Wednesday, July 3, 2024


Thank you Joyce.
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1. It's a big week in the US of A as we celebrate Independence Day. Do you have any special plans? How will you mark the day? BBQ? pool-lake-beach time? fireworks? homemade ice cream? If you're not an American you can tell us what's happening in your corner of the world on Thursday. 

Actually, Adam, Gabby and James are coming over to watch the fireworks we see from our backyard. We will be doing hamburgers, hot dogs and potato salad, along with a few other things. They will be spending the night. 

Also, when they were on their cruise we facetimed with them and James requested Fruit Loops, chocolate milk, bacon and donuts. 

Update: Gabby and James tested positive for Covid last night. They will not be coming over. We were exposed to them on Saturday evening but just for a very short time. I wish them well. 

2. What's your favorite 'All-American' dessert? 

Well, I love pumpkin pie, but I will say for an All-American dessert I would go with apple pie with ice cream. 

3. Does that patriotic feeling come easily to you, or are you having to work for it more these days? What's something that makes you proud to be a citizen of your country?  

I would say I probably have to work on it a little harder these days. What makes me proud is our Military and their service to our country. 

4. Your favorite 'patriotic' movie? Favorite patriotic song? 

I'm not sure but I do love "Saving Private Ryan."

5. One simple pleasure on your July 'bucket list'? 

Just one? I have two! Around the 14th we are going to be watching James and the dogs while Adam and Gabby go to a wine vineyard. 

My second one is at the end of July when we are heading to Montana and going to the fair in Great Falls and going to the Rodeo. The best part of course is spending time with Amber, Dylan and their dog Finley. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Some photos from Adam, Gabby and James' cruise from Orlando to St. Thomas, St. Croix, San Juan, Puerto Rico and CocoCay in the Bahamas which is a private island for the Royal's cruise line. 

The view from their room. 
At the beach in St. Thomas.
Adam and James. 
Checking out the view.
James with his cousins and the waiters 
who waited on them during the cruise. 
James waiting in the lounge for their next flight home. 


Sparky said...

Wonderful photos. Happy 4th! 💙

Joyce said...

So sorry about the Covid timing. I know so many people who go on cruises who come home with Covid. Ugh. Hope they feel better soon and you and your hubs stay well. I'm glad you have some fun things to look forward to in July. Have a nice day!

Sandi said...

"I would say I probably have to work on it a little harder these days."


Debby said...

What a bummer about the Covid. Great photos of James on his cruise. He looks like his dad. I sure hope your short exposure doesn’t materialize into Covid.
You do have some fun things to look forward to. God bless you, Debby

Martha Jane Orlando said...

The photos are fantastic, Debby. Looks like a memorable time was had by all. Sorry to hear about the covid mess; we have missed so many celebrations with family because of that stupid virus. Hope everyone gets better soon.
Happy Independence Day!

Mevely317 said...

Well, phooey on that Covid spoiling your cook-out! Prayers that Gabby and James each recover quickly.
I'm so glad the cruise was a hit. I'm giggling at the thought of James' Fruit Loops floating in chocolate milk.
This heat is so wearing. I was trying to think of someplace in the US I could go to cool off, and Montana immediately came to mind. Enjoy!

Susan said...

Hi Debby, sorry to hear that your family got Covid. I heard it was on the upswing again because it keeps mutating. I loved all the pictures of the cruise. We are going in January. We are exposed to so many things all the time. Hubby got it at Disneyland 2 years ago. I got it when I went to a crafting camp. I am glad you have your trip to Montana. Stay cool and Happy 4th!

MadSnapper said...

sorry your fireworks viewing was cancelled by that dang covid monster. hope they are better soon. sounds like you have a lot of good plans for the coming weeks, enjoy. nice pics of the cruise. i love James menu request. I like all of his choices.. my favorite patriotic movie is The Patriot, with Mel Gibson. i even have a couple of post about that movie, i think it is in the top 3 of most times watched movies. Lethal Weapon and Crocodile Dundee, the first of each we have watched about 5 times over the years. Have as happy a 4th as you can tomorrow without your boy

Ann said...

Sorry to hear that Adam and Gabby have covid. Hope they're feeling better soon. Looks like they had a fun time on their cruise.
No picnic or anything here. I have to work but only in the morning. Then it'll be home to chill and do nothing.

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm sorry tomorrow was canceled, but otherwise it sounds like it's going to be a good month. Fingers crossed! ❤️

bp said...

Pretty pictures of their cruise. I'm sorry they have tested positive for Covid.
I thought of apple pie also for a dessert.

Chatty Crone said...

Apple or cherry pie for the 4th - but mine is pecan! lol
The photos were so cute.
Love you are going back to see Amber.
Do you think they got Covid on the cruise ship? I am so sorry.

ellen b. said...

Well the rest of July sounds like fun times for you. Sorry about Covid messing up your plans for the 4th. Hope they get better soon.

photowannabe said...

Oh I hope you will stay well and so sorry for the family getting sick. What wonderful photos of their trip though.
So sorry you won't be celebrating the 4th with them.
We are laying low too. Temps will be 108 - 110F today. Home in front of the fan works well for me...(:0)

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Covid still sucks as having any kind of sickness a little more so when one is sick around special dates during the year. Hope your 4th was not too bad

Kirstin said...

So sorry they are under the weather. My hubby and I are in Canada right now for a long weekend and he came down with a head cold the morning we left...we've been mostly relaxing..hoping he feels better soon.

Someone else commented something that was all american and I thought "of course" and now I can't remember who or what it was.

Mary said...

They timed the cruise just right, didn't they?
I can't imagine sitting in your backyard and watching the fireworks! What a view!!!
Your July sounds busy...have a good one!

Carla from The River said...

Hi Debby, sending hugs for your family. How are you feeling?
Did you enjoy the fireworks with Mark?
Ernie as not enjoyed the neighborhood fireworks... I sort of do not like that people let them off in their backyards... because many are too big for our local village. The booms shake the house. And of course scare Ernie and our cat Penelope. They make me jump too... because I am not ready for a big bang.

Romance Reader said...

Amazing photos. I'm glad you had a great 4th!

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