2. On a scale of 1-10 how much of a planner are you?
I'll go with a 5 but I'm not very good at following through on anything.
3. Do you have a menu plan for the week? If so tell us one or two things that are on it. If not, what's your plan for not having a plan lol?
No we never have a menu plan unless we are having company. We talk about it the night before so I can take some meat out of the freezer if needed. Pizza is often a plan when we have no plan at all.
4. The Hodgepodge lands on National Bucket List Day. Do you have a bucket list? Is it written down or just in your head? What is one thing on your bucket list? If you don't have a list, what is one thing you'd add to a list if you did? Yes I'm going to make you think about it.
No I don't have a bucket list. I started a list once but never followed through. As always, it is the same old thing you have heard me say for years, declutter the house!
5. Rain buckets, a drop in the bucket, couldn't carry a tune in a bucket, sweat buckets, cry buckets...which 'bucket' idiom applies to your life in some way currently?
I'm not sure how to answer this one. I am dealing with several issues right not that need to be dealt with but can't be dealt with until other things fall into place. Maybe cry buckets because it's so frustrating.
sorry about your cancled plans, I am a 9 on planner,I tend to overplan any and all things. the thing is, I never make plans to have them canceled, which is crazy when i say I am a 9 at planning. that was back when we did have plans to cancel
no bucket list at all ever, but I could cry a bucket right now if it would not make my eyes hurt all day
We're about the same on all! love your #6!
Pizza is my favorite fall back option : ) I hope you're able to resolve some issues, that things fall into place as needed, and you can feel some relief instead of frustration. Take care! I'm glad you got to spend time with James.
I love that last saying. That is so true and something I need to remember. Life will never be perfect. Thanks for this reminder.
Pizza is a go-to for us when there's no plan either. We have no meal plan for this coming Friday but since we had pizza twice last weekend, I am thinking, no thanks!
So glad you got to see James anyway.. I'm sure that was a boost to your day.
I can't think of the last time but it was probably a bit of both disappointment and relief.
Think I am about a #6 on planning. I like to have a general plan and a to do list but its a bit on the loose side..haha..
No menu plan for the week. Generally I have an idea, especially if I have to have something thawed or company's coming..
Used to have a bucket list but not so much any longer. I would love to see the Northern Lights..not going to happen..
I would like to go on one more cruise..not going to happen
I would love to travel to Africa again but that's not going to happen either..age...finances...and the world situation..boo
Back when my kids were growing up, I used to make a weekly menu. It made it easier to shop and they didn't ask me all the time what was for dinner, they just looked at the fridge where it was posted.
Love your random thought.
Like you, the only menu planning happens when we're expecting company. "No rules, just right!"
The way my year's going, I'm going to change my Bucket List to read, "Possibilities List."
I hate to admit it but I am probably a 9 on being a planner. But the good thing is that plans can be changed and I can easily accept it. Not always true - but since I have aged.
We try to plan a little menu for the week too.
I'll plan if I have no choice; like a big vacation. Probably the one reason I don't like to travel is I hate all the pre-planning etc. IT just takes up so much of my time when I could be doing something fun.
I think I am burned out from planning and stuff - back in the day, I was a organized robot and I was no fun at all. I didn't have any room for spontaneity. Now, it's much different. Every day is a new adventure.
Pizza is our fall back too. ;-)
Sending a hug Debby,
When meal plans fail due to time constraints, pizza is our go-to. And things we plan out rarely come to fruition. Let's put God in charge!
Blessings, Debby!
Glad things worked out well despite the cancelled plans. I do hope, too , that all the pieces will come together with all the issues you are dealing with.
I do not ever have to plan anything but dinner. Planning ad nauseam is TheHub's super power. So much so that by the time we actually get somewhere I am sick of hearing about it, much less doing it. We are going to St. Barth's this summer and he is already perusing restaurant menus to decide what he is going to order wherever we go, and does not understand why I am not joining in.
Plus, much to his chagrin I do not know who will be here for Christmas brunch, or what I will be serving (Yes he has already asked me about those plans)
I love your Number 6 too! ❤️
That last saying is a good one! I used to let perfectionism get in the way for a long time. Much better now! Glad you still got to be with James!
We really need to declutter also, but almost all the clutter is at our house in Maryland and it's SO hard to work on those projects when we're there for a visit, because I want to spend the time with the family and see some friends. :sigh: I love that last saying you shared, a very important life lesson!
Good answers to these bucket list questions.
Bucket list for me? Oh yes. Mostly travel. And I should put declutter the house on mine too.
Good answers! I actually love to meal plan and pre-prep but life lately hasn't allowed me to do so.
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