Wednesday, May 24, 2023


Thank you Joyce.
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1. May 24th is National Brother's Day. Do you have a brother? Older or younger? Did you raise brothers? Tell us something about your brother or tell us something about your own children who are brothers.

I had one brother who passed away in July 2021. He was older than me. 

I did not raise brothers. 

My brother was all about the arts. He was a very talented artist, he could play the organ, he was in plays and he became a director of plays. He lived in Milwaukee, WI. He was gay and I was very proud of him. 

Raymond Steven Vlcek

2. A great book you've read or movie you enjoy that features brothers?

Do you mean real life brothers? I'm going with "Rain Man" as a movie about brothers. However if it is real life brothers than you could go with the Marx Brothers, Ben and Casey Affleck, and Jeff  and Beau Bridges movies. 

3. Something you think is overrated? Something you think is underrated? 

I just can't come up with an answer. 

4. How much does your past shape you? What parts have shaped you the most? 

I can't come up with an answer here either

(With Mark's appointment today I am feeling overwhelmed at this time.)

5. What's your favorite simple pleasure? 

I enjoy a piece of dark chocolate See's candy with PB inside. Watching Hallmark movies in one of my simple pleasures and pizza night with a movie is also one. 

6. Insert your own random thought here.  

James brought Papa a get well balloon!


Ann said...

I had one brother, older. He passed away almost 10 years ago.
What a sweet balloon that James gave to Mark.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Praying all goes well for your husband's appointment, etc. I know you are both anxious for him to feel better soon. The balloon ought to help! That was sweet. Your brother sounds like he was a very gifted and talented person. I know you miss him. I miss my oldest brother too, who passed away in 2019. I still have another older brother, and he's pretty special too. Thinking of you today. God bless you and give you peace of mind.

MadSnapper said...

wishing you the best of luck with the appt today and I hope they can get the surgery done quickly. prayers for surgery and quick recovery time.. I have one brother, 4 years younger, I did help some with raising him, but only a little. Daddy had 4 brothers and my sons are brothers to each other but don't speak to each other these days.

Cathy said...

I love that picture with Mark and James! Praying that all will go well with the appointment and also asking for peace of mind for both of you.

Chatty Crone said...

We have another thing in common - I lost my brother - I remember when you did.
The balloon is so cute.
I am keeping hubs in my prayers!

Martha Jane Orlando said...

I have a younger brother, and I raised one son - both are gifts! The balloon James gifted Mark with is precious, just like he is.
Praying that all goes well!

Mevely317 said...

Losing Raymond, so soon after your father must still leave an ache in your heart. But how wonderful God sent precious James to help mend the hurt. Praying for good news from today's appointment!

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Yeah I have one brother 16yrs younger then me, he is so much like our dad having him and a sister 15yrs younger I helped a lot with them when they were little.

Life is full of overrated things and people

The past shapes all of our lives but how I can't say because I don't know

My life is full of simple pleasures.

Kym said...

Your brother sounds like a lovely person. :-) I forgot about Rain Man as a movie about brothers! I loved that movie, so funny and so poignant too. Praying all goes well at the appointment.

Joyce said...

I do hope all went well today Debby. I'm sure it's a trying time and I hope you have some of that dark chocolate to help take the edge off. I love See's too. Rain Man was a good answer. I just went with the first thing that popped into my head, which for some reason was Seven Brides for Seven Brothers lol. Hang in there!

CheerfulMonk said...

I love that picture with the ballon. Good luck with the doctors. ❤️

ellen b. said...

Oh, sweet James, hope all goes well with your hubby's treatment and healing. Hoping things even out and are more peaceful for you, soon.

Susan said...

Hi Debby Sorry you lost your brother. Sounds like he was very special to you. I also read that something happened to Mark's knee. I hope it all works out for him. Praying for you too, I am sure it is hard for you. James is so cute!

Kirstin said...

I'm sorry you lost your brother. It sounds like you two had a special relationship. I enjoyed your other answers.

Carla from The River said...

I was just thinking about your brother the other day, I remember your trip to Milwaukee and placing his ashes in Lake Michigan.
Sending hugs as you remember him during this Hodgepodge.

James makes me smile... I love the balloon. :-)

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