Wednesday, November 29, 2023


Thank you Joyce.
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1. Does anybody really know what day it is? Last week we skipped the Hodgepodge and I just assumed this week would find us in December, but nope. Still November. Do you wear a watch? Use a paper calendar or strictly electronic? What's your favorite hour of the day? Why? 

When you are retired it is easy not to know what day it is. I can't go without my calendar and setting alarms on my phone for appointments. 

Yes I wear a watch and I actually just got a new one. The same one I had before but it stopped running. I don't wear it around the house but I never go out without a watch. 

I just got my two Suzy Zoo calendars in the mail for 2024. One on the wall and one in my purse and like I mentioned I do set reminders on my phone for appointments 

Right now I am liking 3 pm. We watch a recorded news show and I have a glass of wine. 

2. Tell us something about how you celebrated the Thanksgiving holiday. 

The last several years we have been going to Adam and Gabby's house. They host Thanksgiving with us and her family. I brought two dishes and we had a wonderful time talking and eating a fabulous dinner. Sadly we didn't take any pictures. 

3. What's a sound you hate to hear? 

I have to go with hearing James cry or anyone for that matter. I guess I could say the sound of an ambulance or fire truck too. 

4. Where do you not mind waiting? 

I'm having trouble coming up with an answer. I can be pretty patient at times. 

5. I really wish_I could get my health in order and stop worrying about things all the time.

6. Insert your own random thought here

We are heading to Adam and Gabby's after I get home from bowling this afternoon. We will be watching their dogs, Roxy and Gracie while they go on a short Disney Cruise in San Diego with Gabby's sister and her family. 

I have to mention that I have been working on Christmas decorations and not loving it this year. I have too much stuff and it's time to get rid of half the things I own. I only put out less than half the things I own and I still have the tree to do when we get home. 

I am however taking all my Christmas cards to work on at their house while I am there and also the out of town gifts which are mainly cards with checks in them for our families. I will mail things out hopefully around the 11th in padded 3 day envelopes from the post office with a few things like a Christmas dish towel for everyone. There will also be a box for Amber and Dylan's house. 


MadSnapper said...

My watch quit in 2020 and i did not replace it. once i asked the cashier at WM why there were no clocks and not even one on the self checkout screen. she said no need for a clock, everyone has their cell phone. I said, well I don't carry my cell phone and my watch quit. how hard could it be for walmart to hang a clock on their wall. the reason i did not get a watch is i never go anywhere but shopping and i don't need one. i have four silver rings that i wore if i went out of the house. took them off in 2020 and then when i went to the funeral a few months back tried to wear them and from weight loss they fall off my hands, now i don't even have a wedding ring. no watch no rings. hummmm

Ann said...

I currently wear a fitness tracker witch is also a watch. I have a paper calendar that I use to keep track of all my bills. I'll also jot down other things i might need to remember. Can't say I really have a favorite hour of the day.

Joyce said...

It's okay to do less. To only add those things that truly bring joy and don't add stress to your holidays. It is so hard to focus on that. The world is so loud and we impose guilt on ourselves for not doing it all, but I don't think we're meant to do it all. Relax, enjoy your family, especially James who is at a fun age for Christma. If there's a box of decorations you no longer want I'm sure they could be dropped off somewhere for someone to use. That might feel good to you. Take care Debby xo

Rajani Rehana said...
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Allstarme79 said...

Every year I say I am going to send Xmas cards and I never manage it. This year though, I may display all the ones I get.

Cathy said...

I'm purging my Christmas decorations this year. I've got things I haven't used in years. I thought the girls may like some of the things, but they are doing their own thing, which is as it should be. Have a great time watching the grand dogs.

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

When we moved to Texas 3 years ago, I did a major purge of all my Christmas stuff. Thankfully, my DIL and two granddaughters were there to help and took whatever they wanted. I was still left with things I thought my Dallas family might want but they are yet to come see what's here. Since we aren't ever home for most of the Christmas season, I don't decorate my house and it is so freeing during this otherwise busy time. The best part is there is no undoing and putting away when we get back home. You may want think about doing what makes you happy and not put pressure on yourself. Enjoy your James!

Susan said...

I still decorate as much as I can. I do have to give away things that I have not used. Enjoy your time housesitting!

Carla from The River said...

Hi Debby, you are ahead of me with your Christmas cards. We ordered them on Monday. I will write or Christmas letter this weekend. :-)

Mevely317 said...

I can't recall the last time I wore a watch ... isn't that sad? It sounds to me like you're really organized; that's a good idea about cutting back on decorating. I mean, if you find yourself missing it, you can always change things, right?

I wish I could stop worrying, too.

Chatty Crone said...

I wear a watch when I go out too - I can't imagine not having one.
I would hate to hear James cry too.
I wish you were feeling better for sure.
Very nice you get to go to the kids for Thanksgiving!
Have fun working on Christmas with the dogs! lol

Debby said...

I'm wanting a more minimally decorated house this year for Christmas. Less is more and I just get confused if my house is cluttered.

CheerfulMonk said...

I usually know what day of the week it is but don't wear a watch. Our local supermarket stopped having clocks years ago, and once when I had to ask a woman she got out her cell phone to tell me.

Please take it easy so the holiday season can be joyous instead of stressful. ❤️

Kirstin said...

Suzy Zoo are so cute! I decided I didn't need to decorate everything this year. I'm sure when I put things away and reorganize, I'll re-think some things.

bp said...

Hello, I didn't do the Hodgepodge this week but thought I'd stop in and say hello.
I like a paper calendar too.
Hearing sirens now feels different now that Caleb is a volunteer fire fighter and EMT.
HOpe you are productive on your cards. I need to work on ours.

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