Tuesday, July 19, 2022


Hello!  You are so welcome here at Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.   I hope you are enjoying the questions and the chance to blog about your likes, dislikes and opinions and find out about those of other people.  Be sure to visit around.  That is part of the fun.

Let's inquire about stuff....

1. What gets your blood to boiling?

A lot of things get my blood boiling these days but right now it is a spam phone call every ten minutes. I had a text on Sunday about my Amazon account being suspended. I talked with Amazon just to make sure it was spam and it was. 

Then, not much later, our house phone started ringing asking if I ordered a phone on Amazon. Press this button if yes and this button if no. I knew it was spam and obviously didn't respond. So we turned of the ringers on the phones and turned off the answering machine for now. 

It is ringing every ten minutes on the house phone. Yes I like a landline. I do not like talking on a cell phone and all of my doctor's have the house phone number. Mark of course wants to get rid of the landline but I'm not ready to. 

2.What does a really good day look like for you? What makes you say, "That was a great day"?

Obviously that is seeing James for me. Of course a good day is also a cup of coffee and a Hallmark movie in the morning and getting some housework done, then later after dinner watching a few shows with Mark. 

3. Are you continuing to grow mentally, spiritually, talent wise or are you  just marking time?

I would like to think that I am still growing mentally and spiritually. God is an important part of my day. 

4. Have you changed your hair style since high school?   Why or why not?

Definitely! Actually I changed my high school hair style a week after our wedding. I got a pixie cut. Now I just wear it short and flipped up on the sides. 

High School Graduation

This is my engagement picture with my high school hair. 

The pixie I got a week after our honeymoon.

When the kids were young I would get a perm and wear it this way.

This is how I wear it now and have had it this way for about 15 years. 

Thank you Ann.
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MadSnapper n Beau said...

I enjoyed seeing the different hair styles. I used to change mine every few years, but since 1980 when I got divorced and changed it to what they then called a Saffoon, it is still just like that, same style. its easy to care for and fits my face best. I have a high forehead and it must be covered. I have hated my hair since I was 5 years old and still do

Chatty Crone said...

I think that is so cool the way you have the photos to share your hair - I don't think I could do that with pics. I am glad your walk with God is good. Love James. I hate spammer too - but I keep the home phone too - we have had that number for 36 years. You kind of looked like Marsha Brady in the engagement photos! Very pretty.

betty said...

It is fun to go back and look at old pictures and see how we have worn our hair. I used to go real short, not super long, had an Afro type perm several times in my early 20s, and now settled to just straight cut across just hitting the neck level. I do like your hairstyles over the years, Debby! I got a text yesterday that my Amazon account had been suspended due to unusual activity. I laughed because I purposefully haven't bought anything off Amazon this month. I told hubby that's why they suspended it. I hadn't bought anything! I figured it was spam. It is irritating though with getting the phone calls. Can you block numbers on your landline? Then of course they can call from a different number. So frustrating!


Jodi said...

Spam phone calls are the worst. Now if a call comes in and I don't recoginze the number, I ignore it. Cute pics! Have a great Tuesday!

The Feminine Energy said...

Oh how I love "progression" pictures! And yours are absolutely wonderful, Debby. I loved your long hair but I also love it short too. You look darling with your hair either way! Times gone by...it's fun to look where we've come from. PS: I still have a landline too and always will. ~Andrea xoxo

Anne in the kitchen said...

One day I actually answered the first spam call of the morning (I usually refuse to answer if I don't recognize the number). I decided since they were intruding on my time I would intrude on theirs.
The person on the other end wanted to know if the address they were calling about was correct with the name (mine) they had. I answered that it was and before they could say anything else I launched into a monologue about cheese (the first thing that came to mind) and just like they do, I did not leave space in my talking for him to get a word it. Finally he disconnected the call.
Some people might call it petty on my part, but I called it success.
Someday when I am in the mood I might answer again and talk about hats!

The Feminine Energy said...

PS~ Believe it or not, I stopped spam calls once & for all. You know how? I'd answer the phone with "Dah?".... and when the person would start talking, with their schpeel, I'd start saying every Hungarian word my mother taught me!! When the person on the other end would say "I'm sorry, what did you say?" I'd repeat the Hungarian words. The telemarketer would then hang up. I did that for a week or two and then all the spam calls stopped. Apparently they wrote down in their file that the person associated with our phone number did not speak English. *heh* And that was the end of that! We get a spam call once in a great while but it's rare. Problem solved. :-D

Lori said...

I agree with you on #1! Spam calls drive me nuts.
I enjoyed your pictures! I should have posted some of mine. Loved your answers! Have a nice week.


Cathy said...

You look good with all those haircuts!

Mevely317 said...

Love the pixie cut, Debby!
When we left Arizona, I made an 'executive decision' to quit the landline. Tom was reluctant but hasn't made a peep since. Hard-wire or cell, we still get those spam calls; just a sign of the crazy times, I suppose.

Ann said...

The list of things that gets my blood to boiling is growing every day. Way too many things to only mention one...lol
I always wore my hair long but maybe about 10 years ago I decided to go short because it always looked stringy and horrible.

Susan said...

Hi Debby, I enjoyed all the pictures. That is great that you still have a landline. I think we need to wear our hair the way we want. James is so cute!

Joyful said...

I love your photos! Speaking of Spam calls I made the mistake of giving my number to a US based 'prayer line' years ago and have been inundated with computer generated phone calls every other day several times a day ever since. I read the 'pastor' has been sued many times by many people and yet this harassment continues. I love prayer and pray lines but this one is clearly a scam.

CheerfulMonk said...

I love those pictures of you!

annie said...

I really loved seeing your photos! I had a landline but, I am so close to the water and the water table is so high it corrodes the lines and its just impossible. Spam calls are the worst and sometimes just can cause so much trouble for people.
Thanks so much for joining in.

Carla from The River said...

I like all your hair styles.
I am getting tons of Spam as of late too. I HATE IT!!!

Kirstin said...

Spam calls drive me nuts...I liked your hair pictures. So pretty.

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