Sunday, February 27, 2022


What a week I have had. I hate to come here and bitch and complain but I need to get it out. There have been some good things too, like my breathing with the steroids shot has been good although I have had some issues with swollen ankles.

I was able to go to bowling on Wednesday and beside the regular bowling we had to make up a week that we missed so I bowled six games. That was a lot for me but I did it. 

I think I may have mentioned a new prescription that I may try although I am pretty much starting to change my mind on it. The doctor had mentioned some side effects and I'm not one to read them ahead of time. However, since she mentioned them I decided to do a little research. Didn't like what I was reading.

Just by chance I went onto my OptumRX page to check on something. OMG, I'm glad I did. They were processing the prescription for for over $3,000!!! Yes, you read that right. I immediately called and I got it cancelled. 

So guess what??? I'm already in the so called "donut hole" with Medicare. It really sucks when you have to use medications that have no generic. I have 3 and this new drug would be #4. I just can't win. Normally on these particular drugs I pay $134. for a 90 day supply. When I go into the donut hole the cost goes to a little over $400 for each one. 

Okay, so enough on the drug stuff......

Our cable went out for 11 hours on Friday night. I know to many of you it is not a big deal but it can be for me. We didn't have any internet at all. So other than taking out a DVD to watch, there was nothing else. Thankfully it finally came back on and all seemed well with the world. 

Well that of course was until Saturday night when my DVR started to squeal and flash. I unplugged it several times and tried a few different things but it will not reboot. It is basically dead so we are going to exchange it today. 

Now for me this DVR isn't even 2 years old and it took several months to learn the new one after having the old one for about 13 years. (Mark still has his old one. It's been 15 years) You have to understand that I have about 60 preset programs which will all have to be put into a new one. 

Also, many of the shows are not currently on so you have to search to see if there might be a rerun somewhere and then you can set it from there. This is a huge project and I'm so frustrated over it. I am working very hard on remaining calm. However, Murphy can leave the building!!!!

Thankfully I found my list from two years ago. I was turning in my old DVR because I was having some issues. So I took pictures of the pages of things that were set to record. Of course now there are some new shows since then but I will get it worked out. I'm trying to remain calm. We will be going to Spectrum today.

I do want to say that I have no right to bitch about any of this because I know in my heart things can be worse and I also know that our world is in a terrible place right now. My prayers goes out to the Ukraine. 🙏


Carla from The River said...

Hi Debby,
Everything is a mess.. we feel stress with all that is going on in our country and world.

Prices are NUTS.
People just seem to want to fight with each other.
And the War .. it all is so stressful.

Sending Hugs!

CheerfulMonk said...

I hope this week is a lot better !

CheerfulMonk said...


betty said...

Wow, I can't imagine that medicine costing so much! That's a shame you are in the donut hole already Debby. Is that how it will be for the rest of the year? It shouldn't be like this for prescription prices for Medicare recipients. That would frustrate me with the Internet being down that long. I never liked it when I was working from home and needed the Internet when it went down. So frustrating! And frustrating too with the DVR. They sure don't make things to last long these days for sure. It is sad about what is happening in Ukraine. Lots of prayers being said. I am glad though you did get to bowl and did well with the extra games you bowled too! Let's hope March is a great month for you!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

Maybe Murphy will leave you alone in March since it starts with an M also. We went throght the DVR change over about 2 years ago and it was no fun. we only had about 15 to find. I did mine by using the little blue Box with a B. the one that takes forever to tab throught to spell things. I wish i had 60 shows I could stand to watch.
Guess what, they did not renew The Voice and it will not start next week, but will start in Sept maybe not on NBC
it would be nice if they could come up waith a way to transfer DVR

Ann said...

I can relate to just needed to get it all out and vent. I did that not too long ago.
How frustrating with the prescriptions. That is just crazy expensive. How do they expect people to afford that.

Terra said...

You are going through stressful things and I think this post helped you, by you venting. Cost of some prescriptions and learning about side effects can be cause for worry. My Bible fellowship is praying for the people of Ukraine, these are hard times in many ways. Be well my friend.

Chatty Crone said...

You have every right to complain just like the rest of us. You have had a lot on top of finances and not feeling well. Hope this is a better week.

Susan said...

Hi Debby, wow, that is a lot of money. I have Kaiser and haven't had to get very many medicines yet. I am glad you got out to bowl! I hope you have a better week!

Anne in the kitchen said...

Sometimes you just have to have a safe place to vent.
The Big Pharma industry makes things virtually impossible for most people, especially when a drug is still in patent.
I am glad to hear you are breathing a little easier at least.

Mevely317 said...

I'm sorry to hear about the (latest) hiccups in your life! Like Anne just wrote, it means a lot to know we have safe place to vent and readers won't abandon us. Like one of my Bible study friends said, "Ours lives aren't all unicorns and fairy dust."

Cathy said...

I hope all goes well at Spectrum today. Hang in there Debby!

photowannabe said...

Yikes on the med Donut Hole costs..horrible.
I am so glad you caught that prescription before it went through $3000.00 Unbelievable!!!
We all have to vent now and then. I'm glad this is one of our safe places to do that.
Great that you could finally go bowling and your breathing is better..A silver lining is nice once in a while.

Joyce said...

The medication costs are horrible!! I think it's legitimate to complain about that. Hope today has been brighter!!

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