Wednesday, July 13, 2022


Thank you Joyce.
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1. Do you like the beach? How far do you have to drive to get to the nearest beach? Your least favorite thing about the beach? Last beach trip you took? 

Yes, I love the beach even though I get tired of the sand getting in everything. We are about 50 minutes from the nearest beach. 

We like going to Carlsbad Beach which is about an hour and 15 minutes. It's been several years since we have had a beach trip. Possibly going to go and stay in Carlsbad in December. 

2. Are you known for making waves or are you more of a 'go along to get along' kind of person? Explain.

I usually go along to get along unless it's Mark...LOL! It's like picking out a restaurant to eat at. I'll find something anywhere we go if there are several of us trying to decide. 

3. A favorite song that in some way references the beach? A favorite book and/or movie with a beach-y setting? 

"Summertime" by DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince. I have a lot of beach-y movies that I love but I'm drawing a blank right now.  (I just got home last night from being at Adam & Gabby's since Saturday morning and I'm exhausted) 

4.Tuesday is National Simplicity Day...what's a simple pleasure you've enjoyed this week? What's some thing you could eliminate from your life to make things simpler? 

We took James to the Irvine Park Railroad to ride on the train. It was so much fun. I will write a post about it soon. I would love to eliminate my anxiety and I'm working on that now. I will post about it at some point. 

5. What's something you love to do? Do you do it often? Why or why not? 

I have to be honest and I will post about this when I can. Other than seeing James I have been in a pretty bad funk since the Pandemic started. For now, as you already know, I've been obsessed watching Hallmark movies since the Pandemic started. 

Of course I love their movies and always will and right now it's been Christmas everyday on Hallmark but I must move forward and get back into my life. Another post to come because I am in the process of hopefully changing things. I'm thinking to myself what did I love to do????

Sorry, I don't mean to be Debby downer.....

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

My last two mammograms each had an issue. One found a spot on the right breast and one found one on my left breast. With further testing they were nothing. I have very dense breasts. 

So I have been past due for my mammogram and I finally went. I gave them all of the information that I had on each breast from the previous years. In the mail on yesterday I received the report and all is well with my breasts. It's a very good feeling and I thank God for His protection over me. 


Ann said...

I like the beach so long as it isn't crowded. The biggest one is about a half hour away and then there is a smaller one that's a little closer.
I'm the same way with not doing the things I used to love to do. I blame it on the pandemic.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so happy with the mammo report. I love to play with photos and I do it almost every day and love to read do that every single day. If I made my life any more simple I would have to be dead. the beach is 7 miles away and have not been in years. traffic and a good case of lazy is the reason. also bob not able to walk is a reason I use because of the aforementioned lazy me. I love beaches, all of it and in the past we went once a week but old age has leaped upon us.

betty said...

Yay with the good mammogram report!! Truly a relief and a blessing from God! Don't consider yourself "Debby Downer". You are trying to work on things to help yourself make changes and feel better. It is good to write them down to be able to look back and think about them and what changes you might want to make. I thought I recognized that train/park! Such a nice place to go with James! I can imagine you being exhausted after a few days at Adam's/Gabby's. Taking care of animals and young children is exhausting! I have to say I do miss the ocean at times. I hadn't really been to the beach per se in years (i.e. walking on sand or going into the ocean) but just gazing upon a sunset there; so magnificent! I have confidence in you, Debby, that you will work through some of the issues you are dealing with and find outlets of things you love to do and start doing them again!!!


Cathy said...

Oh Debbie I am so happy that all is well from you mammogram. Your weekend with James sounds wonderful. Hope you will be able to take your beach trip in December. We're hoping for one in November.

The Feminine Energy said...

I wonder why we humans think that we have to do things as we did before... and the way we're doing things now is bad. You know what I mean, my friend? What is wrong with watching Hallmark movies? If that's your life now, accept it as being *exactly* what you're supposed to be doing & where you're supposed to be at this exact time in your life. If you spark an interest in what sparked your interest "before", then so be it. You ARE into "life", dear soul. You're here, you're breathing, you're living! Your life now doesn't have to be a carbon copy of your life 3 years ago, in order to be valid or valuable. Why is "what you loved to do" more valid than "what you love to do" currently?

Just live your life, darlin', with whatever it is you "love to do" on any given day. Don't look back. Just look down at your feet & see where they are planted right this very moment...and be happy with that.

Much love to you & rejoicing with you on your wonderful mammogram results!!

~Andrea xoxo

Allstarme79 said...

Glad to hear the doc went well. I love the beach too and definitely go along so long as it is not my husband! LOL.

photowannabe said...

I do like the beach but I have the sand that gets into everything. Give me the forests and mountains for my peace of mind.
Dave and I love to travel but can be content just making an adventure out of practically nothing. I guess its because he truly is my best friend, even after 58 years of marriage.
We just keep plugging along.
Good news on your mamos. Mine are dense too and always show something that red flags things. Then I get the all clear.

Joyce said...

So glad you got a good report Debby. I just had mine last week and I have also had issues in the past, several times. I too feel anxiety prior to my appointment and then waiting to hear the all clear. I have tried to memorize two or three scriptures to repeat while I'm in the machine and even every time the appointment comes to mind before hand. It helps a lot. I am sorry you're down. I hope brighter days are here for you soon. My grands would love a train ride!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Praise God for the good report on the mammograms! That is a big relief I am sure! And I know we all have changed our habits, etc., since the pandemic. But it is time to get back into "living" again. I am hoping our kids' store moving closer to home will help us get up and do more. But I know it is difficult to make ourselves do much when we don't really feel well...but then again, we might feel better if we got up and did stuff. It's a vicious cycle. We are fighting it as well. One day at a time. Try to add something new a little at a time. That's what I'm trying to do. (((hugs)))

ellen b. said...

Hooray for a good report on your latest mammogram. That railroad fieldtrip sounds fun. When we lived in Southern California we went to Huntington Beach or Newport Beach. We camped at San Luis Obispo once. I hope you do get better bearings now that the Pandemic isn't as overwhelming as it was. Take care!

CheerfulMonk said...

What a relief about the mammogram report. I'm so happy about that.

Carla from The River said...

Hi Debby,
Hugs and hope you are feeling better soon.
I know it is hard to get back into life after COVID, which does not seem to be going away.
Good news regarding your mammogram.
Love, Carla

bp said...

I'm glad your mammogram report came back with good news. That's a relief.

I don't like the sand of the beach either.

The train ride looks fun. I'll watch for your post about it!

Have a good day.

Michelle said...

I am so glad the mammogram showed nothing. Hoping you begin to see a rainbow where the cloud is.

I enjoy reading, as you know. And, how exciting for you to be able to spend a few days seeing James. Such a cutie pie.

I hope you are able to get away in December.💕

Kirstin said...

I enjoyed your answers this week. I'm so behind on commenting. Glad your mammogram went well.

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