling.

Mevely317 said...

Gosh, I'm sorry to hear you're still struggling! Are you, by chance, on Medicare? Rather than waiting on the VA docs to get their act together, we elected to use Medicare for Tom urgent care; he loves those docs. (Which, to me, is a big deal!)
We still have 3 big boxes of Christmas sitting in an unused bedroom. I'm waiting for Tom's daughter to come and put them in the attic.

The Feminine Energy said...

I am so so sorry you have to deal with all the breathing problems, my sweet friend. *gentle hugs* I can't imagine there being much worse than not being able to breathe properly. It would wear a person out so quickly! *sigh* Just go with the flow, do what you can, and leave the rest until some other time. I know it's hard but... try to remember to be kind & understanding to yourself. And yes, the little ones make our troubles fly out the window, don't they. At least for a little while. God bless the beasts & the children! ~Andrea xoxoxo

Chatty Crone said...

I am glad you have your family.
I am so sorry you suffer with COPD - I sometimes have asthma and sometimes it gets hard to breathe and it is concerning.
Can you go and just look at them bowl for friendship?
Sorry your doctor is moving - I hate that.
I think you ought to get rid of stuff. Do everything smaller - like one tree. Don't get yourself sick by doing too much!
Take care of yourself.

Susan said...

Hi Debby, I am sorry you are having problems with your COPD. I also love Christmas and like to decorate my whole house. I will do it for a long as I can. You are retired, so there really is no timetable to put things away other than your desire and your health. I am glad you have your family time and it is what is most important. Take care and hopefully we can meet up someday.

photowannabe said...

Sometimes just being with family and laughing together is the very best medicine.
I sure hope you can get some relief and that the steroids can do their job.
We have watched the Olympics and for the most part enjoyed them but not their location and its control over everything.
Hang in there..

betty said...

I think that is wise, Debby, to look to see how much the visit would cost to still continue with the doctor you like so much! Sorry to hear though that you are still dealing with the issues with your lungs. I do like your thought of either slowing down Christmas preparations or starting them earlier. When I was growing up, my sister and mom always did a lot of baking around Christmas and my sister would always get sick right afterward because of all the stress of trying to get everything done that they wanted to bake. I think that's why I decided not to bake for Christmas after I got married and was on my own.

How cute with James knowing when he has to poop and I agree with you. It is probably time to think about potty training. He is 3 years old, right? We worked with grandson for probably about 4 months, not real diligently with it, but then one day he just got it. He had turned 3 in February and it was Memorial Day weekend when it finally clicked. So he was about 3 years and 3 months old. James is smart and I think he'll catch on really quickly!

That was fun with the Super Bowl and the games you played with it and the money you made!!

Have a great rest of the weekend!


Anne in the kitchen said...

Fingers crossed and prayers that your lung issues will clear quickly and you will be feeling better.
I was chuckling about the poop story. It may be time now that he recognizes his body's signals, but the potty concept might not yet be in his wheelhouse. It will work out in time!

Ann said...

Oh the part about James is too funny.

Cindy said...

We were watching the Olympics too and I agree that Shawn ended his career in a good way. Oh, Hallmark movies. I think they're addicting! :)

Carla from The River said...

Hi Debby,
Praying you will feel better and continue to get the medical help you need.
Shawn White is inspiration.
James makes me smile.

bp said...

Hello, stopping by to say hello as I haven't visited blogs in a while.
Our office is on my list first to declutter. It is such a mess. Now that my husband isn't using it to work from home it has gotten to be such a mess!

Hope you are doing well.

Michelle said...

Hi Debby, I'm testing out my new blog on blogger. Praying you will feel better.

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