Wednesday, March 6, 2024


Thank you Joyce. 
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1. Has March come in like a lion where you live? If not a lion then what animal would you use to describe the weather in your area this first week of March? Does the weather affect your emotions? When did you last feel 'under the weather'? 

I would have to say it came in like a lion because we have had a lot of rain. 

I do believe I am happier when the sun is out. 

With all the medical things I have going on I would say that I feel under the weather. I will try to do an update from my post on February 24th about "What's Going On Here!"

2. Do you know what your name means? Does the meaning of your name fit with your personality? Do you like your name? If you have children did you consider the meaning of their names before choosing them? 

No but I'm going to look it up.....Deborah means "BEE" she was a prophetess in the Old Testament Book of Judges. In the United States, the name was most popular from 1950 to 1970, when it was among the 20 most popular names for girls.

So I was born in 1951 so I guess that's why my parents used it for me. Yes, I have always liked my name. 

No, I don't remember looking up my children's names but I do plan on doing that. 

3. It's National Sauce Month...what's your favorite sauce? Last thing you ate that used a sauce? 

I do like Muir Glen Organic Classic marinara pasta sauce. Actually we had a delicious appetizer when we went out for Gabby's birthday dinner. See #4....

4. Something you've seen, tasted, done lately that you'd describe as 'awesome sauce'? 

When we were out to dinner on Sunday, celebrating Gabby's 40th Birthday, which was on Valentine's day we had an amazing appetizer. It was some huge meatballs with sauce and cheese that was absolutely delicious. Here it is the with the description:

Because Adam had a birthday party for Gabby we didn't get to do the normal thing which is going out to a nice dinner to celebrate. It was at a place called North in Irvine, CA and it was the most amazing experience. I can't wait to go back. 

5. What kinds of things do you love to collect? 

I'm not doing much collecting anymore but I'm going to say Hallmark Ornaments. I still have at least 1,000+ ornaments which I have to go through.

I also collected Willow Tree Angels. I still have some but did downsize them towards the end of last year. 

6. Insert your own random thought here.  

James at dinner on Saturday night.
He loves his buttered pasta. 

James, Adam and Mark played T-Ball for awhile which James is really enjoying. He currently is playing on a soccer team on Saturday mornings and we watched him 2 weekends ago. Then after they finished they came inside and Adam, James and I played 3 games of Candyland. 

Enjoy the rest of your week.
God Bless You


Martha Jane Orlando said...

Seeing James always brings a smile to my heart.
Blessings, Debby!

Joyce said...

Those meatballs looks so good! And James looks like he's really enjoying his pasta too! I think we all reach a point as we get older where we are more ready to let go of things we've been collecting, or at least pare it down. I'm working on going through my attic since it's currently not too hot and not too cold up there. Hope you're feeling good and have a nice day Debby!

Carla from The River said...

Hi Debby, thank you for sharing James with us. :-)
I hope your are feeling well today. By the way, has Mark healed 100%?

Susan said...

James is growing up so fast now! I am like you with the Hallmark and Willow Tree. I would like to add some Willow Tree to my collection. That place in Irvine sounds good. I went to UCI back in the 70's when Irvine was still a small city.

Chatty Crone said...

You do have quite a Hallmark Collection there - I wonder if the company would be interested in buying it from you?
James is such a doll - whatever photo he is in.
Those meatballs looked so good.
I hope you are feeling better!
Love, sandie

Ann said...

I can't get over how big James has gotten. He's growing up so fast but still cute as a button

Mary said...

James is such a cutie-pie! I just want to scoop him up! :D

Cathy said...

James is such a cutie and it seems he's always smiling!

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Just dropped by to hve a read, due to computer/internet issues I missed the last couple of days. I am now wondering what my name merans I will have to check that out

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

James is getting so tall. He brightens the page when you post his picture.

Kirstin said...

I enjoyed your answers. It seems that many of us aren't really collecting things. your hallmark ornaments reminded me that my mom used to collect them and gave many to my girls when they were little. I have several of hers. My daughter has the Willow Tree manger.

ellen b. said...

I'm late this week. That appetizer really does sound delicious. Such cute photos of James! I was born in '51, also. Happy Saturday to you.

Billie Jo said...

Hello! Those meatballs look amazing!!!! I love meatballs and sauce. Sometimes, if I have a couple left over, I chop them up, put them over fresh Italian bread with a ton of sauce and parmesan cheese, and call it a sauce sandwich! Have a cozy weekend!

photowannabe said...

Gosh, James is such a cutie pie. I think your visits with him really "charge" your batteries.

I hope your medical issues will get better and you can get on with life.
May your weekend be peaceful and enjoyable.

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