2. Cat nap-copycat-scaredy cat-curiosity killed the cat-cat got your tongue-like herding cats...which cat phrase applies to your life in some way currently? Explain.
I'm going to say scaredy cat for now. Praying that the steroid shot I got on Monday starts to help clear my lungs. I will also so I'm worried about the future of Mark's knee. At our age things don't go back to 100% although he is making great progress.
3. What's your favorite or most- often-made one pot meal?
I'm trying to think about one pot meals that I have made. All I can come up with is chili in the crockpot but I don't make it very often anymore.
WAIT: We have a meal that we make in the oven in two foil pans. It is onions, colored bell pepper and Italian sausage. We mix the items with olive oil, S&P and place the sausages on top. This is the recipe we use but we don't use squash.
4. What do you wish you'd placed in a time capsule fifteen years ago?
I can't think of anything at this time but I will say that I am happy to have printed photos from the past including some really old family photos from before I was born. I don't think the kids today are doing much of that.
I have to say that my Amber is into that. She has an entire long hallway wall filled with all the old photo all in lovely frames.
5. Your favorite hour of the day? Tell us why.
I have to say that I love the mornings. Ever since the pandemic started I would have coffee and watch a recorded Hallmark movie. I'm still doing that.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
While we were watching James, the dogs, Roxy and Gracie were staying elsewhere. That made our stay better at this current time with Mark's knee and my lung issues. Since Mark fell those days we watched James he was going to stay at the sitter for those nights.
Then Mark decided that he felt well enough to watch him and so we did. The main difference was me driving James to daycare then Mark doing it. So Roxy came home on Wednesday afternoon and Gracie came home on Thursday afternoon. Adam and Gabby landed at 3:30 on Thursday.
James is in love with Roxy which was their first dog. He calls her Mama Brown and this is him kissing her goodnight on the evening she was back at home.
boys do love their dogs, of course girls do to.. glad you could help with the boy sitting. scardy cat is my middle name, has been since birth. love the hallway, looks beautiful. Hall of fame for your family. the frames are lovely.
I'm so glad you had time with your sweet grands! I hope you and Mark are feeling better and stronger. The wall of old photos is so cool!
I do love dogs - not much of a cat person myself.
Gosh Debby I am so sorry that you are STILL having lung issues.
Yes getting old is hard!
I am not a fraidy cat. I might be curiosity killed the cat person. lol
I made a copy of your recipe - looks delish.
James loves his dog!
I love Amber's hallway. This is something I have been thinking of doing on our stair way. LOVE IT!!
Love the last photo too... oh James, you melt my heart.
A boy and his dog...so sweet. My grandsons would love to have a dog but they have two more moves before they settle somewhere so their momma has said they need to wait. I used to have a photo wall. We don't have as many walls in this house so hanging anything is a little challenging. Have a great day! Hope that shot is kicking in!
Aww, how sweet is that, a boy and his dog.
I love the look of all those frames pictures on that wall. They all look so perfectly hung too. I'm horrible at trying to hang pictures on a wall.
I love both cats and dogs, but we have neither now. It really makes going on trips much less complicated! James and his dog - priceless!
Blessings, Debby!
I'm a big fan of early mornings, too. Truth be told, I've been a 'scardy cat' all my life; I'm trying to overcome that, but Life keeps getting in the way, ya know?
Amber's gallery wall is beautiful. I've several pieces of art photography in barnwood frames just like that!
James and his pup are adorable. My mom did pictures in the hall like your Amber.
I guess "herding cats" is my definition..Too many things needing to get done at the same time and trying to do them all.
I don't have cats and have never cared too much for them..sorry all you cat lovers..(:0)
I love beef stew and pot roast in the crock pot.. simmers all day long and makes the house smell divine. Only one pot to clean too.
Printed photos are so important to me. I want the permanent quality. Also printing my blog books every year is a wonderful way to keep up with memories.
Hope you get some relief from your shot and that Mark continues to heal.
I hope the shot helps your lungs. Much love and many prayers. ❤️
Beautiful blog
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