Where to begin. Mark had gotten a call from the doctor's office on Tuesday June 6th to stop taking his blood thinner and that surgery would be on Friday. Then the surgery almost didn't happen. The week before Mark was given paperwork for the cardiologist to fax back to them. We went right over to her office to take care of that.
Of course she wasn't in the office that day but they got Mark in to see her the next day. She actually dictated her response right in front of Mark. Sadly the office staff never did anything about it. So it wasn't until Friday morning before surgery that the paperwork came through. Mark was so upset that he said he is never going back to her again, yet she is an excellent doctor. We both like her so much. Since then he has changed his mind.
So the surgery did happen. They actually took him earlier than he was scheduled. They told me that the doctor would come out after surgery and talk to me and 20 minutes later they would come to get me. Well the doctor did come out and talk to me but no one ever came to get me. The desk clerk was gone for the day so I had no way to contact anyone. Now keep in mind that during this hour over the loud speaker they had an emergency call for the out patient section that he was in. You know what that does to your head.
Finally over an hour later a nurse came to see me. She said that his pain was extreme and they can't seem to get it to a comfortable place. Mark didn't want me to see him this way. So she did finally come and get me to take me back to him. His pain was better but not where they wanted it to be. Remember this was out patient surgery. Well as it turned out he spent the night in the hospital and I went to get him the next morning. He eventually got released and we went home.
On Sunday evening I noticed blood on his pajama bottoms. There was some blood coming out from the bandaging. I thought we should head to the ER but he didn't want to go. Granted, blood can look like more when it soaks into something. Adam told us to try the doctor's office because sometimes they have a nurse that you can reach to talk to. It worked and he got to talk to the doctor from the office who was on duty Sunday night.
He said sometimes there is oozing and he should come into the office the next morning. There was a staple that had drops of blood coming from it and they believe that his blood thinner probably made it worse than it was. They put butterfly bandages over the staple and did all the other bandaging on top of that and then wrapped the leg again. So he's back off the blood thinner. Then followup again on Wednesday.
Now keep in mind that the drive is close to an hour each way and that I had driven this 6 times out of eight days. The followup appointment went well on Wednesday. Thankfully the next appointment is for this Wednesday which was a week away at the time. Then he will see the doctor the following Monday.
So what we found out on Wednesday is that it will be 3 to 4 months before he can drive. Each week he will come in and the doctor will adjust the knee to bend slightly more each week. The chance of a tear again is possible. He said this is one of the most severe things that can happen to a knee and that it could be a year before he feels like himself again.
So he missed his trip to Canada. He would have been home today. We won't be able to make the trip to visit Amber and Dylan this month which I mentioned before or make the trip in August. Also it looks as though there is no way we can babysit James for 4 days out of Adam and Gabby's 8 day trip to Mexico for their Anniversary. Mark won't be driving by then and he really couldn't handle the big dogs being around his leg either. Not sure what their plans are at this time.
Of course my life has gotten very busy and I'm thankful right now that my lungs are letting me be able to do all the extra work. Hard part for Mark is being totally inactive. Can only sit with his leg up on the sofa or in bed and go to the restroom. We have worked out a plan for showering but it is a lot of work for me. However the hardest part is that he can't be out doing the things he would do in the yard for close to 3 hours a day. What will the yard be like 4 months from now??? We don't have any information yet on when physical therapy will start.
Thank you for your continued prayers.
On a lighter note, James said to Adam "I know what will make Papa feel better....me!
Wow, this turned into quite the story. so sorry for the long term healing. I am thinking the extra work you do will help your lungs, think Excercise. I do know how it is to take up the slack of what hubby does, and it is NOT easy! prayers and good luck for you to figure out how to deal with his part of taking care of home. I have never known anyone that had to do the office once a week to bend the knee, but it makes sense.. no wonder it takes so long to heal. Being inactive will make Mark a BEAR I am thinking because bob would be one if he could not go outside..
Oh, Debby! What an ordeal for both of you! I am so sorry you are both going through so much, but thankful that there is light at the end of the tunnel. My thoughts and prayers are with you as you are the caregiver. We know that most men are not really great patients, especially when there is so much going on that they are having to miss out on. May God give you strength, and also may He heal your lungs in the process. Even when it seems like everything is so crazy, we have to remember that God is in control, and He will carry you through. It's just going to be a long process. Take care my friend. Write when you can, and know that we are all out here praying and cheering you on as you go...
Oh goodness! What an ordeal! I hope he has a speedy recovery.
There doesn't seem to be words to convey my feelings! OHVEY. This was really a bad trip! It is awful how life can change in a moments time. A lot of work for you. Canceling of plans. I tell you. Well I am glad it is behind you and he can start to heal. James will make him feel better. Prayers and hugs.
Oh my, I am so sorry that you two have to go through this. Those first weeks are truly a bear.. 2 years ago we went through a similar thing with Dave and his leg. Praying for patience on both of your parts and double strength.
Sorry about all the canceled trips too. That's a bummer.
Sweet James will help though. I hope you can at least "Face-time" with him.
Thanks for the update Debby. I will keep you both in prayer. James is so cute and it shows how much he loves you!
Oh my goodness, what an unpleasant ordeal. Speaking from experience, I know being a care giver's not much fun. Does he have buddies who can come keep him company and give you a break now and then?
Please keep us in the loop as you've time. I'll continue praying!
That precocious James! I do think his presence would cheer Mark up.
I'm so sorry for the ordeal you are facing right now, Debby. Yes, I will continue to pray for Mark and you, my friend.
Quite a story and thanks for the update
I’m so sorry for you both! ❤️😕❤️💕
Thanks for the update. That's sounds like quite the ordeal you both had. How sweet is James, I love what he said.
While you are busy taking care of Mark during his recovery, be sure to take care of yourself too. I'll be thinking of both of you and sending prayers.
I am catching up on reading blogs and oh my goodness what a time you and Mark have had. I'm so sorry for both of you. I will be keeping you both in my prayers. ((hugs))
Still praying for you both. And I imagine that James is right...seeing him would make him feel better. All in good time though!
I am praying for you all. Thank you for giving us the full update.
And be sure you take care of you... while taking care of Mark.
Love You!
Oh goodness Debby. What a lot you are going through and I have you in my prayers. I'm sorry for all the disappointments too. We know they aren't the most important thing, but still it's hard to miss out on plans made and looked forward to. Can Amber come to yoU? Life has thrown you a curve ball for sure, keep looking up. I'd love to send you a card...if you're comfortable message me your address.
Oh my goodness! I had to go back and read several posts to find out all that is going on. I am so sorry that y'all are going through such a difficult time.
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