3. It's officially summer (in the Northern hemisphere)... your favorite and least favorite things about the season?
I have to say that because of the time change I like the longer hours of sunlight we get in the summer. Sometimes the heat gets to me but at least we don't have a ton of humidity. Least favorite thing would be bugs although we are not bothered by them in our yard because we usually have a breeze going being at the top of the hill.
4. When you think about the summers of your childhood what are two or three things that come to mind?
5. A hot mess, the heat of the moment, beat the heat, if you can't stand the heat, catch heat, in a dead heat...choose a 'hot 'phrase and tell us how it applies to your life right now.
I'm going to say that I'm a hot mess. I'm not going to explain but you have no need to worry about me.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
Father's Day was perfect. We went to Adam, Gabby and James' house. We had a delicious dinner with steaks, baked potato, grilled shrimp, salad and coconut cream pie for dessert. We bought a few of the items and they bought a few of the items. They day was lovely. Adam did most of the cooking and it was delicious.
Something I learned from my father was how to be frugal. Onions? Oh my yes, I love onions.
I wonder if my daughter knows about the Hallmark movies. She loves those.
I can't stand heat, which means from now until novebmer you will find me inside any where that has AC.. I did not learn from my Dad, but inherited his cheap to the bone, spend only on NEEDs not wants. beyond Frugal like Ann. I make burger smothered in grilled onions for bob, like it was steak, with potato and a veggie or salad. I eat mine minus the onions. his is juicy mine is crisp
glad you had a great time on fathers day, love that photo of the 3 generations
Father's Day sounds lovely and delicious, Debby! Great picture of Adam, James, and Mark! I do like cooked onions but raw onions sometimes cause me heartburn. It is hard to imagine that Christmas is 6 months away! I know you'll enjoy the movies you watch!
What a super photo of your 3 men! That Father's Day meal sounds scrumptious, but I think it's hard to beat a good old grilled burger with lots of onion (and MAYO!).
There's an ice cream truck around here but it never seems to go down our road. That was one of my favorite childhood memories too.
It is hotter than blazes here in GA. I don't know what is going on!
The three generation picture is so wonderful.
I have to check Hallmark out - thanks.
Great photo of the guys. Glad hubby is home safe and sound from his fishing trip. Happy Summer to you!
Your Father's Day sounded lovely. Ours was very quiet. Two of our children live away and the one who is here had to work a 12 hour shift... so it was just hubby and me. Enjoy the rest of your week.
Onion rings! Oh Yum! Thank you for praying for Roger. Was in recovery. One step forward and possibly one back. We will see what happens but surgery went well, and we will trust God.
Father's Day sounds wonderful with your crew. I contracted Pink eye from my sweet boy Brody, who is 4, who did not have it when he visited but was in contact with his cousin who did and no one told my son or his wife. Poor baby has it in both eyes! I am waiting on my dr. to call my rx in. So much for medicine in 2022. Just another ploy to their control schemes and hatefulness running rampant in the world of political horse manure!
I loved doing Hodge Podge and perhaps will come back once things settle down.
Have a beautiful restof the week. Much love and thankfulness for you Debby.
My dad told me to watch what he did and do the opposite. I still love him for that. He also taught me to value happiness. A lot of people don't.
My Dad taught me to love life and to love the simple life..not needed much. He also taught me to love camping and the outdoors, he taught me to ride my bike and was so patient..He knew it was ok to be Silly and let me put curlers in his hair when he was "babysitting" me while Mom was at choir.
Love onions in any shape and form. Use them all the time.
You brought back memories of the ice cream truck coming down our street. Oh the decisions of how to spend my money...
Great Hodge Podge today..
I love your Father's Day celebration. And the photo too. :-)
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