We finally got to see James on Friday August 19th and on Saturday the 20th! The last time we had seen him was on July 22nd. Then Covid arrived on the 27th.
We brought him back these zoo animals from the North 40 store in Great Falls. Last time we brought him farm animals. He loves them and I played YouTube video for him of the sounds they make. I found this fencing on Amazon. It is so darn cute. Looks perfect for a safari park.
On his little table in his bedroom.
Yes, I have talked about this before but he is just loving his puzzles. He worked on some when we visited with them last weekend.
Speaking of last weekend Adam called us up to see if we wanted to pick up James at daycare on Friday. We would be surprising him and he was very surprised to see us. If you read my Tuesday 4 that week it was about going out to eat.
I had no clue about going out to eat when I answered those questions. When Adam called about going out he said "Do you guys want to go to Francoli Gourmet?" Yes please! Also, I did have the lasagna.
We actually went out to celebrate a new job that Gabby has gotten which she was personally called from the company because they knew of her and wanted her. Lots of congratulations from her current job too, they are very excited for her and said she couldn't pass down this offer.
This photo isn't great but you can see James eating!
Then we went back on Saturday evening to babysit James because they had a dinner party invite. James was a lot of fun. We had a great evening with him.
A cute thing happened when they left. They were going to get a Uber and I suggested Mark drive them there since it was nearby and they could take an Uber home. So they are leaving and Mark went to get into his car then Adam and Gabby followed.
James started crying so hard because Papa was leaving. Honestly I haven't seen him cry tears like this. I said he'd be back in 5 minutes. That's usually the time frame we use on things he gets upset about. Anyway he and I were out on the porch blowing bubble and he calmed down.
So Mark came back and James was thrilled of course. Mark said to me that Gabby was laughing about the fact that he didn't care that they were leaving, he wanted Papa to stay. James really has a thing for Mark and it is so darn sweet to watch.
These are both from North 40 also and they had a 50% off sale going on. Mark loves this store and another store because he buys ammo at them. Can't buy much here in California and the prices are ridiculous. That's one of the reason we drive to Montana. He loves going to the shooting range but sadly it's been way to hot to go lately.
Wind spinner.....
Love my rooster!
I believe I mentioned in my Wednesday Hodgepodge post that I sent some puzzle to James and I also had one sent here for the next time we visit with him. Well this is the picture Adam sent when his puzzles arrived.
Hope you are enjoying your weekend!
I'm so happy you finally got to see James again. It sounds like you had a fun couple days.
Congratulations to Gabby on her new job.
Hi Debby! James looks like one happy little boy with his puzzles! Glad you got to spend some time with him. Have a great day!
Aww sweet James!!! Doesn’t it feel so wonderful to feel so loved?? Congrats to Gabby on her new job.
today's post is all good news, a new job for Gabby, babysitting, eating out, new yard art, all good news. James has such a precious smile. my brother loved animals like this, horses and cowboys and indians and soldiers. all these mold toys. that is all he wanted as a child
I know you missed your grandson. I love the pictures of him playing with his animals and working at his puzzles. You are very lucky to live close enough to see him regularly! (even though covid did put a damper on visiting for a while)
Feeling a little grandmother envy here.
That is a great smile of James with the puzzle! So glad you got to spend all the time you did with James last weekend, Debby! Too cute about him being sad when Mark left. They do get attached, don't they? I like the rooster, very cute decoration! I hear you about ammo and California. We've bought ammo here in the past and met hubby's brother in El Centro to give it to him since it is sometimes hard to find in California. Glad you got to go and eat to enjoy your lasagna!
When you write about James you sound so darn happy. I think that is wonderful. He sure does seem smart!!! He's adorable too. Loved the safari set - Andy would have loved that when he was little. Congrats to Gabby! Andy had a thing for his grandpa too and still does - they are really buddies.
Delightful in every way Debby.
I'm so glad you could be back together.
You have certainly made memories for James and for you.
Love the attachment between James and his Papa.
Family...that's what it's all about.
I assume you are talking about Francoli in Old Town Orange? They do have good food. My husband and I like to go there and shop. We like the Mexican food place that is on the next block. It once was a church. They do have outside seating, and we enjoyed it during the Covid shutdown. James is just so cute!
I'm so happy you can visit again, and that things are going so well with your family. There's nothing that can compare with it.
Congrats to Gabby on being sought out by that company! If you don't mind me asking, what sort of work does she do? I'm so glad y'all were able to spend some quality time with James, and in turn, share his cute face with the rest of us! These are the good times you waited for so long!
James is such a cutie! Glad y’all could get in a visit!
There he is..... Sweet Baby James!!!! He couldn't be more precious if he tried! That smile, that haircut, just so stinkin' darling!!!!!! I'm happy you got your James fix, dear friend. You "sound better" in this blog entry and I'm so glad. Congratulations to Gabby & her new job too. That company was smart to contact her! ~Andrea xoxo
Handsome youngest man! Sorry that COVID has hit. Hoping all are well and going to heal fast and easy.
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