Saturday, March 18, 2023


So a deal was made with James back several months ago. He has been going pee on the toilet for a while now but he was actually pretty terrified to go poops on the toilet. So the deal was that when he poops on the toilet he can take the train from the town of Orange, CA to Riverside, CA. 

He finally did it and last Saturday he and Adam took the train to Riverside and Mark and I picked them up at the station. He was thrilled. He even packed his backpack with things to take on the train like his train whistle and some snacks. It was so cute. He was so excited. He loves trains and this was about a 40 minute ride. We were so proud of him. 

Gabby drove over a little later so they would have a ride home. We had a nice afternoon and evening with them. It was a great day. Thankfully the clouds moved away and the sun came out so he could have a view along the way. They only thing he didn't get to see were the mountains full of snow. They still had clouds covering them. He also had the pleasure of two regular trains riding along side of them along the way. 

Then before they went home he took a bath in our big tub again with the jets and bubbles. This is a picture from the time before. 


MadSnapper said...

now that is a true adventure! I love riding trains, he would love the one here, a 30 minute ride to nowhere, with different themes at different times. I have ridden it four times myself. top it off with the big tub fun and I am betting he fell asleep before they got home..

Ann said...

Way to go James!! He's a big boy now :)
How fun to get to ride the train too.

Mevely317 said...

What a great incentive. Congratulations to James!

Martha Jane Orlando said...

More proof that tangible rewards work for kids. Good for James! My son, when he was about that age, loved trains, too, and we would often take a ride on our rapid transit line just for the fun of it.
Blessings, Debby!

Carla from The River said...

High Fives to James. What a great reward and wise parenting!!!

How is your weather?
We are cold and blustery, we did not get the snow they had in the forecast, it ended up to be an all day rain.


photowannabe said...

What a fabulous incentive..Kudos for finding the perfect reward. James is one special boy to have Grandparents like you.
I love trains too and would love to get on one and just "GO" someplace.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh I am so glad he had success. I remember Andy was terrified too. It is not easy to potty train.
So he got what he was promised and had a great time.
Hope you feel better.

Susan said...

Congratulations to James! I would like to take the train to San Clemente one day. There is a train station in Corona. I took it to Angel Stadium once and it was fun! I also went to Colorado back in the 1960's.

CheerfulMonk said...

What a great idea!

Cindy said...

What a fun reward for such a big accomplishment!

Cathy said...

Great job James! It sounds like you had a really good train ride. Debby I'm so glad you all had a great time together!

Joyce said...

Oh gosh, these little boys and the challenge of making that happen : ). They get it eventually thank heavens lol. I bet he loved the ride! Sounds like fun!

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