Wednesday, August 2, 2023


Thank you Joyce.
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1. Hello August. What's one thing you're looking forward to this month? 

Well right now we have been with James since Monday which is awesome. Adam and Gabby return home tomorrow. 

I have 5 doctor's appointments in August which I can't say I am looking forward to. 

Also, Mark now has to go to physical therapy 3 times a week for the next 8 weeks so August is not giving me much to look forwards to except for Mark getting stronger and hopefully being able to drive soon. 

So I'll go with Mark getting back to himself. That is something to look forward to. 

2. What are you doing to beat the heat right now? If you live in the southern hemisphere are you enjoying cooler temps or counting the days until summer? 

Staying inside with the air conditioner on. 

3. How do you see the world? 

Right now I see our world and especially our country as a big mess. It worries me greatly. 

4. What food product do you think is better store bought than home made? How about something you refuse to buy because it is so much better homemade? 

I really can't think of anything right now but I am going to go with potato salad. I don't make it and I love the mustard style in the store. However, I seldom buy it. It isn't something we eat regularly. Something else would be a rotisserie chicken from Costco. 

I wouldn't buy a roasted turkey at Thanksgiving because homemade is the best. 

5. Are you easy to get along with? 

Yes, I believe I am easy to get along with but I am sure that Mark wouldn't agree with that fact. 

6.  Insert your own random thought here. 


MadSnapper said...

I agree with you, home cooked turkey is better, bought turkeys are dry and tasteless. I have nothing to look forward to until mid November when a little cooler air will come and we can stop watching/waiting to see if a hurricane looms. July was the hottest July on record for us and also the 2nd dryest, last year was the dryest.

MadSnapper said...

Bob says I am the hardest person ever to get along with. I think it depends on who you ask. I certainly am not the easiet to get along with, in the middle I think

Mevely317 said...

Before posting I checked our August calendar, hoping to see something fun. Nope, just more doctors' appointments.
I don't think Tom is up to making a turkey anymore, which is fine with me, b/c I don't really care for it -- except the cold smoked variety I can eat on brown bread with lots of mayo.

Carla from The River said...

Hi Debby,
Good luck with all the doctor appointments. Continuing to pray for your health, Mark's healing and yes, for our country!!
Give James a hug from me. ;-)

Cathy said...

Definitely praying for America is really needed!

photowannabe said...

I guess the first thing I am looking forward to in Aug. is getting new glasses. Mine are in such horrible condition.
Staying in the AC house is my usual thing, but eating juicy watermelon helps a lot too.
Our world is in so much pain. Lots of desperate people.
I agree that Costco rotisserie chicken is terrific. Agree on the turkey too. I much rather do it the leftovers the best too.
I do think I am easy to get along with. Sometimes I do have to be careful since I can be "people-pleaser" too much and I am an unhappy person.


Joyce said...

My husband could probably expand on my answer to the 'easy to get along' with question lol. Keep that forward motion going! I've had three medical appointments in the past two weeks and two involved driving a ways. It's good to get those things checked off your list though, that will feel good.

Ann said...

Oh yes, store bought rotisserie chickens. Love those.
I think as far as whether or not I'm easy to get along with would depend on who the other person is.

Lisa said...

How could I have forgotten Costco's chicken?? Oh my goodness - they are the best. I enjoyed your answers today!

Debby said...

About 20 years ago, we were living in our 34-foot motorhome at Thanksgiving and I bought a turkey from Safeway with all the fixings. I did not like it. It was edible but missed my turkey. The next year I did my turkey in the motorhome oven and it was delicious. So yeah, I'll never do that again.

My son started physical therapy today and he too, will be going 3 times a week.

Heres to Mark's recovery and to my sons recovery. This too shall pass! Enjoyed your answers.

Chatty Crone said...

That is a heck of a lot of doctor visits - hopefully soon they will die down a bit.
I am so glad you are having a wonderful time with James. ♥
I agree stay inside with the a/c. We haven't gotten to the really hot days here yet.
I like to order out. Probably not too good for you - but it sure is nice.
I agree we have made a mess of things and I worry too. I know God will prevail.
Take care. sandie

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Our country most certainly needs lots of prayers, Debby! I do hope all the PT will help Mark to improve by leaps and bounds.

CheerfulMonk said...

Best wishes on Mark's recovery and your appointments. I love that saying on your sidebar, "Expect nothing. appreciate everything." Yeah!

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

August has only 4 family birthdays in it so nothing much happens in it.

No heat as it is winter but not that cold either if it is cold we turn the heater on and wear warmer clothes.

The world is a good place but there are idiots in it from many countries.

Junk food is better store bought and potato bake is better homemade.

I think I am easy to get along with.

Bless God for the love of friends so true, as akin to his

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I am glad you are enjoying your time with James. I am certain he is enjoying being with you! And I am sure you are easy to get along with. I think the older we get, the less we get along with our mates because we get crankier the older we get. LOL. At least that's my excuse and story. Also being hard of hearing does make for some interesting conversations... Oh I agree that home roasted turkey is the best, but I really am not a huge turkey fan. Too much fuss and mess. However, if I have to eat turkey, then let it me roasted at home! LOL. I rarely have ordered it in a restaurant, unless it was a special with dressing and gravy that I couldn't resist. I hope your August is good. I know Dr. appts. get old. We have a lot of them coming up too. Again...getting older...that's to be expected I guess. Take care and I pray Mark is getting better and maybe you will both feel much better!

Kym said...

Mark's getting better is a great thing to look forward to, and I'm praying it happens quickly! I totally agree about homemade roast turkey being so much better than storebought!

Susan said...

Hi Debby, looks like you and I are getting our fair share of doctors' visits. I go to Kaiser. I was at the Riverside office on Wednesday, but my home office is in Corona. Maybe when Mark is all better, we can meet up! Enjoy your weekend!

Sue said...

Like you I don't like dr's visits especially when they are so many. Prayers for you both that you will get great reports and that Mark will have a speedy recovery.
I join you in praying for our country.
Thank you for visiting and for your sweet comment.

Kirstin said...

Oh boy, that's a lot of doctors appointments. Hopefully they go well.

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